London, Palace of Westminster.

When the air raid siren sounded, everyone was startled. Security personnel immediately reported the news that a Tomahawk missile was flying towards London, and everyone immediately went to the shelter to seek refuge.

There was a debate going on in the House of Commons at the time about how to deal with sanctions from America.

The debate was reaching its climax. The Conservative Party argued that the umbrella company and the British government did not have real common interests on the grounds that "the umbrella company had unauthorized contact with the red camp." This made several Labor MPs who tried to safeguard the rights of the umbrella company temporarily overwhelmed.

At this moment of imminent victory, he was suddenly interrupted by the so-called "air raid siren". The spokesman of the Conservative Party was very doubtful about the authenticity of the matter. "Shooting missiles towards London? Is the president of the United States crazy, or are you crazy? This must be The other party made a ridiculous excuse to interrupt the meeting!"

Fortunately, there are still people with clear heads. A reporter from Sky Broadcasting got the news in a relatively timely manner. He put down his mobile phone and said, "The latest news is that the McCain was sunk and the Lamezi escaped. We also suffered losses." Two destroyers were hit. In addition, the Tomahawk ballistic impact point is indeed London, and our radar has lost its signal. It may fall anywhere in the city of London!"

"I wish you victory in the debate, gentlemen, I have to leave first..."

The congressmen panicked and rushed toward the door.

Some of them were elderly, and they were reminded of the horrific memories of the bombing of London when they were children, and they ran faster than the young people.

"Gentlemen, there are more than 300,000 acres in London, only 5,000 acres in Westminster, and only 20 acres in the Houses of Parliament. The probability of a missile falling on top of our heads is less than one in 10,000, so don't panic...let's Frontbenchers go first..."

"Put away your ridiculous numbers. Your head is only as big as the tip of a pin. The probability of a Tomahawk missile landing on your head is infinitely close to zero. The beautiful Chinese will not waste a missile to kill a fool. You Stay here, you idiot, and get out of the way!”

The normally gentlemanly MPs were now rushing out of the Houses of Parliament from St. Stephen's Passage like rats emerging from the toilet during an earthquake.

The former Sky Broadcasting reporter Malis also followed the MPs and squeezed into a shelter. After recovering from the shock, he turned around and saw that next to him was Macdonald, the permanent undersecretary of foreign affairs and the spokesperson of the Conservative Party.

He couldn't help but take out his voice recorder and said, "Secretary-in-Chief, what do you think of this sudden naval battle? Does this confirm some of the previous statements in society about the threat to the beautiful country?"

"Threat theory?" McDonald glanced at him, "We don't know what is happening outside yet, but I think it must be a misunderstanding. Our alliance with the Beautiful Country has a history of decades, whether it is us or the Beautiful Country No country will easily break this solid alliance. The beautiful country will not threaten us, because that is like threatening its own liver, eyes and tongue."

"And we are not one of those second-rate countries. Our territory once spread all over the world. We were the first to complete the industrial revolution. Without us, this beautiful country would be just a barren pasture, where only the Indians lived a primitive life."

"I tell you, sir, Britain is indispensable to the Beautiful Country's strategy in Europe, and no one wants to be our enemy, not even the Beautiful Country."

"Huh, I dare to go out now. I dare to say that those missiles are just false lies. Throwing missiles at London? Huh, why don't you just blow up the Congress! According to me, nothing big will happen. Everything Still under control.”

However, he just finished speaking.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside, and a lot of dust fell from the ceiling. The light tube flickered, and a series of screams suddenly sounded in the shelter.

"Explosion! It's very close to here!" Malis once worked as a war reporter and was no stranger to explosions.

When the shaking subsided, he couldn't help but ran out first. He ran away from the two security personnel who tried to stop him and ran out of the shelter.

All he could see in front of him was violent smoke and fire. It took him a while to realize what the scene in front of him meant.

Based on a reporter's instinct, he took out his camera and captured the scene.

A huge gap was opened in the west center of the Palace of Westminster, and half of the entire palace collapsed. Just as he pressed the shutter, the Victoria Tower suddenly fell down, and the British flag hanging on it also fell down. come down.

At the same time, the bell of Big Ben suddenly rang.

It's ten o'clock in the morning.

The British national card, the symbol of democracy, the center of power, the Palace of Westminster - the Houses of Parliament, collapsed in the final wail of Big Ben.

Beautiful country, Pentagon.

An emergency conference call of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is being held.

"The president has asked me four times in succession." On the TV, the Defense Minister's thin face was full of seriousness. "You can't fool me with 'still investigating' anymore. Tell me something useful, conclusion." What is it? How the hell did this happen?!”

"We have compiled all the intelligence and sorted out the timeline of the entire incident." A senior intelligence officer said, "Please allow me to delay you for a while to report the entire incident."

"At 9:10 a.m., the McCain suddenly sent an emergency alarm, saying that the British had boarded the ship and seemed to be preparing to seize the ship. Within the next two minutes, we had some exchanges, and their words were confused and unclear. They said the radar might have been interfered with, then they said the other side might be airborne troops, then they said there was only one enemy, and finally they even said the other side might have superpowers..."

"Beginning at 9:17, the McCain's communication was interrupted for two minutes. Then, they canceled the ship's alarm and told us that the special forces members who boarded the ship had been eliminated."

"But soon, at 9:24, they were attacked again. This time it was a speedboat filled with explosives. It still appeared suddenly. There was no response from the radar. We still don't know why the McCain was not nearby. There should be at least a dozen soldiers on duty on the deck to intercept the speedboat... In short, the speedboat hit the hull, the explosives exploded, a hole was blown in the middle of the battleship, and the power system was paralyzed. "

"At 9:30, on its way to rescue the McCain, the Ramezy encountered signal interference and rammed and sank a cargo ship."

"At 9:41, three British destroyers left Portsmouth Harbor and came within visual distance of the McCain."

"At 9:43, the McCain sent an alarm saying that it was locked by the fire control radar."

"At 9:44, the McCain was torpedoed."

"At 9:45, the British ship was torpedoed."

"At 9:46, the Lamezi was also locked by fire control and requested combat orders, but received no response."

"At 9:47, a torpedo attempted to attack the Ramese but was intercepted by depth charges."

"At 9:50, the combat order was issued, and the McCain and Ramezy launched anti-ship missiles at the same time."

"At 9:51, the missile hit a British warship."

"At 9:52, the McCain was hit again and fired four Tomahawk missiles at the same time."

"At 9:52, two Tomahawk missiles were intercepted, and the other two landed in no-man's land in central France and one in London."

"At 9:54, the Lamezi left the battlefield."

"At 9:55, the Tomahawk missile flying towards London suddenly disappeared."

"At 10:00 sharp, the Palace of Westminster was bombed."

"Mr. Minister, from the beginning to the end of the incident, there are only fifty minutes in total, and within these fifty minutes, there are two very weird and critical incidents. If we can figure out what happened to these two incidents, maybe we can solve it." Know the whole thing."

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