Pawbaike Island is crumbling.

Muggle tourists can only see the thunderstorms all over the sky from a distance, but in the area that they cannot notice, hurricanes and thunder plow the earth into ravines several meters deep, and raging flames surge and roll, tearing the earth apart. Roasted to scorched earth.

In the crackling electric light, small crow antennas are constantly emitting death rays, and they will soon be washed away by the tornado formed by the sea water.

Stone walls shaped by spells and blown up by spells stood in the middle of the warring parties. Countless magics intertwined in the air, flashes and electric fires shone, and the explosions were deafening.

It was obviously just a battle between four people, but it seemed like a war had broken out.

The battle had begun for more than ten minutes. The shaman's magic limited the effect of ordinary spells in this environment, weakening the power of Dumbledore and Grindelwald. However, Dumbledore's fighting method did not require too much Supported by magic power, he can use transformation to turn the ground into stone walls and stone shields, and can also turn them into swords and spears, and even turn them into whips that can entangle enemies, cages that can surround enemies, etc.

The sea water is also ever-changing in his hands. It can be used to scatter the crow's antenna, block Murphy's attack, and shield Murphy's thunder and Grindelwald's fierce fire.

Compared to Dumbledore, who preferred defense and auxiliary fighting methods, Grindelwald was much more direct. He played the Fire Curse to perfection, forcing Murphy's crow antenna to turn into lightning and flee. At the same time, he seemed to He was always able to predict Murphy's attack direction at critical moments, thus avoiding several near-death crises for himself and Dumbledore.

But even so, their magic power consumption was already close to the limit. If it weren't for the tacit cooperation between the two, they would have been hated on the spot.

Murphy is not feeling well here either.

His configuration was originally designed to kill Dumbledore two on one, but now with the addition of Grindelwald, the strength gap between the two sides has been smoothed out. He originally thought that he could rely on the powerful physical strength and lightning speed after transformation. Launch a physical attack and kill two people by surprise.

He was indeed just a hair away from grabbing Dumbledore's neck, and once directly launched several feathers, piercing Grindelwald's shoulders.

But that’s about it.

Maxim Great Shaman is not good at fighting. He only provides field control buffs away from the battlefield, suppresses the opponent's magic ability, and throws out a few elemental spirits from time to time to assist in the battle.

The head-on battle is basically one-on-one with Murphy. Even in the transformed state and with the support of the Great Shaman, his individual combat power at this moment is better than anyone on the opposite side, but it is difficult to kill with the cooperation of the other side.

Dumbledore can control various elements almost at will. Murphy's speed is so fast that it is impossible for the human eye to react, but the water flow, rocks and other objects around Dumbledore still actively defend themselves as if they have self-awareness. .

And Grindelwald's weird precognitive ability made Murphy's feint attacks ineffective. With the two of them joining forces, Murphy could only maintain a saturated attack throughout the entire process, although he kept suppressing the two. , but for a while it was difficult to cause effective damage again.

Moreover, as the transformation time extended, his physical discomfort was increasing exponentially.

He now began to feel that his physical condition seemed to be not just a physiological phenomenon, but a curse.

A curse that balances its power and vitality - as Nicoléme said, life and magic cannot have both.

If he continued to drag it on, even if the magic power of the two of them could be exhausted, he would still be seriously ill.

Just when he was about to go all out, once again draining the computing power of the "batteries" through the psychic network, performing brain-burning calculations, and increasing the attack frequency of the crow's antenna several times more.

Suddenly, there was an unusual fluctuation in his consciousness.

A voice seemed to come intermittently from a very far away place.

The other party's words couldn't be heard clearly, and they seemed to be blocked by something, but Murphy was able to distinguish some information in an instant. The fluctuation seemed to come from a few crows he left in Alkaim.

It was at this moment that he suddenly discovered that all the crows he had left in Su Country had lost contact at some point.

In the fierce battle just now, he couldn't notice such details at all, but now he suddenly felt a little uneasy.

what happened?

The holy wall should not isolate the spiritual network.

While he was wondering, a roar from the great shaman Maxim suddenly came from the air, "The ancestors' tombs!"

He descended on the giant eagle, causing Murphy to suspend the attack.

"Murphy! Alkaim is under attack! This is a trap! I must go back!"

Murphy was stunned, and the figure of the priest who appeared in Nurmengard immediately flashed through his mind.

The Holy Mother did not appear here. Did she attack Alkaim?

Taking advantage of the fact that he borrowed the power of the Holy Wall?

But why?

Is it just to prevent him from using the Soviet wizards to carry out the national laboratory project?

If so, it would be easier to just blow up the Soviet government.

Alkaim may be the city with the most wizards in the world, and it can almost be regarded as the largest force on the magic side. Unless wizards from all over the world unite, Murphy really can't imagine that it may be captured.

To attack such a place, the strength that Our Lady needs to mobilize is unimaginable. And if it had such power, wouldn't it be the end of the world if it came to kill him directly?

Why are you still doing this trick in a roundabout way?

No, maybe the Holy Mother's action was not directed at herself at all.

After all, Murphy has no idea what the purpose of the Holy Mother is and why it is against him. In fact, he doesn't even know what it is or whether it is a thing.

But now is not the time to dwell on this. He glanced at Dumbledore and Grindelwald, who were quite embarrassed, and sighed. It seemed that there was no chance to kill them this time.

"let's go."

In the next moment, the transparent canopy was put away and returned to Maxim's hands. It was an urn-shaped thing.

Immediately afterwards, the two people suddenly disappeared from the island.

Grindelwald breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like he was surviving a disaster.

Then he frowned again. His left shoulder was penetrated by several lightning feathers. Fortunately, the lightning burned the flesh around the wound, so he didn't bleed much.

"Use this." Dumbledore handed over a bottle of potion, and Grindelwald took it and took a look, "Cloud White Potion? This is not..."

"Yes, it's made by Murphy. It's a medical version. It has a very high concentration and is more effective than ordinary white essence." Dumbledore said, with a complicated look on his face. "When the French Ministry of Magic investigated the local umbrella company, I kept these and gave me a few bottles.”

Grindelwald raised his eyebrows and poured the potion on the wound. After a while, feeling returned to his left arm.

Dumbledore looked at the devastated ground. Old Harry Rock had completely collapsed. In fact, the entire coastline in this area had retreated tens of meters. The chalk strata of the large cliffs were shattered by the terrible magic and fell into the The sea water.

Grindelwald also sighed, "It seems that it would be difficult for the two of us to kill him. In fact, he almost killed us. The wizard said it was a trap, so he left. What do you think happened? Something, Albus?"

Dumbledore pondered for a while, "We were used, Gellert."

"We are a bait, but now I don't know who the other party is really going to deal with?"

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