Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 106 Hunter Spider Mask

"Don't be afraid. Spiders are creatures like this. Although they look ferocious on the outside, they are still very gentle in their hearts. My old friend Ara, I shouldn't talk about this. Luo Bin, here, sir, asked me to pass this on to you. He thought you might be able to use this over the summer."

Luo Bin took the big paper bag and was about to tear it open when Hagrid said again: "Sir, you can't open it until you get on the train."

"All right."

After a while, a beeping steam train entered the station.

Under Hagrid's arrangement, the students stepped into the train in an orderly manner.

After Luo Bin walked into the box and put away his luggage, he tore open the paper package and found a thick book with a dark red cover and gold thread embedded at the top.

Is this the original that sealed the black leather? ! !

(The one I watched before was a version reproduced using Silverfish Spirit Insect ‘Bo Fu Qun Shu’)

"Robin, can you let me read this book?" Hermione asked curiously after sitting down by the window.

Luo Bin pushed the book to her, and she flipped through a dozen pages at random. After finding that she didn't recognize a word, she pushed the book back to Luo Bin.

After a while, Ron and Harry also walked into the box.

As soon as Harry put Hedwig next to the big fat man, the train beeped forward.

Through the glass windows, one can see slopes, vegetable fields, woods, and mountains covered with snow, retreating rapidly.

Afterwards, the private room entered a peaceful atmosphere where the two of them read quietly, chatted and ate snacks.

When the train was halfway through, the clicking sound of wheels suddenly floated down the aisle, as well as the laughter and noise of students. After a while, the clicking sound disappeared at the door of Luo Bin's box.


A short, fat witch with a sweet smile opened the box door and asked: "My dear, the journey is still long. Do you want to buy some snacks to kill the time?"

"Thank you, we won't buy it."

Ron leaned back, exposing the mound-like pile of snacks on the table.

"Well, have a nice trip."

After saying that, she reached out to close the box door. When the door was closed two-thirds of the way, Harry suddenly spoke.

"Ma'am, please give me one or four large bottles of water, thank you."


After the witch left, Ron asked in surprise: "Harry, why did you buy so much water?"

"Here, here, one bottle for each person. Ron, you have eaten five bags of Bibi's multi-flavor beans, three chocolate frogs, two bags of compressed biscuits and five weird-shaped bubble gums. Don't you feel thirsty?"

"Well, after hearing what you said, I do feel a little thirsty." Ron said with a burp.

Hermione was sitting by the window, always illuminated by the sun. She was already a little thirsty, so she took the bottle and drank a third of it.

Luo Bin, who was obsessed with finding the differences between the two books (the original and the reprinted version), moistened his lips a little and put the water on the table casually.

Afterwards, the private room once again entered a peaceful atmosphere where the two of them were quietly reading, chatting and eating snacks.

Mountains, villages, fields, and dense forests passed through the box window one by one like a slide.

When the scene outside the window was a vast purple swamp, the door of the box was opened from the outside again.

"Malfoy, what do you want to do?"

Ron said warily toward the door.

"I want to give you a parting gift." Malfoy grinned ferociously and shouted, "Goyle!"

Goyle took out a box from his back, opened the lock, and threw the box towards Ron.


(The box hits Ron's arms)

rustle! rustle!

From the gap in the box, two light brown, hairy, and erratic claws protruded, and then an ugly and ferocious head poked out from the gap in the box. Through the gap, six erratic spider claws could be vaguely seen.

Ron jumped up in fright, and his knee hit the table, causing the table to shake violently and knocking over the four bottles of water on the table.

Ron jumped on the chair, buried his face in Harry's arms, and begged: "Get rid of it quickly."

The three people at the door burst out laughing when they saw Ron's reaction. Malfoy even burst into tears.

Hermione pulled out the vine wand, thought about the 'Promise' again, and took the wand back angrily.

Robin stepped on a palm-sized huntsman spider (non-venomous) and praised in an unclear way: "Malfoy, you are very brave!"

Malfoy:? ? ?

While Malfoy was still confused, Robin slowly raised his feet. The freed Hunter Spider quickly rushed towards Malfoy's polished leather shoes as if he had heard instructions from his superiors.

After that, it crawled along the straight suit pants and all the way to Malfoy's neck. Malfoy was so frightened that he jumped up and down and screamed, but it still couldn't change the ending of the spider sticking to his face.

"Hey, he is indeed the eldest son of the Malfoy family. As soon as he left school, he spent a huge sum of money to make a very unique werewolf spider mask." Robin said sarcastically.

Malfoy didn't have the strength to fight back. He turned pale with fright from the werewolf spider and shivered against the box door. Goyle and Crabbe wanted to help him take down the werewolf spider, but they didn't have the courage.

In the end, when Lee Jordan searched for the box and found the box, the three people's dilemma was resolved.

"Okay, I've stolen all the stuff. Go faster and see how I deal with the three of you later."

Lee Jordan pushed the three people away.

After the farce ended, Luo Bin closed the box door and locked it. When he turned around, he saw an empty water bottle lying on the open page of the book, with transparent water droplets dripping down along the seams of the book.


Luo Bin rushed forward, picked up the book, and found that it was soaked from the first page to the last page.

"It's my fault. If I hadn't knocked on the table, your water wouldn't have poured out." Ron said guiltily, rubbing his knees.

"It's not your fault, it was Malfoy who started the trouble, and I forgot to tighten the bottle cap after drinking water."

After saying that, he took the paper towel handed by Hermione, wiped the water on the floor and table, spread the paper towel flat, and absorbed the water in the book page by page.

When he reached the fourth page, he found that the word "Poland" was slightly bent to the right. He clearly remembered that before the water was in, whether it was the original version or the reprinted version, the words in the book were very straight.

Is the ink deformed when exposed to water, or is it something else?

Confused, Luo Bin continued to suck water. When he reached page 18, he encountered distortion of the text again.

The word ‘bent’ in the book is a bit bent to the left.

When I reached page 33, I discovered something else. The word "hide" was bent to the right.

Repeatedly and again, now the speculation that the ink deformed when exposed to water can be ruled out.

When he reached page 47, he ran out of paper towels and asked Hermione for another pack of paper.

Then, he sucked up the entire book in one go, even the bottom.

In this book, he found a total of eleven groups of bending words: Poland, bending, hiding, fox, Charnovo, following, treasure, forest, pine, three tails, instructions.

After Luo Bin arranged and combined these words several times, he thought that the combination of "Treasures hidden in the crooked pine forest in Charnovo, Poland, follow the instructions of the three-tailed fox" was more accurate.

As he put away the wipes, the train beeped into King's Cross Station.

The four of them saluted, struggled to squeeze out of the train, and waited in line for a long time before rushing out of the platform 9 3/4 barrier to return to the Muggle world.

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