Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 351 Is there such a thing as the international community?

The Minister of Defense frowned and said, "Don't beat around the bush, just say it directly."

"The first is the ship-seizing incident of the McCain. This incident is really incredible. The McCain did not dock at the time, and the enemy could only board the ship from the air and underwater. However, the Aegis system is enough to detect hundreds of With something the size of a baseball within 60 kilometers, no one can parachute in the air without being noticed, and there should be soldiers on duty on the deck of the ship at the time. It was daytime and the weather was clear, so if someone parachuted, they would not have been undetected."

"The McCain's sonar system is also sufficient to ensure its underwater safety."

"However, the McCain was still invaded. If not everyone in the command center went crazy, or if the enemy was really a superman as they reported, then there is only one possibility to explain this: they were attacked When all-round and full-band signals were blocked, the enemy carried out a boarding operation right under their noses, but they were unaware of it."

"Who can do this?" asked the Defense Secretary.

The Arleigh Burke-class destroyers are the most advanced destroyers in the United States. The McCain and Ramsey were launched just two years ago. At the same time, they are equipped with the world's most advanced radar early warning system - the Aegis system, and are also specially equipped with Without electronic warfare and anti-jamming enhancement components, who else in the world can silently silence such a high-tech warship?

"Could it be...the Soviet Union?" The Minister of Defense pondered, "What was the second thing you just said?"

"At 9:45, the British ship was torpedoed." The intelligence officer said, "After the McCain was torpedoed, the British ship was torpedoed immediately. But at this time, our combat order has not been issued. This Who fired the torpedo?”

"The Ramezy still had the possibility of escaping the battlefield, and there was no reason to attack the British fleet. And if the McCain launched an attack, it would either mean that they violated the fleet command and launched an attack on the allies without authorization, or that - Mai There may not be any of our people on board the Kahn anymore.”

"The latter is more likely."

"In addition, the McCann sent a message when it finally sank... They said they found the source of interference, but they launched Tomahawk missiles towards the British mainland and France... Unless the interference source came from the British mainland or France, otherwise, they His behavior seems more like an attempt to provoke conflicts between our country and the United Kingdom and France."

The Minister of Defense's eyes lit up, "Are you saying that this incident was led by the Soviet Union and provoked a war between us and our allies?"

"Or there are two possibilities, one is by terrorists in the UK, and the other is by the French."

"But the former is difficult to explain the opponent's interference capabilities. During the entire incident, our unknown enemy demonstrated very powerful information interference capabilities. This is not something ordinary terrorists can do. And if it was done by the French, I But no matter what, their motives can’t be found.”

"Therefore, only Su people are possible."

"Perhaps there was one of their submarines lurking nearby at that time."

"That's it." The Minister of Defense breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a very explainable reason, and it is also a very politically correct reason.

Isn’t it natural for the Soviet people to engage in aggression against Britain and the United States?

The Su Kingdom was on the verge of dying two years ago, but somehow it managed to recover. It even seems to have gradually stabilized recently. This makes him anxious every day, but it also saves him the reason to raise military expenditures.

Don't you see such a big threat standing there?

Anyway, if a bad person can't find the rightful owner and throw it at Su Guo, there is a high probability that no one will object.

"Do we have any evidence?" the defense minister asked again.

"not yet."

"Continue to investigate." The Secretary of Defense said, "Especially the McCann. Also, check the landing point in France. One of the two tomahawks fell in London, and if the other one fell in Paris, I would not care at all. It will be strange, but why is it in a no-man’s land?”

"Is that really no man's land? Go check and see what's there."

France, "no man's land" - Eurusbourg.

The centuries-old castle has been turned into ruins.

At this moment, on the ruins, seven or eight wizards are working hard to search and rescue.

They were Aurors from the French Ministry of Magic.

"It's too tragic." A middle-aged bald man came to the ruins and patted the back of a young man who was vomiting, causing the latter to retch violently again. "Spit up, just vomit more." got used to."

"Emil," a wizard with a serious expression stood in front of the ruins and saw him, "You should be setting up Muggle expulsion spells. Isn't that what the Disaster Management Department does? Why are you still here?"

"You cannot set up spells." The bald man said, "You must leave as soon as possible. Muggle investigators will be here soon."

"Tell them to get lost, there are still people here who have not been rescued."

"There is no one left, Henry." Emil said, "This place was blown up by a Muggle bomb. The bomb blew up the castle to pieces. Unless someone can be turned into meat paste and cooked and still alive, otherwise , there is no one alive here anymore.”

The Auror captain named Henry stared at him fiercely, "Is this funny to you?! The Wizards' Federation is meeting here, and a full one hundred and thirty Federation members attended the meeting! More than the Wizards' Federation Half of the members!

Emil curled his lips and said, "Do you have any relatives here?"

"Putain! Emil! Do you understand what is happening here?!"

"They all died in France. How should the international community view us in the future?"

Emil shrugged, "Are you still worried about this? If all these people are dead, will there be a shitty international community in the future?"

The Auror Captain was stunned and speechless for a moment.

"Okay, Henry, take your people away quickly. The Muggles know there's a bomb dropped here, and they will send people over. I can't cast an oblivion spell on thousands of people."

"What to do here?"

"What else can we do? Let's burn it first, and then I'll go find the Muggle President and see if there's any way to cover this up."

"Putain! Emil!" In the President's Office, Emil was sprayed bloody by the Muggle president opposite who was also bald.

"A missile flew from the English Channel to Anjou, more than 300 kilometers away! It can be seen by 10,000 radars around the world. How can I cooperate with you to cover up such a thing?"

"It's not the missiles, Mr. President, it's the corpses..."

"If your 'will-o'-the-wisp' can burn those corpses clean, it would be best if that place should be a forest land, an uninhabited land! You'd better make it truly desolate."

"It's difficult, sir, with the masonry covering..."

"Then you need to give me a reason why the US missiles have to travel more than 300 kilometers to kill these people? Who are they? Should I tell the world that they are wizards? This is a war from wizards The world's vendetta? And they can actually control American warships and American missiles?"


President Francois's head almost exploded when he thought about this, "Damn it, don't even think about using any forgetting spell on me, you have to give me an explanation for this!"

"Give us half a day, Mr. President, it only takes half a day and we can clean up the scene."

Francois glared at him.

long time? Americans have already called the Elysee Palace seven times just now!

However, it seems that this is all that can be done.

"The last time!" Francois gritted his teeth and said, "I'm warning you, wizard! This is the last time you come to cause trouble for me! Don't let me see you again in the future! There are other sanctions on other countries' companies and restrictions on trade. Don’t mention things like this again in the future!”

"This is our country! This is my country! Don't tell me what to do! If you guys want to hide, hide somewhere where no one can see you!"

"Go away! Go away! Hide in the corner and never come out again!"

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