The rattan wrapped around Wilt's neck, almost suffocating him and struggling desperately.

But Murphy remained indifferent. He looked meaningfully at the man walking across from him.

"Merlin. Son of God."

The magic power flowing in the opponent's body far exceeds that of ordinary wizards, and the level of magic power has almost reached the level of gods. However, it is different from ordinary gods. His magic power does not seem to come from the transformation of faith, but looks more like It's borrowed.

This is somewhat similar to Murphy's situation.

The Merlin was also observing Murphy's reaction. He tortured Wilt just to give the unknown wizard opposite him a blow so that he could find out the details. However, seeing that the other party didn't seem to care about his actions, he secretly bit him. Gritting his teeth, murderous intent suddenly appeared, and the cane suddenly shrank, about to break Wilt's neck.

But at this moment, a wisp of breeze blew past the vines very quickly, cutting them into countless pieces like a sharp knife.

Wales collapsed weakly on the ground, but Murphy didn't look at him, but looked at "Merlin", "I'm new here, and I don't want to cause any trouble. But you seem to be very hostile to me. Can you explain to me the reason? ?"

Merlin glanced at the chopped vines. He could do the same thing, but he just transformed the magic power into sharp wind knives. But what the other party did was too easy, and he didn't need any rituals or props. There was no need to recite long spells, and he didn't even see the other party making any moves - this was definitely not something that ordinary wizards could do.

This made him more wary of Murphy, but also more cautious, "This is my camp, and as you can see, we are preparing for a war. But you are an uninvited guest, or show your Identity and position, or leave here immediately.”

"War? With whom?" Murphy asked.

"This is none of your business. If you are not here to join us, get out of here right now!" Merlin seemed to have no interest in explaining, so he turned around and left.

"There are many wizards gathered here. Are they all yours?" Murphy refused.

"That's a lie," Merdin Wilt on the ground hoarsely said. "Merlin and other sons of gods recruited wizards across the country, claiming to provide us with shelter, but he only regarded us as slaves. We exist. The meaning is to build weapons for his legion so that he can fight to the death with those believers of Christ! "

Wilt has already noticed that Merlin seems to be a little afraid of this new wizard. Otherwise, with Merlin's behavior, if the opponent is weaker than him, he will either coax the opponent to join the camp or kill the opponent on the spot. He said he wanted the other person to leave, but in fact it was just to hide himself.

Merlin paused. Suddenly he turned around and slammed down a wooden staff in his hand. Several mounds suddenly rose up on the ground and spread towards Wilt at an extremely fast speed.

The latter saw it, but had no time to react.

As a wizard, Wilt can of course use magic, but in this era where the magic network does not exist, releasing any magic requires him to concentrate on accurately imagining the effect that should be achieved before he can pass it. Gestures, incantations, etc. guide the emergence of magic.

In this flash of lightning, fear had completely captured his heart. Before he could hide, he was naturally unable to imagine any magic.

However, Murphy just smiled and tapped his toes on the ground. In an instant, a force spread out from the center, turning the ground into hard rock. The several raised mounds of earth collided with each other. When they reached the rocks and could no longer move forward, they exploded one after another, stretching out several vines that twisted like pythons.

Merlin stared at Murphy fiercely, "You are not a wizard! Who are you? An angel of Christ?!"

But he did not wait for Murphy's answer. This was just to sentence the other party to death.

He waved his wooden staff again, and the vines suddenly stretched out and circled around Murphy. In just a few moments, they woven a spherical cage. At the same time, sharp thorns began to protrude from the vines. , a cubit long. As the cage suddenly shrank inward, the spikes were densely intertwined into a ball, forming an elliptical sphere covered with thorns.

Merlin felt relieved when he saw this. No matter how capable you are, as long as you are still flesh and blood, you will definitely be turned into a hedgehog this time.

But from the spike ball, a voice came out, "Everyone saw it, it was your hand that moved first."

Before he finished speaking, a humanoid figure whose whole body was burning with flames walked out of the sphere. He took only one step and came to Merlin. Before the other party could react, Pyro put one of his hands on the top of his head and held him down. He knelt down.

"Let me see what this is all about."

As he spoke, the flaming hand burned through Merlin's skull, instantly carbonizing the parietal bones. However, its terrifying high temperature seemed to be limited to a very small range, and it only peeled off Merlin's skull above his eyebrows. Not even the meninges were damaged at all.

The firelight suddenly dissipated, revealing the figure of a young man in black robes. His palm was hanging just a finger's distance above Merlin's exposed brain. Ten beams of light suddenly burst out from the palm, dividing Merlin's brain in an instant. Ten areas, and then those beams began to scan the areas they were responsible for at a very high speed at the nanometer scale.

"Legilimency!" The boy finally chanted a spell.

Waves of burnt smell floated up from Merlin's brain. In order to obtain the instant status of neurons, the scanning laser required extremely high precision and intensity. Of course, the fragile brain could not withstand such torture. Those areas that were scanned All were completely burnt.

Merlin's whole body was twitching uncontrollably, his eyes rolled up and trembled involuntarily. His remaining consciousness was filled with endless fear, and he subconsciously wanted to escape.

But the palm that was pressing above his head was like a mountain. It blocked the space around him in some way that he couldn't imagine. He couldn't even control it with a finger.

He could no longer even control his own magic power, and could not even follow the mysterious connection between the magic power and send a distress message to its source.

His consciousness is being swallowed up and his memory is being taken away. He is watching his own death but is unable to do anything.


At the last moment of his life, what he blurted out turned out to be words commonly used by his sworn enemies, Christians, to stigmatize his own people.


Murphy smiled, retracted his hand, and let the body with only half of its head fall down.

The devil is just a devil. He seemed to have been called a devil before.

In addition to the experimental purpose of using this terrifying method to absorb the opponent's memory, the more important reason is that the opponent's magic power is very huge, far exceeding that of ordinary wizards. Murphy is not completely sure that he can break through the opponent's spiritual defense with magic alone. And get completely true information.

After all, memory reading is an extremely delicate job. Without the help of the magic network, it is difficult for him to ensure that he is foolproof in the fierce magic confrontation.

In comparison, this physical scanning method is safer.

Facts have proved that his judgment was correct.

He has now obtained Merlin's memory and knows that this "Son of God" is an imitation of Christ created by the native British gods.

Like Christ, he was a direct creation of the gods. His mother was a mortal and his father was one of the British gods. He was the true Son of God.

Its magic power comes directly from a god. Murphy may not be able to fully read the opponent's memory just by relying on magic.

In the process of confronting Christianity, the British indigenous gods suffered enough from their lack of culture, so they decided to fully learn the ways of the Christian God and created this divine son for themselves. They planned to use him as a banner to gather the faith of mortals and create His own army fought against the Christians.

It's a pity that Murphy encountered a roadblock before starting his business.

But this matter is obviously not over yet. In the memories that Murphy scanned, there are more than one sons of gods created by the British native gods, and they are all in this camp at the moment.

Sure enough, within a moment, several majestic magic waves gradually gathered and surrounded him.

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