Murphy was stunned for a moment, "How do you say that?"

"Ancestor and city builder—Mr. Miriam. According to legend, her power is like that of a god. Her magic power may be able to meet the requirements for magic power hedging."

"But... after so many years, the magic power on the bones should have dissipated long ago..." Murphy said.

"No, it's not the bones." Maxim shook his head, "You were designated by the Queen as the Protector Shaman, and you have the right to know this. The ancestor may not be dead, she is just sleeping."

Murphy was stunned, "What did you say?"

"Legend has it that the ancestor Miriam is still alive." Maxim said, "She is a prophet. According to records, for more than a thousand years, she will occasionally wake up and give us guidance."

The ancestors rest in their mausoleums.

This is a huge building built inside the mountain. At the entrance is a jungle, which is the sacred forest.

At this moment, several teams of wizards were fighting the invaders in the sacred forest.

And they soon discovered what was special about their enemy.

"Captain, these knights can resist magic!" An Alkaim battle wizard reported in shock, "Our spells have no effect on them!"

"Their armor is fire dragon skin!" Another person said, "Use elemental spells to attack indirectly, ground thorns, wind blades, or flames. Their armor cannot block the formed elements!"

"Or, you can use this." Suddenly, a man's figure appeared above the wizards, holding a handful of strange black iron creations in his hand.

The next moment, with a deafening roar, the terrifying creation spit out tongues of fire, and in front of where it aimed, the dense bullets were like overwhelming raindrops, but every raindrop could bring out a handful of blood flowers.

The dragon skin armor on the dark knights was penetrated by the torrent of steel, and their limbs were torn off by the huge impact. On average, each knight received at least a dozen bullets, almost turning them into a ball of rotten flesh.

But half a minute later, there were no standing targets in this area.

The man fell down, waved his hand, and several guns of various shapes were piled on the ground. "Change this one, this one will work better."

After speaking, Murphy left two Aurors behind to assist Alkaim's combat wizards in clearing out the enemies, and followed the great shaman Maxim into the gate of the mausoleum.

"Going down here, you will pass through a maze and several traps. There is the most powerful space blockade here, so you can only move forward on foot." Maxim said, "The ancestors' coffins are at the bottom."

Just as Murphy was heading deeper into the mausoleum.

Deep underground, in front of a huge stone door, Mrs. Yaga was confronting several men in black robes.

Three corpses in black robes were already lying on the ground, and one of Mrs. Yaga's arms was drooping and bleeding.

"What do you want?" Mrs. Yaga coughed twice and asked weakly, "Alkaim has not been invaded for hundreds of years, and we have no enemies. Who are you?"

Opposite her, standing at the head was the black priest wearing a crown of thorns that Murphy had seen from a distance.

In his hand was a strange wand that looked like a cross.

"I am an echo, a duty, a punishment, and a guard." The priest said. He was obviously a man, but his voice was soft and kind, which was extremely strange. "My mission must be completed. Don't resist stubbornly. You are no match for me."

"Haha, what big talk are you talking about?" Mrs. Yaga laughed sarcastically. "You have lost. I can feel it. The holy wall has been re-expanded. You are trapped in the city and cannot escape."

"I am everywhere," the priest said. "Everyone who worships me is my body. If one is lost, there will be more. But you only have one life. Get out of the way and I can let you live." "

"You are far from being as strong as you say." Yagafu said, "otherwise you don't need to waste so much words. The people here should already have all the power you can get on the surface, as long as you kill these people Oops, you can no longer send new subordinates in, so you don’t want to lose it.”

The priest fell silent, as if the other person was talking about something that hurt him.

But he also had words that were enough to sway the other party, "Your duty is to protect the emperor, but Sophia Petrovna has been killed, and another of my followers personally passed the dagger into her heart."

"You said...what?" Mrs. Yaga's body trembled.

But at this moment, the priest in black raised the cross wand in his hand, and several priests behind him also raised their wands at the same time. Several strands of black energy gathered in one place, and suddenly turned into a chain like a hook and anchor, like a chain that bites people. The poisonous snake stung Mrs. Yaga.

Mrs. Yaga was startled, and four or five stone walls were suddenly erected in front of her, trying to block the chain. However, the intensity of the opponent's spell was extremely high, and it penetrated all the stone walls in an instant. Seeing that it was about to hit Mrs. Yaga, Suddenly there was a green flash in the slanting stab, "Avada Kedavra!"

For this group of priests, Murphy's murderous intention had reached its peak, and he naturally showed no mercy.

But seeing that the death curse was about to hit the priest with the crown of thorns, the person next to him suddenly moved a step aside and blocked the curse with his body.

With a "Bang!", he was blown away by the power of the spell, and the Thorn Priest was forced to withdraw his attack on Lady Yaga.

"Murphy Darkholm." Priest of Thorns looked at the visitor.

But Murphy didn't bother to talk nonsense to him. He suddenly transformed into a demon form, pounced in front of the opponent like lightning, and grabbed him with sharp claws entwined with lightning.

"Bang!" The priest in black held up a translucent shield and blocked Murphy's attack, but was still knocked back half a step by Murphy's huge force.

Murphy stretched out his other hand, curled his fingers into claws, and suddenly raised it upward. The ground petrified and seven spikes shot out.

The priest held the cross wand in front of his chest and stretched it outward. The spherical defensive shield blocked all attacks.

"Abnormal!" The priest in black glared at him, "You will be judged!"

"Oh, Judgment!" The black wings behind Murphy opened up, and the feathers at the tips were superimposed, shrunk, and deformed, forming several wand-like tips, "Judgment!"

The next moment, more than a dozen death curses were activated and hit the defensive shield. The death curses that would not have been defended by armor spells and other spells were unable to break through this shield.

But Murphy immediately used several more blasting spells, transformed into a fort, and launched a bombardment against the black priests.

However, even though the power of the spell knocked the priest back repeatedly, it was still unable to break through the membrane outside his body.

"You can't break my protection," the priest in black said expressionlessly, "just like you can't break my spell."

"Oh? Really?" Murphy suddenly waved, and a heavy anti-tank sniper fell into his hands.

Immediately afterwards, countless runes lit up one after another on the three-meter-long jet black gun.

He took out a huge bullet with a diameter of thirty millimeters, like a cannonball, and pressed it into the barrel of the gun.

"Guess what was the first thing I did after getting the magic metal and enchantment ritual?"

The whole body is made of magic metal, and every inch is filled with "projection spell" enchantments. The bullets are also specially made of titanium-tungsten alloy magic metal, with countless "tenacity" spells attached.

This is Murphy's ultimate stacking work driven by the fear of insufficient firepower.

Because the cost is too high, even Murphy only has this one, and it is still an experimental product that can only fire three shots before being scrapped. However, this is the most penetrating kinetic energy weapon ever made by mankind.

When dealing with Dumbledore, there was Grindelwald's danger foreknowledge. Unless Murphy could replace this sniper with a super-fast Gatling, it would be difficult to kill with one hit, so he did not use it.

But to deal with targets that only need to be attacked, this heavy sniper is his strongest weapon besides the Avatar Star Destroyer Cannon.

The Holy Mother's magic level is higher than her own, so its shield is difficult to break through spells, but what about physical attacks?

Murphy pulled the bolt of the gun, "Tell me, God, will it bleed?"

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