Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 328 Please, Lord Protector Shaman

The cold murderous intention made all the blood in Sophia's body freeze.

Almost subconsciously, she reached out and held the black feather brooch on her chest.

The next moment, overflowing electric light illuminated the entire palace, and then thunder exploded. The maid named Hannah was hit by a wrist-thick lightning. Her whole body was blown away several meters, and a big hole was burned in her chest. .

But she still smiled.

"The mission...has been completed...Sofia Petrovna has been cleared...completed..."

With a "clang" sound, a silver dagger fell to the ground, but the jet black color that was originally diffused on it still condensed into the shadow of a dagger, which penetrated into the deep wound on the queen's back.

"Murphy..." Sophia only had time to call out before her body fell softly.

Murphy stepped forward to support her body and held the wound on her back with his hand. However, the strange thing was that the wound was obviously not small, but only a very small amount of blood flowed out.

"Your Majesty!" The Great Shaman Maxim and Murphy appeared at the same time, but he only reacted at this moment. He hurried forward and shouted to the guards in the hall, "There are assassins, escort us!"

The guards were all in a panic. In their eyes, the Queen just summoned a maid, why did she suddenly become like this?

Just now, some kind of force prevented them from seeing more information. They didn't even notice the assassination of Sophia by the maid. It wasn't until Murphy and the great shaman Maxim suddenly appeared through Black Feather's lightning transmission that they were caught by the thunderbolt. Awakened by the shaking.

The opponent's power level is so much higher than theirs that it can even achieve the same effect as a wizard using a banishing spell to block Muggle perception.

"Murphy," the queen's blue eyes were losing focus. She was still trying hard to see Murphy's face clearly. She stretched out a hand and lightly touched the latter's cheek, "protect... them... for me... Okay?"

Murphy held her hand, "Don't say stupid things, I won't let you die."

A smile appeared on the corner of the Queen's mouth, "If..."

Before she could finish her words, she passed out.

Murphy frowned, raised the latter's hand, and kissed it lightly.

In an instant, the petrifying venom turned the queen to stone.

"This can delay the deterioration of her body," Murphy said, looking at the great shaman Maxim, "You go and prop up the holy wall, find Mrs. Yaga and find out what happened, and I'll see how to save her. "

Only the Queen herself and several great shamans can control the holy wall. Now, only the great shaman Maxim can do this. Only when the holy wall is opened can the safety of the city be guaranteed.

Maxim still hadn't recovered from the shock, "Your Majesty, she..."

"I won't let her die." Murphy said, his tone was calm, but at this time there was a firm determination.

"Okay. Please, Lord Protector Shaman."

Murphy did not put the queen down. At this time, he did not trust anyone, "Bring that woman here."

The maid's body was carried to Murphy's side. He took a look with his magic vision. Unsurprisingly, he saw the residue of ultraviolet magic, and the dagger also had such magic residue.

He asked the guards to prepare a room, then carried the queen to the bed in the room, untied the clothes on her back, and immediately saw the wound.

The wound was not very deep, only about two centimeters. It should be because he reacted the moment he appeared and interrupted the enemy's assassination. This level of stab wound did not reach the heart at all. For a wizard with Bai Xian As far as I'm concerned, it's just a skin injury.

But the black aura that penetrated her wound was extremely unusual.

In Murphy's magical vision, the wound also showed an ultraviolet color. It was obvious that the dagger was quenched with poison, and it was some kind of magical poison.

He pulled out a magic wand and said, "The curse will stop!", "All curses will end!"

Several kinds of curse removal were used in succession, but the magic power attached to the wound was not weakened at all.

There is a simple rule for dispelling magical effects. If there is a corresponding targeted dispelling spell, even if the magical level of the spell-breaker is lower than that of the spell-caster, it may be successfully dispelled.

But if there is no specific solution to the curse, then unless the magic power of the person who breaks the curse is much higher than that of the caster, it will fail.

The only good thing is that the petrification has fixed the Queen's physical condition, and the spread of magic poison has been suppressed.

Murphy thought for a while, and immediately used the psychic network to summon several Aurors and watchers to the palace through lightning crow teleportation before the holy wall was fully deployed, and even brought Snape forcibly.

He handed the dagger to Snape, "There is a magic poison on this dagger. It has a very high level of power and cannot be removed by ordinary methods. I hope you can study it."

Snape was the best potion master he knew, and if anyone could figure out how to undo this magical poison, it would be Snape.

"This is..." Snape was still a little confused. He was still tinkering with potions in his room. Suddenly, a lightning crow flew in through the window, grabbed his shoulder and took it away. When he came here, he was still in a state of confusion.

"Time is running out, and someone will explain the ins and outs to you, but for now, please start researching immediately."

Snape was still a little confused, but Murphy's look made him dare not ask any more questions. He took the dagger and followed several guards to the potion refining room that had been prepared nearby.

Afterwards, Murphy briefly treated the wound on the queen's back, then asked Aurors and watchers to guard the room where the queen was, and left dozens of lightning crows in the room before going out.

Maxim was waiting for him.

"Lord Protector Shaman, the holy wall has resumed operation, but Mrs. Yaga has entered the depths of the ancestor's tomb. The enemy's attack has not stopped. Their target is the innermost ancestor's coffin. I must go to support."

"The attack hasn't stopped yet?"

Isn't assassinating the Queen their ultimate goal?

"What is the ancestor's coffin?" Murphy asked.

"That is the resting place of the original ancestors who founded Alkaim."

Murphy frowned. Alkaim is a few hundred years old, maybe thousands of years old. There are probably only a few bones left of its founder. Why is the Virgin digging up ancestral graves?

While they were talking, Snape came out of the laboratory and said, "Murphy, there is no cure for this poison."

Murphy's heart tightened, "What do you mean?"

"It is not poison, it is just pure magic power, a magic power with a very high level of power. It is not poisonous in itself, but it will infect low-level magic power and cause it to mutate, which makes it harmful to ordinary wizards. Poisonous. It will even infect the soul along the path of magic and destroy the human soul."

"You mean, it doesn't just attack the body?" Murphy was stunned. "Petrification can't stop it?"

"Magic power depends on the body and soul of the wizard. Petrifying the body can slow down its erosion, but it cannot completely stop it because the channel between magic power and soul still exists."

"Is there really nothing you can do?" Murphy didn't give up.

"The power level of that magic power is very high, but the structure is very simple," Snape said. "If there is another magic power of the same level as a hedge, maybe I can prepare a neutralizer to make the two sides mutually exclusive. Neutralize...but I have never seen this level of magic..."

Murphy fell silent.

The Holy Mother's magic level is extremely high. According to Mrs. Yaga, it has actually exceeded the upper limit of magic power of current wizards.

In other words, there should be no wizards with the same level of power in the world today.

Could it be that we really could only watch the queen die?

"Lord Protector Shaman," Maxim said suddenly from the side, "Perhaps the ancestor's coffin can help Your Majesty."

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