Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 334 The world is full of joy

Dumbledore was actually a little distracted just now.

For some reason, looking at these noisy wizards, he suddenly felt a little tired.

According to Grindelwald, at this age, wouldn't it be better to enjoy the last life? It's really worth it to trap yourself in this kind of thing and work hard for these wizards who he doesn't actually like. ?

Grindelwald said that he was greedy for power, but Dumbledore felt that was not the case. He actually did not have much obsession with power. When he looked at these wizards, what emerged in his heart was... pity and sympathy. , compassion, and care.

They were all too young, just like the wizards who clamored to kill Murphy's people. Dumbledore saw the shadows of his young self and Grindelwald in them, while he saw the shadows of the moderate opponents. My middle-aged self, or those neutrals who are silent, serious and don't speak often - they are so much like Aberforth.

From the perspective of an elder who has lived for more than a hundred years, he can see his former self in almost everyone. He can understand them and sympathize with them, so he can tolerate them.

He can accept their mistakes because he has made them before, and he can accept their ambition for power because he has also experienced the fatal attraction of power. He even has a deep affection for some Death Eaters and even Voldemort. Deep sympathy and compassion.

He is well aware of the fragility of human nature, the insignificance of human beings, and the selfishness and fickleness of the soul. Therefore, he understands the complexity of others and their inability to control themselves.

What he saw was that everyone was struggling in their own battlefield, and he wanted to lend a helping hand as much as possible, but too many experiences told him that it was best for him to sit back and watch.

Yet he couldn't do nothing.

As the individual who knows the most information and has greater abilities, he must bear more responsibilities than others. At least, he must avoid the worst outcomes.

"Yes, if you mean whether Murphy Darkholm is that powerful, yes, he is already one of the most powerful wizards in this world."

If Gellert were here, he would definitely laugh at himself for telling the truth again.

This truth will only bring pressure, bring fear to wizards, make them feel threatened, and thus make decisions that are not conducive to the one they want to guide.

But, honesty is one of the few good qualities he can abide by, and he cannot sacrifice these "small persistences" for the "greater good."

Sure enough, the wizards rioted again.

"If you can't defeat him, who can?" someone asked in panic.

"Maybe we should avoid a direct battle with Murphy, that is to die." Someone flinched.

But there are still some people who want to get something else, "We heard that the prisoners in Nurmengard have been released. Some even say that there were other people present in the battle between you and Murphy. "

"The president is not accepting your question! Sir!" An American Auror stood up and angrily shouted, "Let's go back to the most important issue. President, what do you think about how to deal with Murphy Da?" What do you think of the Khom incident?”

"I don't think all Murphy's followers are absolutely loyal to him. We don't need to kill them all. Reduce the scope, reduce the number of enemies, only kill the culprit, and let the rest be forgotten." Dumbledore said.

This is an ideal proposal, but the proposal he is more happy with is much more ideal than this. However, as the president of the Federation, he cannot act according to his own preferences. He must come up with a feasible plan to avoid People continue to bicker over this issue.

"I second the motion!"


Within moments, moderates were raising their hands in agreement.

But half of the people here still didn't raise their hands.

"Those British Aurors and Watchers will not think that we are innocent. If we want to stop Murphy, we will definitely fight them. Are we going to make them surrender with just these few words?"

"When necessary, it is certainly appropriate to use force to protect yourself," Dumbledore said.

After saying this, the feeling of exhaustion came back again. He knew that someone would definitely use this sentence as an excuse to start an all-out war against British wizards.

There will definitely be people who use the excuse of attacking Murphy to try to annex Murphy's property.

Murphy's huge wealth and the way he accumulated it aroused their greed. All careerists felt that they could become the second Murphy.

Murphy really got off to a very bad start.

The meeting ultimately sentenced Murphy to fifty-six counts, making him the most wanted criminal in the world, with a reward of thirty thousand Galleons.

But other than that, no substantive decisions were discussed.

International pressure? The British Ministry of Magic has withdrawn.

Using Muggle social protection umbrella? Muggles don't listen.

Then the only way left is to use force, but the president is obviously unwilling to ignite a war in Britain.

As for the attack on Murphy's Muggle factory - a wizard attacks a group of Muggles who are unaware of their crimes. Is this something a serious wizard can do? Of course some people think so in private, but no one mentions it openly.

So the meeting ended hastily without making any effective decisions.

But this obviously does not meet the wishes of some people.

After the meeting, many wizards got together in twos and threes. Finally, in another castle, a small joint meeting excluding Dumbledore and the moderates was secretly held.

There were only seventeen or eighteen people attending the meeting, but each of them held a high position in the Ministry of Magic of their respective countries.

"Dumbledore is really stupid!" Someone bombarded the president as soon as he came up. "How is it possible to think about reducing enemies at this time? Is there anyone in the UK who still listens to him?!"

"I heard that some of his men are still active," a wizard said, "but they are still half dead."

"Come on, stop talking about this. Are you here to discuss how to protect the peace of the wizarding world?" A wizard sneered.

The rest of the people fell silent.

Another bald American wizard stood up and said, "Everyone, you are all important figures in the wizarding world in your respective countries, and some of them are nobles who have been hereditary for hundreds of years. I would like to ask you, how many gold coins do you have in your treasury?"

No one spoke, so the American wizard asked again, "Do you know how many gold coins there are in Murphy's vault?"

"Oh, I don't need to store gold coins in the vault anymore. Now Gringotts - oh, it's now called the British Wizards Central Bank. The entire bank belongs to them. In the British wizarding world, he can just say that money is everywhere. "

"That's right," the American wizard said, "and the origin of all this is the Umbrella Company. To be honest, I don't care about confidentiality laws and the like, and I don't think selling a potion mixed with water to Muggles will have any big consequences. Question, if there is a way to bypass the Ministry of Magic and make Muggle money, I would be happy to do it. This Murphy is obviously the same as us."

"But he made the matter too big, and now he has attracted attention. Murphy wants to get rid of him, but what about his protective umbrella?"

"You want to swallow the umbrella?" Someone sneered, "Aren't you afraid of dying?"

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