Queen Sophia sits on the throne.

The city was in chaos, but Sophia had calmed down. Everyone could be at a loss at this moment, but she couldn't. She had to convey clear orders so that she could point a direction to others.

"Mrs. Yaga, I need to know the location of the royal guard and the situation of the ancestors' tombs."

After such a serious commotion, the Royal Guards should have appeared at her side immediately, but at this moment they were still missing, which was unusual.

"But if I leave here, no one can protect you." Yagafu said.

"I believe it won't take too long for you to confirm such a simple information, and...I am not a useless vase." The Queen said, pulling out a wand from behind.

Mrs. Yaga hesitated for a moment, then said to several waiters in the hall: "Go, get your wand, and no one is allowed to step into the audience hall before I come back."

After saying that, she left, turned into a wisp of breeze, quickly left the palace and ran to a nearby military camp.

The Royal Guards are stationed here, and their mission is to protect the emperor, so the military camp is only a hundred feet away from the Palace of Spring.

However, just after taking a few steps, she noticed a trace of white mist rising in the air. She took a breath and keenly realized that something was wrong, "This mist is poisonous... No, it's not poison, it's magic... It seems... Is it a coma spell?"

She frowned and came to the military camp, and sure enough she found that the guards stationed here had fallen asleep.

She waved her wand, "All curses end!"

The guards woke up from their drowsiness. After briefly understanding the situation, Mrs. Yaga discovered that they had all been tricked quietly. By the time someone noticed something was wrong, it was already too late. The twelve guards stationed here The team was all unconscious.

Mrs. Yaga lifted the magic for them, "Summon the guardian spirit, isolate the influence of the fog, and return to the Queen!"

And she herself raised her hand to summon a broom, rode on it and flew into the air. She wanted to see what was going on with the fog.

When her vision lifted, she saw a thin layer of white mist covering the area near the top of Alkaim, including the royal palace and the sacred grove where the ancestors were buried. The mist was flowing downwards along the mountains, seeming to cover the entire city.

However, there are wizards everywhere in the city, and there are many people who see that something is wrong with the fog. The light of spells is shining everywhere, and they are resisting the invasion of the fog.

Mrs. Yaga looked around and realized that the fog was not naturally formed and must have a source.

Soon, she saw the source.

A pillar of white mist was on the hillside near the palace, pouring magical mist downwards continuously.

She immediately flew to the side of the air pillar, and saw seven priests in black robes lying on the ground, lifeless. They all looked haggard, as if the blood, moisture and even souls in their bodies had been drained.

But in the middle of them, at the top of the air column, was a huge oil painting.

The painting outlines a lake with rippling blue waves among the jungle. You can also see the castle and the people playing on the lawn by the lake in the distance.

There was a light mist on the lake.

At this moment, the huge oil painting floats downward in mid-air, but the mist on the lake penetrates the canvas, forming a white mist that falls down.

The fog that covered almost the entire mountaintop area actually came from a painting.

Mrs. Yaga frowned, she didn't understand the principle behind this magic.

But even if she didn't know what this painting was about, there was still a solution. She raised her wand and said, "All curses are over!"

The spell hit the oil painting, and the latter twisted for a while. During the shaking, the sound of rushing water came from it, and then with a "bang!", the canvas exploded, and a large amount of water splashed out. Mrs. Yaga He reacted quickly and immediately cast a spell to drain the water.

But even so, where the water splashed, her spell seemed to have been ablated, leaving many holes.

On the ground, the flowers and plants splashed by the water turned into a transparent color. Even half of the body of one of the priests in black became translucent. The next moment it was illuminated by the sun, it seemed like stars had evaporated. It dissipated bit by bit, leaving only a broken body with part of it wiped out of thin air.

Mrs. Yaga was shocked, what kind of water is this?

But this was not the time to get into the details. She turned the wand upside down, stabbed it into the ground like a sword, and once again released All Curses.

The huge magic power spreads out, expanding its range like a wall of light, and the mist is constantly being dissolved by her magic power.

Mrs. Yaga's magic power is huge, but even she can eliminate the fog within a few hundred meters. Just when she was about to change a place and release Ten Thousand Curses Again, a figure appeared not far from her. , also pierced the wand into the ground, and the wall of light that was the end of all spells quickly connected with her spell.

When she looked up, it was Sophia, and she was accompanied by more than a dozen royal guards. When they saw the Queen's actions, they all followed her.

After a while, the connected elimination spells spread wider and wider, and combined with the spells of other wizards in the city, they continued to expand and resonate with each other. Finally, after reaching a threshold, they suddenly burst out, turning the fog. Sweep away.

Mrs. Yaga breathed a sigh of relief. She came to the Queen's side and said: "Your Majesty, the danger has not been eliminated yet. You should go back to the palace first. There are countless powerful guardian magics in the Palace of Spring. You will be much safer there."

Sophia did not insist, "Over there at the ancestor's tomb..."

"I'll go over right now." Yagafu said. With the protection of the Royal Guards, the Queen's safety is guaranteed. Now that the only great shaman has been taken away by Murphy, she must confirm the situation of her ancestors' tombs. , "You should contact Murphy Darkholm, only the Holy Wall can ensure the safety of this city."

"Okay." Sophia nodded, "You must pay attention to safety."

Back at the palace, two more escort teams came together. Sophia breathed a sigh of relief. She kept two of them with her, while the other team was sent out to gather the people.

The attack on Alkaim was so sudden that the wizards in the city were caught off guard without any preparation.

But there are tens of thousands of wizards in this city, and once they are gathered together, she is confident to deal with any attack.

At the same time, she also began to contact Murphy, who left several lightning crows here before he left. She knew that she could contact the other party through these crows.

However, there seems to be some problem with the connection between the crows and Murphy. No matter how anxiously she urges, the crows are still walking around leisurely, showing no sign of passing the news to their master.

Sophia frowned. Something blocked the connection between Crow and Murphy.

But what exactly?

Even across the holy wall, Murphy can still talk to himself through the crow. The level of power to block this connection must be extremely high...

She was thinking and suddenly thought of something. She called a maid, "Hannah, the statue of the Virgin that Granny Yaga used to study before was later asked to be burned by you. Did you burn it?"

"Your Majesty, are you talking about the one behind you?" the maid asked.

"What?" Sophia was stunned, turned around, but only saw a mirror.

However, the next moment, in the mirror, she saw a woman with downcast eyebrows standing behind her.

"Destroying icons is a blasphemy against the Virgin." Hannah's voice suddenly became loving and soft, but its content made the Queen shudder. "Descendant of Miriam, daughter of the broken oath, you have been hiding for a thousand years. , now, it’s time for judgment.”

The next moment, a dark dagger suddenly stabbed the Queen's heart from behind.

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