"Of all the people here, who doesn't want to eat the umbrella? But we all know that it can't be done." The American Wizard said, "However, the Umbrella Company is a multinational enterprise and is extremely large. Even if it is divided into a hundred parts, each One portion is enough for all of us here.”

"The reason why Murphy got into trouble was because he ate alone. But I'm not greedy. Everyone, after we kill Murphy together, I only want the one percent that belongs to me."

The wizards were moved. In fact, they had no grudges against Murphy, and they didn't attach much importance to the so-called destruction of the Secrecy Law. The reason why they gathered here was simply to see the huge benefits left after Murphy's downfall. .

"But now that the entire British Ministry of Magic listens to him, what are you going to do?" someone asked.

"How many people are there in the British Ministry of Magic?" asked the American wizard. "We here come from various countries. If we persuade the Ministry of Magic of each country to organize a crusade, how many people will there be?"

"Are you really planning to start a war?"

"The war does not require us to personally participate in the war," the American wizard said. "However, war is not the only method. We can also contact some resisters in the UK. There must be many such people. I heard that Murphy sent Azka The class is almost full, and maybe we can plan a prison break. Anyway, we can cause him trouble and distract him from his Muggle business."

"At this time, we can take the opportunity to make some business arrangements."

"Just like what Mr. Gaston is doing," the American wizard said, "I think everyone here must have some small industries and channels of their own."

"Perhaps the size of each of us is still far behind the umbrella, but we can unite. Isn't he just selling a magic potion? Can't we do this? It's just that he eats alone and attracts people. Jealousy, but we have strength in numbers, and as long as we are united enough, we can do this more covertly.”

After the relationship between Murphy and Umbrella was exposed by Dumbledore, wizards from all over the world realized how much money Murphy made, and they also realized how huge the market is in today's Muggle society.

Moreover, in their opinion, what Murphy did was really not very technical. Wasn't it just packaging potions that Muggles had never seen before and selling them to those rubes?

If Murphy can do it, of course they can do it too.

Therefore, since last year, many wizards from various countries have started to engage in secret tricks.

It's just that Umbrella has already occupied the market in advance, and they are not very familiar with the various rules of Muggle society. The current benefits are not particularly good, but even so, the high profits still make them invest all their wealth in it regardless of the cost.

Murphy did get off to a very bad start. With his extreme wealth, he once again inspired the greed of the wizards.

On the other side, after leaving the meeting, Dumbledore came to Grindelwald's hiding place.

The latter was drinking.

"The French are not good at anything else, but they still have a way of making wine." Grindelwald pushed a cup to the opposite side, "Is that time-wasting meeting over? I guess you didn't come to any useful conclusions."

Dumbledore sat down and said, "You seem to be gloating."

"Watching you deflate is indeed somewhat fun," Grindelwald smiled. "It doesn't make much sense to destroy Murphy's industry in the Muggle world. It may even break them into pieces and exist in a more hidden way. But if you want to If you want to take action against Murphy's power in the wizarding world, you must face the British Ministry of Magic. I guess you don't want to start a war, right?"

"Everything I do is to avoid the worst outcome of war, whether it is a war between wizards and Muggles, or a war between wizards and wizards," Dumbledore said.

"You are too naive, Albus." Grindelwald took a sip of wine. "Necessary sacrifices exist. Those who don't want to give anything will get nothing."

"But this Murphy's methods are really admirable. In comparison, when I was young, I was too radical."

"Both in Muggle society and the wizarding world, his power is legal, so if you want to deal with him, you must use legal means, otherwise we will become bad guys."

"Only if you look at the two worlds together, due to the existence of the Wizarding Secrecy Act, he is carrying out illegal activities."

"But unfortunately, due to the Wizarding Secrecy Law, we are unable to cooperate on a large scale with the Muggle society. So in the 'field of cooperation between wizards and Muggles', his strength is much stronger than ours. This is really a genius. design."

"No, rather, he is taking advantage of this huge loophole in the rules."

"It sounds like you admire him?" Dumbledore asked.

"Indeed, if I were still twenty years old now, I might even follow him, because his ideals are more convincing and feasible than mine."

"But unfortunately, I am already old." Grindelwald said, "So, he and I became enemies."

"You can leave, Gellert, you are free." Dumbledore said, "This is my responsibility, not yours. Even recently, I have begun to feel that what I have done is just in vain. .”

Grindelwald was silent for a while and said: "In this case, it is better to give up."

"Albus, if I have made any progress in these fifty years, it is that I have learned to give up. I have learned to accept some things. In the face of an unstoppable fate, fighting is admirable, but running away is not necessarily shameful. None of us are saints, so what’s wrong with being kind to ourselves and being selfish?”

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, "It was you who said such words."

"Fifty years, Albus, we've all changed a lot."

"But, there are things that have not changed." Dumbledore sighed, "Let's go back to Murphy. At present, it seems that the only way to really stop him is to kill him..."

Maybe a war between the wizarding world and the British Ministry of Magic would work, but that was not what he wanted to see unfold. Killing Murphy was the solution that would do the least damage to the wizarding world.

Perhaps, this is the "necessary sacrifice" Grindelwald said?

But killing Murphy is not easy. They failed to do it last time, and they may not have the chance in the future.

"If you still want to stop Murphy, you'd better do it as soon as possible." Suddenly, a priest in black walked in outside the door.

"Murphy Darkholm is building an 'antenna'," the black priest ignored the two people's vigilant looks, came to the table, and said in that kind and soft voice, "This is the last possible way to stop him. Timing. When his 'antenna' is built, he can find the raw materials to make the magic stone. From then on, he will complete the last piece of the puzzle that makes magic explode."

"By then, the destruction of the Wizarding Secrecy will be a foregone conclusion."

"Secrets will be revealed, oaths will be broken, and the countdown to the destruction of the world will begin."

"That's what neither I nor you want to see."

"This is your last chance to stop him from building that antenna."

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