Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 36 Three-Headed Dog Lu Wei

The four of them walked down the escalator. Every time they turned, Luo Bin had to investigate. After confirming that Filch and Loris were not there, he led the three of them down.

After about five or six minutes, the four people went down to the fourth floor.

After walking a short distance against the stone wall, we arrived at the agreed place for the duel.

The trophy showroom is open around the clock. Under the dim moonlight, the trophies, shields, armors, medals, and metal statues in the crystal glass cabinets are coated with a cold silver-gray halo.

Except for Robin, the other three people all raised their wands, fearing that Malfoy would jump out of the corner and attack them.

Time passed by minute by minute!

Twenty minutes had passed in the early hours of the morning, and Malfoy and the others still hadn't come.

"Coward, you dare to issue a challenge, but you dare not come here. You really shouldn't have any expectations for the courage of the three of them!" Ron complained, leaning his back against the wall.

Suddenly, there were rattling and rattling sounds in the corridor. Luo Bin pulled the three of them and hurriedly got behind the armor.

"Loris, sniff around. That child said that there will be a wave of people going to the prize room to cause trouble tonight. I want to catch all the bad guys, and then beg the principal to drive them out of Hogwarts! "

Meow meow! Meow meow!

It's Filch and his cat!


Hearing the sound, Filch took the key chain and went to search the next door display area. Luo Bin raised his eyebrows and winked at a few people, and motioned for them to follow him and sneak out of the showroom.

After seeing a few people nodding in understanding, he tied up his pajamas, then quickly rushed out of the showroom on tiptoes, followed closely by the other three.

The four of them ran wildly in the corridor filled with gold and silver armors. Suddenly, Ron tripped over an armor that was not straight. In desperation, he grabbed Harry's back clothes, and then the two of them fell down together.

The armor, which had lost its center of gravity, crashed onto the two of them.

Da da! Wow!

Filch dangled his key chain and walked towards the door of the showroom. Apparently, the movement here shocked him.


Robin vigorously grabbed Harry and Ron and pulled them towards the right.

The four of them walked around the doorpost, passed through corridor after corridor, and ran to the Charms classroom, which was more than two thousand meters away from the showroom.

"I think we've got rid of Filch!" Ron gasped, leaning against the wall.

"I told you never to fool around!"

Hermione tugged on the clothes on her chest, letting more cold air flow into her chest. Robin accidentally glanced at it and said to himself: Damn it, it's so white!

"We have to plan a route so that we don't bump into anyone else and it takes the shortest time!" Harry said.

"Malfoy is playing tricks. Just now, you also heard that Filch searched the trophy room because someone tipped him off. How could you believe what the annoying guy said?"

"Stop being an afterthought, let's go, let's get out of here!" Ron suggested.

Unexpectedly, the four of them had just walked about ten steps when the sound of the doorknob turning suddenly came from their side.

Immediately afterwards, Peeves, a man with a broad face and a big mouth, jumped out from a classroom in front of several people. He opened his mouth wide and let out a high-pitched laugh.

"Peeves, shut up, or I'll call Bloody Baloo to take care of you!" Robin whispered.

Peeves put away his weird laughter and turned around a few times. When he found that there was no Bloody Barrow around, he laughed loudly again.

"Little Guitou, the little Guitou of the first grade, stayed up late at night and wandered around the castle. Tsk, naughty, so naughty. If someone catches you, you will be spanked. Aha, spanked, how humiliating. What an exciting punishment, Peeves, you are such a genius."

Robin: →_→, perverted, really perverted, you are much more perverted than Filch.

"No, as long as you stop making noise, no one can catch us. Peeves, just think of it as a good thing and go play somewhere else!" Hermione pleaded.

Peeves' round eyes shone with a mischievous and cunning light, "Little devil, if you do something wrong, you must be punished. This is a rule. I am doing this for your own good. Filch, bald old man, come here quickly. There are students here who are not sleeping, come quickly, it’s right next to the Charms classroom.”

"Peeves, you're so annoying!"


After Peeves made a face at Harry, he continued to shout for Filch to come quickly.

Da da! Wow!

It's Filch, he's catching up!

"Don't worry about it, find a place to hide first!"

Robin said, leading the three of them to avoid Peeves' saliva attack, and ran to the end of the corridor to a door. The door was locked!

Da da! Wow!

The sound of footsteps and keys colliding became louder and louder. Filch turned another corner and could see a few people.

"It's over. There's no way to retreat. We're done. We failed in the duel and Gryffindor lost points. It's terrible. We are really miserable!" Ron said with a sad face.

"Not always!"

Luo Bin took out his magic wand, pointed it at the door lock and drew a circle. Starting from the end point of the circle, he drew a vertical downward line. Then, with firm eyes, he said: "Open the Alaho hole!"


The door lock opened automatically. Luo Bin opened the door and led the three people in.

After the door was closed, several people put their ears to the door and eavesdropped on what was going on outside.

"Peeves, you saw the bad guys, right? Tell me quickly, where are they hiding?"

Filch asked angrily, shaking his keychain.

"You want to say 'please'!" Peeves said after spinning 360 degrees in the air.

"Peeves, I'm not in the mood to play with you. Tell me, where are those bad guys?"

Peeves grinned widely and said in a humming tone: "Filch, if you don't say please, I won't know anything."

Filch glared at Peeves with his bulging eyes, until the whites of his eyes were filled with red bloodshot eyes, "Okay, Peeves, please tell me where the bad guys are!"

"I don't know anything! Haha! Bald-headed old man, I told you, if you don't say 'please', I will say 'don't know anything'! Haha! Yue ~ Bald-headed old man smells bad, don't you?" Never had a bath? Filch doesn't bathe, and the bald, smelly old man doesn't bathe, he doesn't care about hygiene!" Peeves hummed and flew away, while Filch cursed and went to search elsewhere.

"I bet Filch thinks the door is locked!" said Ron.

"Fortunately, fortunately Peeves didn't betray us!" Harry said after the disaster.

"You three should really reflect on yourselves, Ron. You don't take it too seriously to watch the excitement, you only care about it. Harry, you are so disappointing. I thought you were a law-abiding, diligent and studious person. And you, Luo Bin, you are the one who should rebel the most, where are you?"

At this moment, Luo Bin was facing away from the three of them, admiring the three-headed giant dog Lu Wei.

Just now, when he was escaping from the trophy display room, he led a few people to run towards the corridor on the right, just to see the rumored vicious dog.

Lu Wei's big body occupies almost all the space from the floor to the ceiling. Its three big heads are each as big as two household water tanks. The big eyes that wander around are full of ferocity.

Its three big noses twitched at a high frequency, and transparent and stringy mucus hung from its foul-smelling yellow teeth like a waterfall.

Luo Bin thought about what it would be like to ride on Lu Wei's back and fly around the valley. It would be as good as riding a broomstick!

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