After using the investigators' operations, Murphy removed the British Ministry of Magic from the International Confederation of Wizards.

From now on, international wizards will no longer have the legitimacy to enforce the law against Murphy across borders.

From now on, any wizard from other countries who wants to deal with him, Murphy, can be guided by him to provoke the British Ministry of Magic.

This move also eliminated the possibility of Dumbledore using his status as "President of the International Confederation of Wizards" to do anything.

Anyway, there is nothing to lose by withdrawing from the group - after all, for wizards, international affairs are about the same as the Quidditch World Cup, which really doesn't matter to Murphy.

The wizarding world has solved a problem. On the other side, in the Muggle society, another fishing plan of Murphy is also unfolding.

A banquet was being held in a private villa outside London.

The banquet brought together celebrities from all walks of life, but compared to the bustling hall, the teahouse on the other side of the villa was much quieter.

There are only six people here, but each of them is worth more than everyone in the banquet hall combined.

The seventh chair in the room was empty, and none of the gentlemen spoke. They were either smoking, drinking tea, or closing their eyes in silence.

After a while, the door was pushed open.

A familiar face walked in, everyone stood up and shook hands with each other.

"Michael," an old man sighed, "we shouldn't meet. If people outside see us, it will cause a lot of trouble."

"But I have to come here personally." Michael Hurd, the current British Prime Minister, said.

"What are you going to do?" asked another.

"They were fooled at Major's hearing last time. It's not easy to get them to show their tail this time," someone said.

"I don't know why Major went crazy, how could he offend the Americans for the umbrella? Didn't he originally like to be pro-American?"

"It doesn't matter, I will let Congress pass an antitrust bill and investigate the umbrella," Michael half-reclined on the sofa, "They can't run away this time."

"How can you be sure that your bill will pass? Will the Labor Party not oppose it?" someone asked, "Many people from the lower classes are supporters of the umbrella."

"If you ask me to say this company is simply unreasonable!" someone said excitedly, "They may be really good at technology research and development, but they are just a piece of shit when it comes to sales!"

"The white medicine that can save lives during surgery only costs a few pounds!"

"Anti-cancer medicine, three thousand pounds apiece!"

"It's fucking crazy! Sometimes I suspect they are Red Party members! What kind of egalitarianism are they doing!"

When this was mentioned, several other people nodded, "Has anyone tried the anti-aging potion they recently launched?"

"They are all elderly volunteers found from nursing homes and randomly selected. However, I bribed a few experimenters, and the results are really good. Umbrella does have a good set of technology research and development."

"It is said that they are planning to divide it into several grades. The cheapest grade only costs 5,000 pounds."

"That's outdated news," Michael said. "In fact, they are applying for a national strategy to set prices based on personal income. According to them, the price of life is different for different people, and naturally they should not sell the same price. The price. In other words, everyone, you will pay thousands or tens of thousands times more than those poor people to buy the same thing."

"Absurd!" someone shouted.

"Now it can be confirmed that Morpheus must be a member of the Red Party!"

"There is no way such a ridiculous application will be approved!"

"Of course it's impossible, but once they publish this application, they may get support from many people." Michael said.

"Just destroy them before then," another person said.

"It seems that we have reached an agreement. Now, let's discuss the specific plan."

The meeting ended about more than an hour later, but less than ten minutes later, the recording of their conversation was placed on Murphy's desk.

Even though he seems to be protected by the Virgin Mary, Michael Hurd will not be affected by mental magic, but he does not have the ability to detect magic around him at any time.

This gives Murphy space to track and locate through the Lightning Crow, discover this secret gathering, and find an opportunity to put in something like a goblin gold coin, easily.

Even if he couldn't get the real secret meeting information, he could still concoct one.

The tactics used to destroy those pharmaceutical companies can still be used now, but it is better to have real evidence than false ones.

"Are these things going to be exposed now?" Boris stood next to Murphy and listened to the recordings. "We have acquired Sky Broadcasting and London Weekend through several shell companies. With this information, it is enough to make them stink. , so that they can no longer take action against the umbrella.”

"There's no rush," Murphy said. "It's not the time yet. Attack now. There's no explosive point, and people won't have empathy. You have to make them feel uncomfortable first."

A month later, the British House of Commons passed the New Antitrust Bill.

At the same time, the antitrust investigation against the umbrella company was officially launched.

At first, Umbrella tried to resist the investigation on the pretext that it would affect normal operations, but after MI5 intervened, most of Umbrella's business activities were forced to stop.

In order to cooperate with various safety re-examinations, various drugs produced by Umbrella Company have also been removed from shelves for recall and sales have been suspended.

Umbrella companies are also fighting back desperately, but their self-defense pales in comparison to the strong pressure of national power.

One subsidiary after another was forced to hand over various financial and business information for review. Although the core laboratories of the protective umbrella passed strict confidentiality agreement policies and early response measures in the early stage, they still did not get fatal clues, but In everyone's opinion, its fall was already a matter of time.

It's spring again, and the Umbrella review is finally in its final stages.

The inquiry submitted a proposal to parliament recommending that the umbrella company be split into seven companies and overseen by a department set up by parliament.

At this moment, due to the suspension of operations of the umbrella company, global white medicine and anti-cancer drugs have been suspended for five or six months.

The time is ripe.

"Please, doctor." A black man grabbed the attending physician's arm, "My sister is still a child. If she loses her legs, her life will be ruined. Please, give her a restorative surgery. "

"I'm sorry, I can understand your feelings," the attending doctor, a white woman, sighed, "Your sister's condition is very sympathetic, but the injury is too serious. She has been bleeding, and her blood vessels and nerves have been extensively damaged. , there is no way to repair least, it is gone now, and only amputation can save her life."

"Isn't there some white medicine? My uncle also suffered an accident. His injuries were also serious, but nothing happened..."

"Sorry, the white medicine is no longer available now. The hospital ran out of white medicine more than two months ago." The doctor sighed, "We even collected low-concentration white medicine used in pharmacies to treat bruises and used it as a replacement. I have been using it cautiously, but I ran out of it a month ago.”

"Maybe there are still on the black market, but the price has been sky-high..." The doctor looked at him, "It takes a lot of money to get enough for surgery..."

"Why?" the black man didn't understand. "Weren't they everywhere in pharmacies in the past?"

"I also want to know why," the doctor sighed. "Maybe we should ask our government what they want to do."

"The spokesperson of the Congress said in an interview with reporters that the split plan for the umbrella company will be reviewed by parliament at the end of this month, but the split process of the umbrella company may continue until September next year..."

"Bang!" A bottle hit the bar next to the TV.

"Fuck Congress! Fuck capitalists!" A man suddenly yelled and was pulled out by security guards.

"I heard that his mother died of cancer yesterday. The doctor said that if there are protective anti-cancer drugs, it is very possible to survive."

"Oh, I heard that a bottle of white medicine spray has been sold for thousands of pounds, and it is still unavailable." Someone sighed, "I should have saved more at that time."

"Who says otherwise? Today's white medicine is worth more than gold!"

But at this moment, the host on the TV received a press release, "Now a news break, oh my God, insiders broke the news that Prime Minister Michael Hurd secretly authorized the umbrella split plan, and his family business will receive A business segment worth tens of billions of pounds.”

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