Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 337 Before the war, let’s have some strange-flavored beans

In the evening, Murphy, who was debugging the supercomputer "Athena" at the Magic Research Institute and preparing for Lucas' Horcrux transfer, received an urgent message from an Auror.

"The goblin factory in Surrey Mines was attacked. More than ten Aurors were unconscious and three hundred goblins were missing."

Before he could figure out what was going on, new news came from the other side, "The Goblin Factory in Kent was attacked, asking for support. The enemy is Dumbledore! Repeat, the enemy is Dumbledore!"

Dumbledore attacks the goblin factory?

Well, if a wizard like Dumbledore lowers his profile and engages in guerrilla warfare for him, he will really suffer heavy losses. Ordinary Aurors cannot be Dumbledore's opponent. If he doesn't take action, the goblins over there will also be defeated by Dumbledore. Bledo rescued.

Although the production of magic metal has now been completed, Murphy is still not sure whether he can achieve the final goal of mass production of magic metal through the magic radar project. Even if he can, it will take some time. During this period, the productivity of the goblins is still very low. Murphy valued.

However, with Dumbledore's ability, if he really wanted to rescue the goblins, he could have done it more covertly - just take them away quietly in the dead of night. Choosing to do so in broad daylight was simply too scary. He doesn't know the same.

This was most likely a bait to lure Murphy into taking the bait.

But his opponent was Dumbledore, and he was the only one who could compete with him.

Now that Murphy already has a lot of trump cards, he is not too worried about the opponent's traps. On the contrary, it will be more troublesome if the Holy Mother comes again to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

But blind defense is meaningless. The Queen is safe in Alkaim. Apart from that, the things he cares about most are nothing more than the antenna and the Magic Research Institute.

He already has enough defense plans for the antenna, and all the results of the institute so far are stored in his head. Even if it is destroyed, he still has the Soviet Union's national laboratory and other research institutions that can continue it. His plan would be delayed a little at most.

At this point, he can afford to lose, but the other party can't.

Let me see what kind of cards you are playing.

In Kent County, when Murphy appeared outside the goblin factory, he saw Dumbledore and Grindelwald as expected.

Hundreds of goblins are fleeing through the portkeys prepared by Dumbledore.

Murphy didn't give chase.

"Does your greatest interest now include the goblins, Mr. Grindelwald?" Murphy teased, "I thought you didn't like them that much."

"It depends on who the enemy is," Grindelwald said. "Sometimes we have to make some compromises."

"Don't you use the Space Anchor?" Murphy looked at Dumbledore, then glanced at the goblins behind him, and suddenly understood, "Are you afraid that they won't be able to escape?"

"It makes you laugh, Murphy, I'm always too indecisive," Dumbledore sighed, "Gellert scolded me several times just now."

"That's not true," Murphy said, "Sometimes I still appreciate your kindness. I guess saving them should be more meaningful to you than completing the plan. Even if you know that you don't defeat me, these are all It’s temporary.”

"You know we are waiting for you?" Grindelwald asked.

Murphy shrugged, "It's pretty obvious."

"Then you're still coming?"

"I can't watch you let all the goblins run away one by one."

Grindelwald was a little suspicious. He intuitively felt that Murphy was hiding his true purpose, but delaying time was originally their plan. Seeing that the goblin had almost escaped, he took out his wand.

But Murphy waved his hand, "I'm not here to fight. I'm afraid you two may not be able to kill me. Why don't we sit down and talk."

"As of now, we have nothing to talk about." Grindelwald said.

"That's not necessarily true. We should both have some questions that we hope to get answered, right?"

Murphy said, waved his hand, and a table appeared in front of him. He took out a bag of multi-flavor beans and poured them out.

"Let's play a game. I choose a bean. If you can guess what flavor it is, I will answer a question for you. If you can't guess, answer a question. Of course, after a question, you can also choose a bean. Let me guess. Here are... five beans, and we have five questions to ask each other. How about that?"

The two old men looked at each other. Dumbledore relaxed a little for the first time and sat down. "I am an expert in multi-flavor beans. Can I choose the beans first?"

Murphy smiled and said, "Please."

Lake District.

There was a sudden distortion of space in the forest, and a wizard appeared.

"Alastor!" A low voice exclaimed next to him, "Why are you here too?"

Without turning his head, Alastor Moody saw the people beside him through his prosthetic eyes, "If I don't come, will I have to rely on you rookies to fight the war?"

Kingsley smiled helplessly, then stepped forward and hugged Alastor, "I thought you retired."

"I also thought you fled to the United States."

Then he looked around with his one eye, "Arthur, Minerva, Hagrid... Emmeline, alas, why is the one from Dedalo who is missing a string here... Ha, the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled are the only ones left. Have you abandoned us guys?"

"Some people can't come, and some new members can't participate in such an event yet..." Kingsley sighed. The Order of the Phoenix is ​​indeed in a slump at the moment.

"Where are Lupin and Sirius?" Moody asked.

As the iron triangle back then, James, Lupine and Sirius were almost the most combat-effective among the younger generation of the Order of the Phoenix. How could they not show up for such an occasion?

"Lupin... he is wandering with the werewolf pack. He may have gone to a far away place and may not receive the news. Sirius... he has Harry to take care of..."

"Ha." Moody sneered.

"It's not his fault," Kingsley said, "Murphy's crackdown on the Order of the Phoenix is ​​very severe. Once Sirius is found to be helping the Order of the Phoenix, he may be wanted again immediately and have to be separated from Harry. …”

"Huh, who of us is not like that?" Moody's eyes widened, but then he sighed, "Forget it, what is the specific mission?"

"On that hill," Kingsley pointed to a hill in the distance, "Murphy is building a structure using metal made by goblins. I don't quite understand what it is, but Dumbledore said it would bring A huge threat, our mission is to destroy it. It's best to destroy all those fairy metals as well."

"Sounds easy."

"Don't be careless, Alastor. There are more than a dozen Aurors guarding there, and more Aurors and Watchers may come to support at any time. We must move quickly. Fortunately, Dumbledore has already held back Mo. Fei, we just need to deal with his minions."

As he spoke, Kingsley looked at the sky and said, "It's almost time. Get ready."

"This battle is related to the future of the wizarding world, and we must win."

On the other side of the mountain, under the guard of several Aurors, a dozen watchers who were good at levitation spells and transformation spells were splicing magic metal together according to the instructions of Muggle engineers.

Suddenly, the Auror Captain received a message from the psychic network.

"Everyone, just now Mr. Murphy's crow eyeliner received news that several 'rats' were found nearby."

"Cheer up, everyone! Get ready to fight."

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