Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 349 Crazy, everyone is crazy

"We're under attack! We're under attack! The British! They've boarded our ships!"

The Second Fleet of the Beautiful Country. Historically, this fleet would gradually lose its greatest role and withdraw from the stage of history with the disintegration of the Soviet Union. However, today, the Soviet Union is still strong, and the Second Fleet still maintains its vitality.

At this moment, the Second Fleet Command received an alert from the guided missile destroyer USS McCain.

This left everyone in the headquarters confused.

The McCain is in the English Channel, surrounded by allies. Although this mission is to form a certain deterrent to the United Kingdom, everyone knows that the United Kingdom is unlikely to react too violently. They only plan to let the two destroyers show off their power. , they just turned back and did not directly open the aircraft carrier to their doorstep like they did with those non-NATO countries.

For such a trivial matter, even if they were beaten to death, they would never have imagined that the British would actually come to seize the ship? !

It feels like you just took your fist out of your pocket and the other person chopped off one of your fingers.

Are the British crazy? !

However, the picture soon became even weirder. The McCain reported that an unidentified motorboat was loaded with explosives and launched a suicide bombing attack on the warship. Moreover, they actually succeeded. A large hole with a diameter of ten meters was blasted, the ship was flooded, and even the power system had problems.

The command immediately sternly ordered the British to stop the attack, asked the White House for instructions on whether to issue a combat order, and asked another destroyer, the Ramsey, to take action to rescue the McCain.

After receiving the notice, the British started to lie, saying that they knew nothing about the attack. They also said that they confirmed that the McCain had suffered an unidentified terrorist attack and that the ship was in danger, and asked if it needed rescue.

Soon, the Lamezi also sent back news, claiming that it had been attacked by electronic warfare and its equipment malfunctioned. Then they collided with a small cargo ship, directly sinking the latter, and its own bow was also seriously damaged.

The British side seemed to think this was a retaliatory action by the Ramsey, and they also sent three destroyers out to "protect the channel."

Then the next moment, the McCain sounded the alarm again, "The British fire control system is targeting us! Repeat, we are being targeted."

Then, "Boom!"

"Torpedoes, they fired torpedoes! Our ship is going to sink!"

But the next moment, "Boom!" The British destroyer was also hit by a torpedo.

"Request to fire! Request to fire!" The Lamézi made an urgent request for combat, but before the White House's instructions came down, a torpedo attacked. Fortunately, the Lamézi quickly threw a rocket-type depth charge. Detonate the torpedo and destroy it.

The power of the McCain was destroyed, the hull was sinking, and the Ramsey was almost hit. The White House finally could no longer hesitate and issued an order that the two ships could use any means to save themselves.

As a result, the Lamezi directly launched two sets of Wharf anti-ship missiles, and the two sides officially started a war.

The McCain also fired all anti-ship missiles, and almost at the same time, the opponent's missiles were also launched.

Both sides were within visual distance, and the missiles arrived almost instantly.

When it was about to be hit by the opponent's anti-ship missile, the Second Fleet headquarters received the last message from the McCain, "This is a conspiracy! We have found the source of the interference! Long live America!"

Subsequently, four Tomahawk cruise missiles emerged from the vertical launchers on the sinking ship and were fired into the high altitude. At the same time, the McCain was also hit by a missile from a British destroyer. The entire ship It was blown into two sections, then turned into a huge fireball in the violent explosion, and sank completely.

However, the four Tomahawk missiles it fired were like four scattered sharp arrows, flying away in different directions.

A destroyer that directly attacked the British destroyer was successfully disrupted by a jamming bomb in time. It exploded on the sea far away from the ship and almost hit a cargo ship.

The other was hit by an anti-ballistic missile from a destroyer and exploded in the air.

But there were two others, one flew to the British mainland, and the other actually flew to France on the other side.

After a while, the paths of the two missiles were analyzed.

