Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 320 Visitors from Nurmengard

The recording of "The Prime Minister plotted to annex the Umbrella" shocked the entire European and American world when it was released.

British Prime Minister intends to embezzle umbrella assets?

The identities of the speakers in the recording were quickly revealed by the media.

With the exception of Prime Minister Michael Hurd, the rest are Britain's leading super-rich.

And the content of their conversation deeply hurt the British people.

"Inferior people" and "poor people".

This is what the capitalists call the vast number of British leeks.

And they even thought that Umbrella's various potions were bought too cheaply, and "they were just a piece of shit in terms of sales."

It is conceivable what kind of future awaits the British leeks once they finish carving up the umbrella.

People are extremely angry. Countless people who have missed the best treatment due to the ban on drug sales, have lost their loved ones and lost their health, have taken to the streets to angrily denounce the cold-bloodedness of the Prime Minister and capitalists.

Although Prime Minister Michael Hurd desperately defended that it was not his voice, technical experts soon verified the authenticity of the recording, and at the same time, countless British government practitioners and insiders of the Umbrella incident came forward. The revelations used countless facts to prove the authenticity of the recording.

Michael and several wealthy people have been very covert, but if they want to dismember and annex such a huge enterprise, it is impossible to do it in a flawless manner. His greedy attempt to swallow the elephant with the snake will leave countless traces.

Although under the influence of the Madonna statue, many religious officials helped cover it up, it was ultimately to no avail.

The incident continued to ferment, and then someone revealed a strategic document from the CIA on targeting umbrella companies.

Among them is the use of political pressure to destroy the credibility of the umbrella company, and then join forces with British allies to divide the umbrella, and reduce the cost of acquiring the umbrella through asset appraisals that continuously devalue its value, so as to spend the least money to eliminate this competitive and threatening company. Transform the company into its own industry, or completely destroy it and de-threat it.

Its methods include but are not limited to: political pressure, arrest of umbrella executives, extreme sanctions, business penetration, capital traps, etc.

The insidious and vicious intentions and the vicious and shameless methods amazed the British leeks.

Coincidentally, these measures can be found in the recent actions of the British government.

Public opinion was once again in an uproar. Why is it that our British government treats our beautiful country like our father and obeys our orders, but is so mean to our own people? Do you want to force those poor people to death?

What's the point?

Was the British government elected by the British or the Americans?

"I work ten hours a day, seven days a week, and they only pay me £5 an hour, but I'm very grateful to my boss. He at least keeps me fed."

A low-level worker said in an interview on Sky Broadcasting's news program.

"But I can't afford meat or buy new clothes. My parents can only live on relief funds. We don't dare to get sick or go to the hospital. Umbrella's white medicine is the only medicine I can afford because it works. I don’t need to spend a lot of money to cure myself.”

"Those rich people, they can buy the whole of London, but they still want to take money from us and take away the only medicine we can afford. I don't understand why the world has become like this."

"I only know that they don't treat me as a human being. Our Prime Minister treats us as animals or vermin. He thinks that we poor devils should die quietly after being squeezed out of the last bit of oil and water!"

Contrary to the white-washed appearance, the gap between rich and poor in the UK has always ranked first in Europe.

Since 1978, the British Gini Index has been rising rapidly, even faster than the United States on the other side of the ocean. The United Kingdom is one of the developed countries with the largest gap between rich and poor in the world.

And this umbrella incident nakedly demonstrated the plunder and exploitation of the lower class civilians by the rich at the top.

It is said that to everyone who has, more will be given, so that he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.

The British people are angry. Even the clay figures are angry. Even if I am a leek, you can't cut it so obviously!

Under the huge pressure of public opinion, Parliament had to suspend the investigation of the umbrella.

At the same time, Parliament once again initiated a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister.

This time, during the voting process for the selection of the new prime minister, a backbench member of the Conservative Party - "Patrick Duncan" suddenly announced his resignation from the Conservative Party and established a new party before entering the final round of voting: " People's Livelihood Party".

It aims to improve social welfare, distribute fairly, and reduce the gap between rich and poor, trying to find a path different from the extreme left of the Labor Party and the neoliberalism of the Conservative Party.

Patrick experienced a surge in popularity at this time due to his status as the former vice president of Umbrella, his efforts to safeguard Umbrella's interests during congressional investigations into Umbrella, and his denunciation of U.S. interventionist policies.

He left the Conservative Party and directly took away those members of the party who were dissatisfied with the Conservative Party's increasingly oriented towards the beautiful country, about 40 people. At the same time, he also attracted some members of the Labor Party who adhered to neutrality, and also attracted the Liberal Democratic Party and the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party and other small parties immediately became the third largest party in the UK, almost rivaling the Labor Party.

However, the People's Livelihood Party has just been established and needs time to develop.

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is once again a Conservative MP, Slit Larson.

As soon as the new prime minister took office, he tried his best to distance himself from the beautiful country and tried to transfer the internal conflicts to the outside. He was once extremely tough on the diplomacy towards the beautiful country. Not only did he immediately abolish all the laws and regulations against the protective umbrella, he also The implementation of reciprocal countermeasures against the restrictive measures of the United States and European countries on the umbrella has finally put a stop to some of the evil trends of the international community against the umbrella.

More than a month later, the umbrella company resumed normal operations and launched the "anti-aging elixir" to the world.

The original move by the Ministry of Magic of various countries to put pressure on the Muggle society to crack down on the umbrella suddenly encountered strong resistance from the Muggle society. The Muggle society seemed unwilling to cooperate with the wizards.

So, the wizards had no choice but to give up. After all, they couldn't use the Imperius Curse to control the Muggle Prime Minister and force them to obey, right?

On the one hand, the British Ministry of Magic broke away from the International Federation of Wizards, and on the other hand, it was difficult to put pressure on Muggle societies in various countries. At this point, Dumbledore's efforts to suppress Murphy through the Wizards Federation failed.


Between the mountains, a dark tower stands majestically.

An old man with white hair suddenly appeared on the mountain road not far away.

He glanced at the tall tower, hesitated, but finally walked over.

Along a long-broken stone staircase, he came to a door. He glanced at the line of text on the door, paused for a while, and was about to push the door open.

Suddenly, the door opened.

A thin house elf looked at him through the crack in the door.

"Albus, Mr. Dumbledore?"

"It's me, you are... Dalonte?"

"Dalonte is my father, sir. He died five years ago. I am Damut."

Has even the house elf sent to take care of him died of old age?

After all, fifty years have passed.

"Why are you here, Dummy?" Dumbledore asked.

"Two years ago, the master said that you would come today and asked me to wait for you here." The house elf said, "I will wait here at this time every day. Please come with me, Mr. Dumbledore, the master also I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

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