"You lied to us last time, do you still want us to obey your command?" Grindelwald snorted disdainfully.

"That's not deception, it's just adaptability." The priest in black said, "I pointed out his location to you, but I didn't expect that you wouldn't be able to kill him. I found another opportunity that could be exploited, so I went The rest of the battlefield. My enemy is not just Murphy Darkholm."

"Who are you?" Dumbledore asked. "If you want to cooperate, we should at least know the identity of the collaborator."

"I am not your collaborator." The priest in black said, "I am just giving a reminder."

"Then, we should at least know who your enemies are?" Grindelwald said. "If we help you stop Murphy, next, how can we ensure that you and the wizards are on the same side?"

"In this world, I have three enemies. They are all individuals who can destroy the effectiveness of the oath and must be eliminated." The priest in black said, "The highest interests of the wizard and I are completely consistent. This is why I exist."

"What evidence do you have for this, and how can we trust you?" Grindelwald asked.

"Trust is not the basis of this matter. I share the same purpose with you. But if the route of eliminating Murphy Darkholm fails, I will continue to adopt other means. Preventing the destruction of the oath is my entire mission. "

"By other means, do you mean the witch hunts like those hundreds of years ago?" Dumbledore asked.

"If necessary, reducing the number of wizards is also a form of protection." The priest in black said.

"You said there are three individuals who can destroy the effectiveness of the oath. Murphy is obviously one of them. Who are the other two?" Dumbledore asked.

"Miriam the Oathbreaker, Riddle the Rulebreaker, and Murphy the Abnormal." The priest in black said and looked at the two people opposite him. "All wizards who have reached this level are under the supervision of the mechanism. Rotter Grindelwald was once one of the most dangerous targets of surveillance, but the Wizards themselves corrected this mistake."

"Originally, the mistakes of Riddle and Miriam would be corrected within the wizard. But the emergence of the abnormality broke all this. He is the source of everything and is leading the wizarding world to the brink of destruction."

"Last reminder." The priest in black said, "Destroy the antenna."

"This will be the last chance for correction within the Wizards."

The black priest left them an address and left.

"Albus, are you going to do what he says?" Grindelwald asked, looking at the thoughtful Dumbledore.

"We don't have a better choice, right?" Dumbledore said, "We were planning to do this originally, he just provided us with some clues."

"I don't trust that guy," Grindelwald said. "What appears in front of us is just a puppet. Its body is hidden somewhere we can't touch, and we don't know his true purpose."

"I have some guesses about this," Dumbledore said. "The reason why the witch-hunting movement hundreds of years ago contributed to the formation of the Wizarding Secrecy Law was, of course, not just based on Muggle believers. Wizards had too many There are many ways to avoid being killed by Muggles."

"It is impossible for all wizards to unanimously agree to pass such a law for some insignificant actions - especially since the passage of this law has also cut off many people's financial resources."

"I have seen that reason in some passages in some documents: the witch-hunting movement has really caused a huge blow to the wizarding society."

"At that time, some very powerful 'knights' appeared in the church. Not only did they have the ability to identify wizards, but they were also able to resist most spells. Some priests also had special abilities. They could even use a method called The magic given by the gods is stronger than the wizard's magic."

"It was due to their continued hunting that the number of wizards in England was once reduced to less than 2,000."

"The priest we saw just now is that kind of character. You should have felt the sense of danger in him."

"So, the other party was once an enemy that hunted us." Grindelwald said, "And we actually want to join forces with our enemies to deal with a fellow wizard?"

"You are right." Dumbledore smiled bitterly, "This is what we are going to do. Because we must ensure that wizards abide by that oath, and the consequences of the secret being exposed are unbearable by all of us."

"For the greater good." Grindelwald laughed sarcastically, "Then what are you going to do? Murphy won't obediently let us destroy his 'antenna'."

"I'm going to contain him, and the work of destroying the antenna can be left to the members of the Order of the Phoenix," Dumbledore said.


"If it's just a diversion, I should be enough. Garrett, I know you are not happy to target Murphy. This is not your responsibility. You have wasted a lot of time, do what you want to do."

"These sound like last words."

Dumbledore was silent, he was indeed ready to die.

"If it had been forty years ago, no, even twenty years ago, I would have turned around and left. But now... it's too late, Albus. There's not enough time for us to do much. The only thing we can do is In the future, I want to leave the most important people and things to me, even if we die together."

Stoat Mountain.

Sirius was cleaning the room. He used magic to fly quilts, sheets and other items out of the window and hung them to dry on the clothesline outside.

It was the end of May, Hogwarts was about to go on holiday, and he wanted to prepare for Harry's return home.

It is now the early summer of 1994, and Harry is already a third grader and about to enter his fourth grade.

Since the death of Lucas, Harry has changed a lot. He has become much more taciturn. Sometimes, Sirius even feels that there is a dark personality in his body. He practices hard magic, and began to develop some interest in the dark arts.

Sirius often saw in the books he read something about advanced dark arts that was far beyond what an average third year student should be exposed to.

However, although this made Sirius a little uneasy, he was not too worried. After all, who hasn't dabbled in one or two dark arts when they were young, and Harry was almost reaching his rebellious stage.

While he was doing housework, suddenly, his chest felt hot.

Sirius was startled and reached out to take out an orange feather from the inner pocket of his chest.

The feather vibrated, and suddenly some flames appeared on it, forming a line of text in the air.

"At dusk, fighting, extremely dangerous." The words appeared for a moment, then disappeared again, and then the feather turned into a door key.

This is an emergency notice from the Order of the Phoenix. The time and general mission type are marked in this text, but in order to keep it confidential, there will be no specific mission goals, mission locations, etc. If you want to participate in the mission, you can directly make it with Phoenix feathers. Portkey arrives in place.

Sirius frowned. Since Kingsley's previous visit, he would convey some news to the Order of the Phoenix from time to time, returning to the Order to a certain extent.

But this was the first time that a combat mission was notified through this kind of emergency contact.

He hadn't participated in a battle for a long time, and the moment he saw this mission, the adventure factor in his heart was almost ready to stir.

But after taking another look at the "extremely dangerous" mark on the back, he sighed.

Forget it, let's leave such a task to others first. He didn't want Harry to come back and find that he was missing arms and legs.

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