Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 461: Casting spells as smoothly as a stream of water

The excitement of the wizards was a different story in the eyes of the Sons of God.

They don't have any fluctuations, exchanges, or feelings.

A group of gods could only look at the group of wizards dancing and dancing with confusion on their faces. It took them a while to realize that the magic network seemed to be completed?

Those wizards seemed to be releasing magic, and with their weak magic power, they had to be able to do this kind of thing before at least for a long time.

But wizards are strengthened by the magic network. Why can't they also use magic?

Isn’t it said that the magic net can also strengthen the power of the Son of God and even the gods?

"That guy is indeed a liar!" A son of God shouted.

Even those who had confidence in Murphy before were hesitant. Could it be that everything this man said before was a lie? This so-called magic network can only be used by wizards?

If this is the case, the effect of this magic net is too useless. No matter how powerful a group of wizards are, it is of little use. On the contrary, it will become difficult to control.

Seeing that Murphy was preparing to fill up the big hole, it seemed that the construction of the magic network had been completed, and the Sons of God could no longer wait and see what happened. Someone immediately rushed up and asked Murphy: "Wait a minute, Son of Merlin! Is this the end?”

What came was a centaur wearing golden armor, named Gro. It is said that his father was a centaur from the Taokenros tribe in ancient Greece. Later, he came to Britain for unknown reasons and ruled the centaurs on the British Isles. , ascended to godhood.

Gro had an impatient temper, and Cu Chulainn wanted to stop him, but after thinking about it for a while, he finally allowed him to charge forward.

"Yes, the construction of the Magic Network has been completed." Murphy said, "Within its coverage, using magic will become very simple."

"But why don't I feel anything?" Gro asked, "Didn't you say that the Magic Network can also enhance our power?"

"Of course," Murphy said without changing his expression, "The magic network can enhance the power of any magic user."


"However, this is based on a premise. The power of the magic network is not generated out of thin air. If you need to use it, you need to pay a part of your own magic power as a price."

"What?" Groo widened his eyes, "Why didn't you mention it before? And did these wizards pay a price?"

"Of course, the magic power that is the energy source for the magic network and the magic power they invested in the ceremony are all the price paid. The magic network is connected with them." Murphy said, "It is precisely because of their investment that they will There will be returns, but the returns will be more substantial than their investment.”

"You mean, if we want to use the magic net, we need to put in some power first?" On the other side, Cu Chulainn also came to Murphy.

"I should have told you before that building the Magic Network requires a lot of polar magic power. This is the initial startup energy of the Magic Network and is also the basic material. If the Magic Network wants to work, it needs these polar magic powers. But you are alone Everyone didn't want to listen to my explanation, so I had to leave all the work to the wizards. When they asked you for magic power, you were unwilling to cooperate, so I had to settle for the next best thing and use the power of the wizards to complete the magic network. ”

"The foundation of the Magic Network is completed with the polar magic power of the wizards. They are the initial investors of the Magic Network and share the power of the Magic Network according to their shares."

"This is determined by the operating rules of the Magic Network. If you want to use the Magic Network, you must inject your own magic power into it. Only in this way can you get feedback from the Magic Network. The more magic power you use, the more feedback you will get. The bigger it gets.”

"Don't worry, the magic network has been activated. The subsequent injection of magic power does not need to be as troublesome as the beginning. It only requires a spell."

Murphy takes the lead.

Come on, leeks, take a stake.

Only if you buy shares can I lock you in.

Cu Chulainn hesitated and decided to give it a try, "How should I do it? What is the spell?"

There is just some magic power left and right. Compared with the wizards, the magic power possessed by the Sons of God is huge. It is not a problem to invest a little bit in the magic network to try.

"It's simple, the mantra is Registered Member."

This weird spell confused Cu Chulainn, but he still recited the spell obediently.

Suddenly, a strange feeling enveloped him, as if something extremely elusive and elusive was communicating with him.

In fact, this is the magic network that is reading Cu Chulainn's magic characteristics, and registering an account and creating a file for him in the magic network.

Except for those wizards who participated in the construction of the Magic Network, a magic file will be created before anyone uses the Magic Network. It's not just this special registered spell that can be used to create a file, but the first time a Magic Network user uses any of the standard spells set by Murphy, the file creation operation will be automatically completed.

The file creation was completed very quickly, and the next moment, Cu Chulainn felt as if a channel had been opened to him in the void, and he was about to absorb his own magic power.

This is the recharge entrance.

Unlike the future complete version of the Magic Network, which has almost endless magic power, the magic power contained in the Magic Network at this time is only the polar divine power obtained from Ragnarok that Murphy initially invested. Although the total amount is not Few, but ultimately limited.

Therefore, for the sustainable development of Magic Network, Murphy must let Magic Network be responsible for its own profits and losses. The method is also very simple - pay for use.

The magic net can help users adjust their magic power, making it easier and more efficient to release magic. Its magic power usage efficiency is nearly a hundred times higher than that of ordinary gods. In other words, if the user invests 1 piece of magic power, it can produce more than a hundred times the magic power of the past. Effect.

Its effectiveness is greatly overflowing for today's wizards and gods.

In order to avoid waste, Murphy collected 80% of the magic power invested by users into the magic network, and then generously used the remaining 20% ​​to realize the user's magic - this is similar to Nibo who originally tricked the Asa gods. The Dragon Root Ring is consistent.

Even so, users will still feel that their magic power is twenty times more effective than it was originally.

This is the productivity improvement brought by the magic network. Murphy collected 80% of the magic power invested by the user. It seems like a lot, but who allowed him to master the core magic technology? As long as others fail to master this magic technology for a day, they will only Can be harvested by Murphy.

After all, a twenty-fold profit return is shocking enough for users.

At this moment, Cu Chulainn, who had recharged a sum of magic power into the magic network, also felt the feedback. It was as if a magnificent door opened a gap for him, and the vast magic energy roared and rolled behind the door. He felt He is touching the corner of a great thing, and he can use this creation to show power far beyond imagination.

He tried to raise the spear, and suddenly, a blazing flame accumulated between the spears. With the infusion of surging divine power in his body, the destructive power in the flames increased rapidly, and heat waves rolled around, even his own beard and hair. They all began to curl under the terrifying heat.

He looked at the terrifying explosion of flames he had created in astonishment, and subconsciously pointed his spear into the distance.

"Boom!" sounded like a giant dragon roaring in his ears, and the flames burst out, even causing him to take half a step back under the impact.

Then he saw the blazing ball of light making a slight arc in the air and hitting the mountain in the distance. After the violent flash, followed by an ear-splitting rumble, half of the mountain collapsed.

Cu Chulainn still maintained the posture of holding the gun, and the strong shock from his heart made him stay where he was.

This was not only due to the terrifying power of the explosive flames, but also because it was the first time that he had used his own power so freely.

The Sons of God have huge power, but apart from some special abilities, they lack decent means of using magic power. The spear in their hands is almost the only combat method that Cu Chulainn can use.

They know that magic is good, but the feeling of using magic is very bad. Due to the lack of technology to mobilize and use magic, they spend a lot of magic energy and create magic that can only be used for performances. It feels like a constipated patient, obviously There is something in my stomach, but I can't hold it in.

But at this moment, with the help of the magic net, he could release a powerful magic so smoothly for the first time.

It's such a wonderful feeling that you don't need to think about any technology or method at all, just imagine it based on your feelings, and the divine power can do everything for you at your command.

The process was so smooth and natural, and the result was beyond imagination. He couldn't even feel the existence of the magic network in it, as if he was mobilizing the entire world to achieve this miracle.

This is really a smooth and hearty spell!

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