The magic level of wizards today is not much different from that of the future.

But without the magic compiler and responder of the Magic Network, the wizard not only has to spend more magic power to release spells, but also needs to rely on his own imagination and knowledge system to form the magic effect, which is extremely inefficient.

If the magic network is established and trained, although the wizards' abilities are not enough to fight enemies of the level of the Son of God and Archangels, they can still reach the level of future Aurors and deal with those superficial angel legions. No big problem.

However, Murphy established the Magic Network not just to benefit wizards.

Like Rheingold, the Magic Network is a key part of his subsequent "God Blockade" plan.

The Sons of God were doubtful that the Magic Net could enhance the strength of wizards, but Murphy also said that with some adjustments, the Magic Net could also greatly enhance the power of the Son of God and even the gods. After that, the Sons of God finally became somewhat interested and took the initiative to ask. Let’s start with how to build a magic network.

"The Magic Network can be regarded as a magic amplifier." Murphy said, "Its construction mainly consists of three parts. First, a variety of magic powers with different attributes. The more powerful and the more extreme the nature, the better. Second, Materials that carry magic power - magic metals such as mithril and orichalcum are one of them. The third is the ritual of combining these materials and magic power into a specific structure."

This is actually the "artificial magic network" technology reverse engineered from the magic network by Haldane, Jim Best and others in the future timeline.

But at this moment, Murphy is preparing to use it to create a real magic network.

In fact, to this day, he is basically convinced that the 80% "Magic Network" they will discover in the future was created by himself.

Otherwise, he really couldn't imagine who else would build such a huge magic project except him.

And he does need the Magic Network to complete his plan.

Murphy then roughly explained the specific plan for the construction of the magic network.

First of all, it is necessary to produce high-quality magic metal to carry and separate the magic power of various special properties.

The magic network has extremely high requirements for magic metal, and the magic-making technology of the wizards in the camp is obviously not up to it.

But it doesn’t matter, the wizards’ technology was stolen from the fairies, and apart from part of the fairies’ alchemy being a racial inheritance, the best part actually comes from a certain unnamed Nordic god of trickery and lies. ——They learned many clever enchanting and smelting techniques from the artifacts that Loki created for the Asir gods.

But now, with Murphy, the founder of fairy metallurgical technology, there is no need to worry about the creation of magic metal.

After producing qualified magic metal, it is necessary to collect magic power of various properties. In this regard, the magical powers of the Sons of God are actually more appropriate. Their magical powers come from their respective father gods, and the magical powers of those gods are "conceptualized" because they are transformed from priesthood and divinity. In terms of attributes, Acting very extreme.

For example, the magic power of the children of the God of Love has a strong charm ability, while the magic power of the children of the Ocean God has water attributes.

But involving the Son of God now is not conducive to Murphy's control, so Murphy just chooses to filter from the wizards' respective magic powers.

In fact, he does not lack magic power of various attributes at all. After Ragnarok, the various extreme magic powers Murphy collected from the Nordic gods were enough for him to build several magic network nodes, but it was not easy for him to build a magic network. Just for the sake of the magic network itself, he had to use it to drag down the Son of God and the gods behind the Son of God. Naturally, he had to leave room for the gods to intervene.

In the future, after these two steps are completed, the Magic Network node has actually been built at the physical level. It only needs to adjust its resonance frequency to be consistent with the real Magic Network, and then it can be incorporated into the Magic Network.

This Magic Network node is like a computer with only the most primitive paper tape input and output mode. Even now that the Magic Network does not exist, Murphy can use some means to communicate with this Magic Network node and complete some tasks similar to what can be done through the Magic Network. operation.

But this requires an extremely deep understanding of the nature of the magic network and a very high level of magic control technology.

Traveling through the past and future, it is almost impossible for anyone other than Murphy to copy this method of control.

Therefore, in order to turn this magic network node into a tool that all wizards can use - and thus become a trap to lure the sons of gods and gods to jump in, Murphy must complete the last step - to give this hardware-only node Magic Network builds a set of operating rules, which is to load a set of self-running software for it.

This set of operating rules needs to meet the following requirements:

1. Simple interaction method allows wizards to accurately guide magic effects with just short spells or gestures.

2. The cheap magic power consumption allows the wizard's poor magic power level to still cast spells for a long time.

3. Powerful expansion capabilities to satisfy the endless creativity of wizards, so that it can always be used to better achieve the wizards' intentions instead of restricting them.

To this end, Murphy plans to equip the Magic Network with a brain-like neural network and conduct a certain degree of pre-training on it.

This is not difficult. He already has a memristor brain-like chip and a large neural network model. At the same time, he also has a large number of mature magic and spell paradigms on hand, based on which he can create a system that can adapt to most magic. The program of the scene is just a matter of engineering quantity, and there is no technical bottleneck.

The entire plan for the construction of the magic network has long been formed in Murphy's mind, so he explained it eloquently, but the gods were made dizzy by his explanation.

With their poor knowledge and shallow understanding of magic, they simply couldn't understand the many complex magic manipulation techniques Murphy mentioned.

They all complained as if they were listening to a book from heaven. When they heard that Murphy planned to hand over the construction of the magic network to wizards who were more familiar with magic technology, they all felt as if they had been granted amnesty and were afraid to avoid it.

While Murphy scolded these guys for just sitting back and enjoying their success, he sneered in his heart.

Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. I gave you a chance but you didn't use it.

They only wanted to leave such complicated and difficult work to a group of hard-working wizards, and they only wanted to enjoy the results, but they never thought that the Magic Network would become a technical black box for them.

Murphy will leave them the most convenient and quickest interface, and naturally he will also leave the most hidden and efficient backdoor for himself at the bottom level.

This is a trap, but it is also a conspiracy.

For magic users, the Magic Network is just like electronic computers after the emergence of the Windows system. Its improvement in efficiency is a bait that the gods cannot refuse.

But until they have sufficient knowledge of the nature of magic and magic technology, their authority in the magic network will always be under Murphy's control.

However, the idealistic nature of gods determines that it is impossible for them to obtain such in-depth knowledge.

This is an unbreakable trap set by taking advantage of the inherent flaws of the gods.

This is the prison Murphy prepared for the gods.

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