Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 348 It’s a pleasure to serve you

English Channel.

Two of today's most advanced Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers are anchored near Portsmouth Naval Port.

Although they were claimed to be for supplies, the two ships had no intention of entering the port. They were still squatting at the mouth of the sea, watching with eager eyes the various ships entering and leaving Southampton and Portsmouth.

Being guarded by two guided-missile destroyers equipped with the Aegis system is of course an extremely uncomfortable experience. Since more than half a month ago, many people have protested against this.

The most influential among them is undoubtedly Patrick Lincoln, the leader of the Democratic Party, the third largest party today. In interviews with major media, he denounced the domineering behavior of the United States, saying that the United States was using the Cold War to treat the Soviet Union. Think about treating your own allies and not treating your own people as human beings.

At the same time, he has repeatedly reiterated that Britain cannot give up its own interests for the sake of so-called "allies." The British government should defend its legitimate rights and interests more strongly and fight back forcefully against the "arbitrary sanctions" imposed by the beautiful country. Blind weakness and concessions will only Harm the interests of the people of this country.

However, the People's Livelihood Party is still in the opposition. Although Patrick's voice has aroused a great response among the people, it has not been taken seriously by Congress. Many people have criticized Patrick for grandstanding, and some people have even started to wear red for Patrick. A political party hat intended to incite people's fear of the People's Livelihood Party.

"I never tire of watching these British guys quarrel every day." On the McCain, a naval captain was watching the report on TV in the lounge. "Look at their arrogance. It seems that it always feels that it is the number one powerful country.”

But at this moment, a soldier came over and said, "Captain Endel, our radar has detected some strange signals. The Lieutenant Colonel asked you to go over and have a look."

When he arrived at the CIC combat intelligence center, the captain, Lieutenant Colonel Zeke, was waiting for him. The electronic warfare officer pointed out an electronically scanned array radar signal to him, "About 200 kilometers away from us, in the northwest direction, there is an ultra-wideband jamming signal source. Our ships were scanned several times yesterday, and the interference pattern has not yet been identified, but the spectrum is extremely wide and interference occurs on almost all channels."

"Full-band interference?" Endel was stunned for a moment, "What about the intensity?"

"The intensity is not very high and cannot cause actual damage, but if this signal source increases the interference intensity by about ten times, it may directly paralyze all our radars."

Endel glanced at the map on the table and saw that the area near Birmingham was circled in red.

"The source of the interference is near Birmingham?"

"Yes," Lieutenant Colonel Zeke said, "This makes us confused. Why did they create such a large interference source in the interior? For this thing to work, most of the electronic equipment in the UK would have to malfunction."

"Is it monitored?" Endel asked.

"Under surveillance, within two hundred kilometers, anything larger than a football cannot escape our eyes..."

Lieutenant Colonel Zeke said, suddenly stunned, "What... what is this?"

On a monitoring screen, a green light spot was approaching at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The radar identifier quickly reported the speed of the target: "Speed ​​of one hundred, two hundred, Mach 1... Mach 2... It is accelerating... Size... about two meters... Guide, guide, missile!!!"

Everyone was shocked, but Endel glanced at the infrared detection display of the fire control radar on the other side, "No! There is no heat signal!"

If it is a missile, the high temperature of the propellant burning can definitely be detected.

But at this moment, suddenly, the signal disappeared.

The next moment, a dazzling flash of light lit up outside the visual sentry window, followed immediately by a "bang".

Endel was so frightened that he almost thought the ship had been hit by a missile.

However, there was no vibration and no siren sounded.

"What happened?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"There is, someone..." Suddenly an officer pointed to the deck outside the window.

Endel turned around and saw a man wearing a black robe standing up on the deck. As if he could sense Endel's gaze, he glanced here, and then the man suddenly disappeared.

"What?" Endel was stunned for a moment, "Where are the people?"

"What happened just now?" the lieutenant colonel asked the officer.

"After that flash of light, I saw him on the deck..." The officer had a ghostly expression on his face, "He seemed to have appeared suddenly..."

"Skydiving?" This was the only possibility Endel could think of.

But why didn’t the radar react at all before?

Suddenly a voice came from the communication channel inside the ship, "Alarm! Alarm! Someone has broken in... There is... uh..."


Endel was confused. Someone single-handedly broke into this destroyer that was still at sea?

SAS - Royal Special Air Service?

Apart from that, he really couldn't think of any kind of person who could do such a thing.

"Quickly, report, we are under attack!" Lieutenant Colonel Zeke did not hesitate and immediately issued the order, "The entire ship is ready for battle!"

"All personnel! Prepare for battle!" The voice of the loudspeaker sounded throughout the ship, and then the piercing alarm accompanied by the red warning light made everyone's heart suddenly rise to their throats.

More than two hundred soldiers on the ship loaded their weapons, but the alarm on the channel did not sound again.

"Send someone over to see what's going on!" the lieutenant colonel ordered.

But at this moment, the door of the intelligence center was suddenly opened.

A soldier walked in, and Endel was stunned for a moment. He recognized that this was a soldier in charge of deck hygiene. He was not qualified to enter here at all.

"How did you get in?!"

But the other party just smiled and said, "Sorry, everyone, I'll lend you your boat."


"Everyone, don't move." The man spoke, and his voice seemed to have some kind of terrifying magic power, echoing in the small command cabin, causing Endel's action of drawing the gun to stop abruptly.

Next, he opened his eyes wide and saw more than a dozen crows suddenly flying out from behind the man. The next second, more than a dozen figures in black robes appeared in the command cabin accompanied by lightning.

"Control them." The young and excessive man said.

A man in black robes came to the lieutenant colonel, took out a small wooden stick, "The soul is out of body!"

Others also chanted spells to others in the command room. Finally, the black-haired young man came to Endel and said, "Your mental resistance is very good, so I'll do it myself."

The other party said, pressing a finger on his forehead, and then, he felt an incredible pleasure, and he couldn't help laughing.

"It is a pleasure to serve you, Your Excellency."

He heard himself say before sinking completely.

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