Even though Cu Chulainn did not realize that he had consumed one-third of his magic power, he did not feel any pity and even wanted to do it again.

At the same time, the Sons of God were also stunned by the move he just showed.

Even their fathers, the real gods, didn't know how much effort it would take to achieve such earth-shattering magic, but Cu Chulainn did it just after he came into contact with the magic network.

They couldn't wait to recite the registration spell one after another, ready to try this magical magic network.

Looking at the excited Sons of God, Murphy also showed a cheerful smile.

Great, the fish is hooked.

The convenience of Magic Network is comparable to that of future mobile phones, and even exceeds it in many aspects. Once you use it, it is difficult to quit.

This will provide the Magic Network with a steady supply of magic power.

Through the observation of the Son of God, the gods behind them will soon realize the power of the magic network. No magic user can refuse such a temptation. It will only be a matter of time before they end up personally.

As for the gods, Murphy also left a surprise for them in the magic network.

The gods didn't keep Murphy waiting long.

It was only the fifth day after the completion of the magic network node. When Murphy was teaching thirteen disciples, he suddenly felt a vast magical aura descending on the camp.

The goddess with a graceful figure wrapped in black gauze appeared in the crowd at some point. She walked through the smelting workshop of the wizards, and phantoms came out of her body. She observed the wizards chanting from all angles. Various spells cast rough copper ingots into magical orichalcum scenes, and then the phantoms came back one after another and merged with them.

As if unwilling to let mortals witness themselves, the wizards in the camp knew nothing about the arrival of the goddess.

She came outside the tent where Murphy was teaching, but the latter did not stop teaching, but continued to talk about how to copy the magic network nodes.

The range that an ordinary magic network node can affect will expand with the magic power circulating inside, but the range that the node can cover is limited. If you want to use the magic network in a larger area, you must build more nodes or Secondary node.

This is an extremely tedious and long-term task. Murphy does not intend to do it himself, but plans to leave this world-class project to the wizards.

He has left many tool spells in the Magic Network nodes to produce more Magic Network nodes, such as spells to facilitate wizards to smelt orichalcum, extract polar magic power, and combine materials into Magic Network node modules. rituals, spells to merge the magic network nodes into the magic network, etc.

Murphy has already planned the blueprint for the construction of the magic network. The wizards only need to follow the steps of these spells and rituals and construct step by step to create the nodes of the magic network and connect them to the magic network.

But even so, the work of building a magic network is still very complicated. Murphy has taken training courses two or three times, and the wizards still have not been able to create a qualified second-level magic network node.

At this time, after explaining several difficult steps again, Murphy answered several questions that the wizards encountered, and then let them disperse.

Then he stood up and said, "Dear Lady of War, Phantom Queen, I have kept you waiting for so long."

As soon as he finished speaking, Phantom Queen Morrigan appeared in the tent. She had long black hair and her body was wrapped in layers of black gauze. Her beautiful face stared at Murphy, her expression seemed to be searching, It’s like scrutiny again.

What didn't match her appearance was that her voice was hoarse and low, like an old woman's dying breath, which was uncomfortable. She asked: "Who are you?"

"The name is just a symbol. Now they call me Merlin." Murphy said.

"Merlin was created by me, you are not him." Morrigan denied, but his expression did not change.

Murphy shrugged and did not argue on this issue. If the other party really came to investigate, there would be no need to wait outside for so long.

Morrigan realized that the person in front of her was not afraid of her own power, which was not surprising, so she said: "I created him and gave him the power of magic. He is the most outstanding magician among all the sons of God. But he is far from the best. you."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Where does your power come from?" Morrigan asked.

"Knowledge and reason, and nothing else."

Several phantoms emerged from Morrigan's body and surrounded Murphy, looking at him up and down. Those phantoms finally returned to her body.

The other party didn't lie, but this was obviously not the answer she wanted.

But she didn't come for an answer either.

"What do you want?" Morrigan asked, "Give me control of the Ley Line, and I will give you everything you want."

Murphy smiled and said, "That can't be done."

"Merlin," Morrigan spat out the name as if with some irony, "You are very powerful, but you are only a mortal, and the power of the gods is endless, and you cannot fight against us."

In fact, Murphy has acquired divinity more than once, such as the "only true god" when he first destroyed those newborn animal gods, or the "awakened god" when he tried to educate all living beings, or the god of trickery, etc.

But Murphy did not let these divinities contaminate himself, but only used them as tools to store and transform spiritual power. Occasionally, he might even use their characteristics to complete some cover and arrangements.

Therefore, although he can use the same power as a god, even the sons of gods cannot figure out his true identity, but as long as he does not deliberately disguise himself as a god, he is still just an ordinary person.

Since ancient times, there have been countless powerful mortal heroes. Some of them are even powerful enough to rival the gods. However, such power may make the gods jealous, but it is not enough to make them afraid.

This is exactly what Murphy wanted.

If the power he has shown has made the gods afraid, they will naturally be suspicious of jumping into their own pits. However, if he is just a powerful mortal hero, they will not regard him as a threat.

"You misunderstood." Murphy said, "I am only one of the founders of the Magic Network, but not the controller. The purpose of establishing the Magic Network is to allow wizards to better use their power, not To seize power."

"The magic network has a simple feedback mechanism. The more magic power is injected, the more power it can return, just like the more seeds you sow, the more food you will receive. This process is spontaneous and will Without relying on anyone's control, I naturally cannot hand over the so-called control. With your ability, you can see that I am not lying."

"You didn't lie, wizard, but you concealed something. The Magic Network is more than what you said." Morrigan appeared behind Murphy, sniffing on the latter's shoulder, "You also have An enemy... very powerful... I smell a conspiracy, this is a tool... You are using everyone... Be careful, wizard, you are playing with fire..."

Murphy fell silent immediately and frowned, as if he had been caught.

"I saw the fire, the war, the cage... that appearance..." Morrigan's hoarse voice was like the whisper of a hag, "Ho ho, I think I know who you are, wizard..."

"Devil, Satan, Lucifer... I see, your enemy... is Him. Ho ho..." Morrigan laughed deeply, "You have found yourself a great enemy, the wizard."

The goddess stood in front of Murphy again, her expression suddenly softened, and her voice quickly became younger, "But you are lucky."

"We have a common enemy." When she uttered the last word, her voice became like a girl's. "Come on, Merlin, tell me what kind of power you have hidden in this magic network."

"Come, join us, and I will give you eternal victory."

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