Seeing the result, the British Ministry of Defense turned green. The missile flying towards France was pointing at a blank area on the map. It seemed to be no man's land. It didn't matter, but the landing of the cruise missile flying towards the British mainland was... Click, it’s London!

damn it! Are the beautiful people crazy? !

The Second Fleet is also extremely crazy. Is the McCain crazy? !

It's understandable to counterattack the opponent's ship, but to throw missiles directly at the capital. What kind of operation is this? !

However, the McCain has already sunk in the English Channel. It sank after the ship exploded. It is not certain how many people are left alive on the ship. Now there is no way to ask why they did this.

If that missile landed in the center of London...

In the White House, the president of the United States was almost frightened by his heart attack. Could it be that after more than forty years of Cold War, the real war was not coming from the Soviet Union, but was about to break out between the United States and Britain?

What the hell kind of joke is this?

Of course, Downing Street is more afraid than the White House.

The Prime Minister was asked to hide underground while holding the nuclear code box. At the same time, harsh air defense sirens sounded over London. For the first time after World War II, London was once again threatened by war.

"Where is the Minister of Defense! Stop it! Stop it at all costs! Stop it!" the Prime Minister yelled like crazy.

Whenever that bomb falls in London, it kills a person. Based on his ambiguous attitude towards the beautiful country in the past, he will be driven out of office.

"How confident are we that we can intercept that missile?" the Prime Minister finally asked the experts beside him.

"The launch location is too close to us," the expert said. "It is only 62 miles away from Portsmouth. The Tomahawk missile has a speed of Mach 0.7 and it only takes seven minutes to get here. However, we still have a high probability of shooting it down. The Ax missile is not very fast and it is always on our radar..."

But at this moment, an adviser put down the phone in his hand and said to the Prime Minister, "The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of National Defense just said that they lost the location of the missile..."

"What?!" The Prime Minister was stunned.

"The Tomahawk missile disappeared from the radar..."

In mid-air, Murphy looked at the Tomahawk missile below. It had been attached with an improved phantom spell, so the radar would no longer be able to detect its existence, and he would also slightly change the missile's route to make it go around. A small arc to avoid interception by the Department of Defense via ballistics.

The target Murphy has set for him is the Palace of Westminster - the British Parliament Building.

Although there may be no one there by the time the missile arrives, just blowing up the building is enough to shock people.

In fact, the missile fired at London was just incidental. He did not intend to kill anyone. After the naval battle, his purpose was achieved.

The person he wanted to kill was at the impact point of another missile.

France, Loire Valley, Ourusbourg.

The auditorium of this old castle manor that didn't even exist on the map was now filled with wizards.

A short, fat American wizard was standing on the stage with great satisfaction.

Just now, he succeeded in getting the Federation to pass a resolution to remove Dumbledore. Although the group of Dumbledore's die-hard fans were very unconvinced, the fact was that they could not overturn the situation.

The next step is to guide them to elect themselves as the new president, and this is not difficult. Most of the people here are nobles from various countries who want to make a fortune through the war against Murphy. They have no regard for the protection of confidentiality laws. Don't care, but everyone wants to take the opportunity to muddy the water.

Only by muddying the waters in the wizarding world can they fish in troubled waters and rise like Murphy to become a wizarding oligarch.

After all, except for a mentally ill guy like Dumbledore, who doesn't love money? Who doesn’t want to have power?

It doesn't matter whether Murphy broke the law or not, but whether he can use this as an excuse to kill him and eat his legacy is very important.

"Everyone, Murphy Darkholm violated the law of confidentiality, killed investigators, and treated the Federation as if it were nothing, seriously threatening the normal order of the wizarding world. Such behavior will never be allowed by the Wizards Federation! Although he controls British magic Ministry, but as long as we unite and concentrate our efforts, we will definitely be able to..."

"What is that?" Suddenly a wizard asked, looking out the window.

A bright point of light streaked across the sky like a shooting star.

"It seems... coming towards us..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a boom, and a cylinder smashed through the window lattice and entered the venue.

The next moment, a bright light illuminated everyone's eyes.

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