Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 332 Horcrux Transfer Technique

I don’t know what kind of psychological change she went through, but Sophia began to pester Murphy very much.

Due to her transformation into a vampire, she became very sleepy during the day, but her sleep quality was very poor. She would wake up once every once in a while. When she woke up, she would look for Murphy, who would chat with her until he fell asleep again. With.

In this situation, Professor Snape, who was preparing potions for the queen to nurse her body back to health, could only swallow the dog food with tears in her eyes. After doing this several times, she was almost full.

Thinking of his tragic love affair again, Principal Snape immediately expressed his intention to return to Hogwarts.

"The school cannot live without the principal." He spoke enthusiastically.

In fact, you can’t stay in this cruel dog place for even a day!

After he left, Murphy also left Alkaim after confirming that there was no big problem with Sophia.

Love can be discussed at another time. In contrast, the Holy Mother has brought him too much trouble. He must find a way to kill the other party.

Magic Research Institute.

Murphy found Haldane.

"How is the research on that high-level magic going?" Murphy asked.

He had also found many high-level magic residues on various Madonna statues before. Some of those samples were sent to Haldane for magic analysis after being rendered harmless.

"The energy level of this kind of magic is very high," Haldane said. "The corresponding wavelength is very short and attenuates quickly. In fact, it does not exceed our previous understanding of magic. It is a higher frequency. It’s just magic.”

"Then is there any way we can increase the magic power of low frequency to high frequency?" Murphy asked.

High-level magic has a certain suppression effect on low-level magic. They have different "priorities" in the magic network. It is difficult to defeat high-level magic simply by accumulating more low-level magic.

So Murphy needs to find a way to generate high-level magic.

"It's difficult," Haldane said. "The vibration frequency of ordinary magic power is between tens of thousands of hertz and several megahertz, which is roughly equivalent to the vibration frequency of medium and long electromagnetic waves. The intensity of your magic power is already very high, and can reach the G Hertz level. .”

"But this magic...it has a vibration frequency of terahertz level. There are even three or four orders of magnitude in between."

"With our current technology, it is impossible to achieve stable frequency modulation of the magic of this frequency."

Murphy sighed. This was to be expected. If raising the magic level was very simple, someone would have done it long ago, and there wouldn't be a "ceiling" like Mrs. Yaga said.

"So is there a way to create this kind of magic?"

"It may be possible to generate some high-frequency magic through interference, but the probability is very low. The amount of magic is too small and difficult to separate, so it is difficult to have a practical effect."

"We want to look for high-frequency magic sources in nature, but there seem to be very few such things in nature. We did some tests. Among more than two hundred experiments, only two were suspected of receiving high-frequency magic, and the data confidence was also low. Not high. And without a source to reference, we don't know how to generate it."

When it comes to high-frequency magic, Murphy is not completely lacking.

After Sophia absorbed the true blood, she changed from a small yellow person to a small purple person in Murphy's magic vision, which was still ultraviolet.

Although the magic level is actually much lower than that of the true blood, and it is still declining, it may be enough to deal with the Holy Mother.

But he still doesn’t understand the purpose of the Virgin’s killing of Sophia, and the unknown means risks.

He was unwilling to let Sophia leave the protection of the holy wall unless it was absolutely necessary.

Haldane saw his boss's face sinking, thought for a moment, and said, "However, when the magic radar is built, there may be some new discoveries."

Although the original intention of building a magic radar is to discover "original matter" and create stable magic energy. But if the original substance is a high-power magic source, it probably means that it has a higher magic energy level, and maybe it is a natural high-frequency magic generator.

So, things circle back to the radar.

The materials for the magic radar are almost ready, and the only thing left is a matter of computing power required for frequency modulation.

There are three ways to solve the computing power problem, and the most ideal one is the magic computer. The second is Lucas' Horcrux transfer technology. Finally, Murphy used the psychic network to explode his brain.

But the magic computer and the magic radar are a chicken-and-egg paradox. Lucas's Horcrux transfer technology does not know when it will be successfully verified. Murphy has decided to wait until the radar is built. If there is no better solution If so, just turn on the brain blast mode directly.

Time slowly came to May of 1994.

After the unremitting work of the goblins, enough magic metal to build a giant radar was finally cast.

At the same time, Lucas also brought good news to Murphy. Her Horcrux transfer technology was completed.

"I have mastered the method of transferring Horcruxes." Lucas handed a black notebook to Murphy, who recognized it as the diary where she once lived.

Then, Lucas tore out a page from the notebook.

"Oh?" Murphy was a little surprised, "You're no longer in the notebook?"

"Yes." Lucas took out another notebook, "Now that I'm here, I absorbed all the spells in that notebook into the soul fragments, and then transferred them to this notebook with me. superior."

"Why are there still notes?" Murphy was a little confused.

"Actually, any book, such as a dictionary, will do, and so will a picture," Lucas said, "because there are enough materials that can represent the activities of my real-time thinking information. But if it is a single solid state such as gems or wood, Without material things, it would be difficult for me to maintain my ability to think for too long.”

"So...where's the computer?" Murphy asked.

"Theoretically, it's possible," Lucas said, "but I haven't tried it yet."

Murphy nodded, "Actually, I was just trying to ask you for a favor. You know I ran into a problem recently. The magic radar needs to modulate the frequency of many wizards as energy sources, but Muggle computers cannot operate at high concentrations. It runs in a magic environment, so I lack the computing power to complete this kind of frequency modulation work. If you can transfer it to a computer, with the help of the computer's ability, I should be able to complete this calculation."

"Would you like to try it on?"

Lucas is different from other wizards. Murphy has spent too much effort on her and has always treated her as a "teacher", so even if Murphy knows that he directly asks her to do it, he will most likely not do it. She would refuse, but still asked her for her opinion.

Lucas thought for a while, "Okay, I've always been curious about the abilities of this Muggle creation, and I also want to know what effect the magical power of Horcruxes will have when applied to computers. I want to try it. We use Which computer, professor? Andrew gave me one two days ago, and he said the configuration is pretty good."

Andrew Tucker?

Murphy glanced at Lucas. Could that guy be trying to please her?

Well, it's not impossible... After all, Lucas is indeed a beauty now.

Tsk, Murphy was inexplicably unhappy that his daughter was being targeted.

It seems that guy is still idle. Is the transformation research team dead?

Assign him a new project tomorrow...well...let him go to the Soviet Union to participate in the construction of the laboratory.

Sentencing Andrew to exile in his mind, Murphy took Lucas to a huge computer room, "Of course you can't use an ordinary computer."

"This supercomputer 'Athena' is your new body."

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