Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 107 Little Dragon Girl, please practice some hygiene!

When Ms. Molly saw the four people coming out, she waved her arms to signal them to come over. Her other hand was holding Ginny, whose face was red.

"Harry Potter."

Ginny tightened her grip on her skirt and shouted in a high-pitched voice.

"Ginny, be polite and don't shout people's names."

After Ms. Molly finished speaking about Ginny, she turned to look at the four of them with a smile, "Are you tired of studying this year?"

Some of the four people shook their heads and some nodded, but after answering, everyone except Ron thanked Ms. Molly for the Christmas gift.

"It's nothing, just a little thought. Robin, come and spend the summer vacation at the Burrow, okay?"

"Thank you! No, I have already promised someone else. No, the person who will take it is here."

Several people looked in the direction of Luo Bin's finger and saw a tall, beautiful woman walking towards them with a smile.

"Wow, so beautiful~"

Ginny praised with starry eyes.

"Hello, my name is Nagini, and I am Robin's sister." Nagini said softly, holding her broken hair behind her ears.

"Robin, you have such a beautiful sister, why didn't you tell us earlier?" Ron asked.

Luo Bin: Uh, why are you blushing? Watch out as I collect a few macaron baking secrets for your sweetheart - Lavender Brown!

"Robin, where are you going?"

Hermione asked after squeezing between Robin and Nagini.

Luo Bin smiled playfully and said, "Go treasure hunting."

Seeing that the small pepper was being promoted to the devil pepper, he quickly added: "I plan to investigate the market and open a small shop."

Hermione's lips parted slightly, and she wanted to say something else, but the three people who suddenly rushed over interrupted her thoughts.

Among the three people who rushed over, the leader was a fat man with a red face. He was so fat that his neck could not be seen, but he still had a big beard.

Behind him followed a woman with a sharp and mean face. The woman was tall and thin, with a neck as long as a goose. She was holding a fat little blond man with a chubby body.

Judging from their appearance and temperament, it was the Dursleys who didn't run away.

"I said, what are you showing off? Don't you know that normal people wouldn't carry a cage with an owl in it and walk around the station?" The fat man rushed over and scolded Harry sharply.


After Luo Bin said softly, he patted the fat birdcage, took out his ebony wand, and waved the wand forward while muttering something in his mouth.

The Dursleys' faces suddenly turned pale with fright, and their lips turned purple (they were bitten so hard). After saying "We'll wait for you outside the station," they supported each other and ran away shivering.

"Um, Harry, are they really your relatives?"

Ron said in disbelief.

Harry pursed his lips helplessly, "Yes."

"Harry, if they yell at you again, order you to do this or that, treat you like a servant. Just do like Robin, wave your wand randomly, and make up random spells to scare them."

Harry shook his head, "It won't take a few times before they find out that I can't use magic outside of school."

After hearing this, Robin handed Harry a small box, "It contains some small toys that can perform magic without waving a wand. You can use them to scare your relatives without your neighbors seeing it. "

"Thank you. Uncle Vernon is very impatient. I don't want to walk back to Privet Drive. I have to go. See you at the beginning of school."

After Harry left, they chatted for a while, then pushed their luggage and left King's Cross Station.

One week later, night in Charnovo, western Poland.

Luo Bin took advantage of the cover of night to cross a wide river and arrived above an endless forest.

He flew for a long time before he found an open space as big as a hunting lodge. He reached out and patted the large black umbrella-like spines, and the black dragon immediately contracted its wing membranes and landed in the open space.

After Luo Bin jumped off the dragon's back, the black dragon ran to a pine tree with a bang, and its long tail made a clanging sound on the trunk of the pine tree.

After knocking, the black dragon raised its tail with its back to the pine tree, and swayed its buttocks. After the chrysanthemum was wiped clean, it turned around and bit the pine tree in one bite, sharpening its fangs.

Luo Bin: (ー_ー)!! No one can grind his teeth with a 'shit stick'!

"Norbert, come over here."

Luo Bin held a ball of red fire in his palm and coaxed. On the way to Poland, he tested it and found that using the skills in the Rubik's Cube would not receive a warning letter from the 'Office for Prohibiting the Abuse of Magic'.

When the black dragon saw the red fire, its orange-red eyes suddenly became as bright as a light bulb. It spat out the sawdust in its mouth and ran forward. After swallowing the flames with a groan, it tilted its head and rubbed its master's chest.

Luo Bin held on to the pine tree to avoid being knocked down by the black dragon's head. Seeing that it was about to open its mouth and lick people's faces, he quickly stopped it and said, "Noble, you are a girl, you have to show some hygiene!"

Norbert tilted his head and blinked his big orange eyes. He didn't understand what "girl" and "hygiene" meant.

Luo Bin let out a deep breath like a father, and fed Noble eight balls of red fire with his palm upward, causing him to briefly adjust from 'naughty' to 'well-behaved and sensible' mode.

Then, while it's not paying attention, recite the spell silently and put it into the Rubik's Cube.

After finishing collecting, he walked to the center of the clearing and looked around at the surrounding environment under the hazy moonlight.

The surrounding trees seemed to have been enchanted. Almost as soon as they were unearthed, the tree trunks made a sharp turn to the north, and the trunks were bent so much that a person could even lie down.

After the trees grew parallel to the ground for a while, they turned 90° and began to straighten upwards, as if under some kind of guidance, resulting in each tree becoming eerie and strange.

Well, the title of ‘Crooked Forest’ is really well deserved!

Luo Bin picked a tree with the thickest trunk as far as the eye could see, followed the direction it curved, and walked into the forest.

The pine trees became thicker and taller as he went further in. The intertwined branches between the trees formed a pure natural screen, blocking the already hazy moonlight from the forest, so that he could see clearly only by holding up the luminous crystal ball. The road ahead.

After about four hours, Luo Bin walked so hard that the soles of his feet ached, but he didn't even see a shadow of a fox. He picked a tree bend with a slightly flat trunk and lay down to rest. He planned to ask a native after he recovered his strength. Condition.

Suddenly, bursts of sparkling light slanted into his eyes. He stood up suddenly, held the crystal ball high, and looked at the source of the 'sparkling light'.

On the pine branches growing diagonally downward, a spider web as big as a basketball hoop is woven. Under the illumination of the crystal ball, the spider silk glows with bursts of light.

A dried yellow-black striped bee was wrapped around the edge of the cobweb, and a blue spider as big as a peach core lay in the center of the cobweb.

In the animal and plant world, generally speaking, the more colorful the color, the stronger the poison. Luo Bin took a few steps back and decided to leave the professional matters to the professional spiders.

He silently recited a spell and released the eight-eyed spider Mora into the Crooked Forest.

Maura, who was as big as a small elephant, landed on the ground and spun around a few times, then lay on the ground with her paws shrunk and started crying.

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