Murphy lowered his head and rubbed his sore eyes.

He was filled with doubts.

How come this ancestor who should have lived more than a thousand years ago looks exactly like Sophia?

If there was anything different about him, this ancestor seemed to be paler, and his skin was so white that it was almost transparent.

But he hasn't been exposed to the sun for more than a thousand years, so his expression is not surprising.

When his eyes became more comfortable, Murphy saw a velvet blanket placed on the ground. This seemed to be the place where the Alkaim emperors knelt down to worship their ancestors.

Murphy thought for a while, then took a step forward, got down on one knee, and was about to tell his ancestors why he came here.

Suddenly a ray of light jumped into his eyes, and he couldn't help but raise his head again.

But he was shocked to see the girl in the crystal coffin open her eyes. It was a pair of ruby-like blood-colored eyes, looking at him intently.

The next moment, the girl's figure suddenly became illusory, as if it had been wiped off the canvas.

At the same time, a blood droplet emitting red light condensed in front of the girl. After a while, it turned into something as crystal clear as a pearl, but the girl's body was so pale that it was almost invisible.

The blood bead penetrated the crystal coffin and slowly fell in front of Murphy.

A voice sounded in his heart, "This is what you need."

Murphy was stunned for a moment, and the blood drop fell into his palm. Then, with a clang, the door was closed in front of him. Murphy didn't know when he had arrived outside the stone door.

"Master Murphy!" Maxim called, "How is it?"

Murphy opened his right hand blankly, looked at the blood-red bead in his palm, and felt something similar to déjà vu.

This...why does it look so much like the true blood of the Vampire Clan?

His mind flashed back to what Andrew Turk had said a few years ago when he was studying the true blood of vampires.

[Their maximum lifespan is more than 1,200 years... If according to this algorithm, the oldest vampire still alive may have been born before 800 AD...]

Could that Mirian ancestor be a vampire?

Is that why you are so pale and pale, sleeping in such a dark place?

However, she looked like she was about to die?

Maybe her lifespan has reached its limit, so she would actually donate her true blood to help Sophia?

It even felt as if she was sleeping here just waiting for this moment.

By the way, this couldn't be some kind of drama about resurrecting a dead body, right?

"Where's Mrs. Yaga?" Murphy asked.

"She has returned to the palace. Let me meet you here."

"Okay, let's go too," Murphy said.

Murphy still had many questions about the ancestor and the strange scene behind the Gate of the Rebirth, but now, it was important to save the queen, so he quickly gave this blood bead to Mrs. Yaga and Snape to see if it could be used Save people.

Returning to the palace and handing the blood bead to Snape, Murphy told Mrs. Yaga alone about the scenes he saw.

"You mean, ancestor Miriam looks very similar to Your Majesty?" Mrs. Yaga asked.

"Yes, and I suspect that the ancestor may be a vampire," Murphy frowned. "Perhaps the magic in her blood can be used to neutralize the magic of the Virgin, but the queen may be transformed into a vampire."

"Besides, I don't know if there are any other settings in this true blood."

Mrs. Yaga looked at Murphy, and it took her a while to understand, "Are you doubting the purpose of your ancestor?"

Murphy nodded. With examples like Tom in front of him, Murphy had to be vigilant about such things.

"This is the first time I have heard of Lady Miriam's appearance. After all, only the emperor can enter the Gate of the Rebirth. Only the emperor knows what is there. And Sophia has just succeeded to the throne and has not yet entered the tomb. Inside, so I haven’t seen Lady Miriam.”

"But maybe it's just because of the blood. Although most of the information about the city's founding has been lost, the Condor Family has indeed ruled the city for hundreds of years, and the bloodline has never been cut off."

"As for the purpose of the ancestors..." Mrs. Yaga smiled, "If she is willing, there are many people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for her. And according to the records, the ancestors have helped the city overcome difficulties more than once. It's hard for me to imagine that she would use His Majesty for nefarious purposes."

Mrs. Yaga was not bothered by the possibility that her ancestor was a vampire. A long time ago, there was a country established by vampires, and the name of the Impaler was well-known even in Muggle society.

This was not an anecdote, but it made sense and solved one of her doubts.

Soon, Snape's research on the blood bead ended. The blood bead was indeed a bead of true blood as Murphy had guessed, and it was far more condensed than any known vampire's true blood, and even formed like a solid. Structure.

At the same time, its strength is strong enough to neutralize the Holy Mother's magic power.

"Can you just use the magic power in this true blood without letting it infect the Queen?" Murphy asked.

Snape shook his head, "It may be difficult for me to control this. The magic power remains in Her Majesty the Queen's wound and has invaded her body. If you want to offset it, you must naturally let this true blood come into contact with her body." That’s fine, I can’t guarantee whether it will infect the Queen.”

And there is not much time left. Petrification cannot slow down the speed of magic infecting the soul. The Queen may die at any time due to the infection of the soul.

Murphy said without any more hesitation, "Try it."

Even becoming a vampire is better than dying directly. As for other possibilities, they are risks that must be taken before there is no time to find better alternatives.

Soon, Snape refined a neutralizing potion, made it into a plaster, wrapped the blood beads, and applied it to the Queen's back.

Murphy then lifted the petrification effect.

He unfolded his magic vision and could see that the moment the petrification was lifted, the dark magic power belonging to the Virgin wreaked havoc along the wounds on the Queen's back, and a green-black color spread rapidly from the Queen's back.

But soon, another extremely high-level force also joined the battle. The strange thing is that it had no conflict with Sophia's own power. It merged almost instantly and completed the fusion, just like Sophia's own power. With the same power, it began to strangle the outside magic power of the Holy Mother.

During this process, the blood beads were inevitably absorbed by Sophia's body and transformed as it should, enhancing the recovery ability of flesh and blood, raising its body temperature, and promoting wound healing - just like It's turning Sophia into a vampire, just as Murphy predicted.

However, compared to the effect of expelling the Holy Mother's magic, this is an acceptable price.

More than ten minutes later, the Holy Virgin's magic in Sophia's body was strangled, and all the blood beads were integrated into her body. This seemed to give her a very strong recovery power. Even if Bai Xian had not been used, she was destroyed in the magic battle. The damaged tissue and flesh are also rapidly repairing themselves.

Gradually, the Queen's breathing calmed down, her eyelashes fluttered, and then she opened her eyes, with a hint of crimson appearing in her blue eyes.

Murphy was beside her, "Are you awake? How do you feel, Sophia?"

The Queen looked at him for a while and said, "Long time no see, Mr. Murphy."

Murphy smiled, "It didn't take long. You just took a nap, and half a day hasn't passed yet."

"Really?" Sophia frowned, "I seem to have had a long dream... But it's nice to see you again."

"I'm glad you're okay too, Sophia."

The Queen laughed, "I like it when you call me by my name."

Probably because she had experienced life and death, she was much bolder than before.

If you said "I'll call you that from now on if you like" at this time, it would look very like a stupid couple, so Murphy just smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I remember."

"Can you hold my hand?" the Queen asked.


"I'm a little sleepy and want to sleep a little longer. Can I still see you when I wake up?"


"Thanks for saving me, Murphy."

"Go to sleep."

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