Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 37 The Imagination of the Villain Group

"Ah! Monster!" Hermione screamed.

"Hey, keep your voice down and don't attract Filch here again!" Luo Bin said.

"Robin, come back quickly, you will be bitten to death by him!" Harry said anxiously.

Indeed, Lu Wei was so cowardly that his teeth exploded. The three-headed dog was vicious by nature, but you didn’t notice that when Snape stopped the bad guys from stealing the Sorcerer’s Stone, his calf was bitten by Lu Wei until it was bloody.

It can be seen that this guy is a master who does not distinguish between friend and foe.


Harry mustered up the courage to rush forward and drag Robin back to the door. Lu Wei bared his teeth and roared at several people.

Hermione opened the door, "Quick, get out of here!"

As before, Luo Bin was responsible for breaking up the rear. After waving goodbye to Lu Wei, he closed the door and caught up with the three of them.

Eighth floor, corridor!

"Where have you four been?"

The fat lady looked at the wrinkled pajamas, sweaty foreheads and red cheeks of several people, and asked with an unhappy and worried expression.

"Pignose, don't ask, please, let us in quickly!" Harry gasped and urged.

"Uh, okay! I didn't expect that at such a young age, I would have a secret!!"

The portrait floated forward, revealing a dark hole. The four of them snorted into the lounge, slumped on the sofa chairs, and breathed heavily.

"Do you still remember the four things Dumbledore said at the opening dinner?" Harry asked.

No matter how breathless and tired Hermione was, she never forgot to show off her knowledge, "Of course I remember! First, students are not allowed to enter the forbidden forest next to the hunting grounds. Second, magic is not allowed in the corridors during recess. Third, Quidditch players can participate in the election. , will be held in the second week of school, fourth, no no what?"

"Fourth, if you don't want to encounter an accident or die in pain, don't try to enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor!" Luo Bin added.

"So, the danger in the right corridor on the fourth floor comes from that vicious dog." Ron said in shock.

"No, not entirely! Ron, if you don't want to use your eyes, donate them to people in need! Didn't you see that there was something pressed under the big dog's paws?" Hermione said speechlessly.

"Pressing what?"

Ron was confused. When he was stared at by the vicious dog, all he could think about was 'run away quickly'. How could he care about anything else?

"It is pressed against a living wooden board, and it is guarding something below!" Luo Bin explained.

"Things cloth bag, oh, yes, that's right, that vicious dog, just like the fire dragon of Gringotts, is a guard. On July 31st, Hagrid, in the name of Dumbledore, from vault 713, Take away a cloth bag. Think about it, who has the power to let a ferocious three-headed giant dog enter the castle? Only the principal, only he has this power!"

Harry stood up suddenly and said excitedly like Columbus discovering the New World.

Hermione also stood up in a hurry. She glared at Harry angrily, "That's enough. I almost caused a big disaster. You, you, not only don't reflect on it, but you are complacent and proud of it. I won't care about it next time." You guys, you were expelled from school, and you were bitten to death by a three-headed giant dog, it has nothing to do with me. Now, I’m going back to the dormitory to sleep!”

Then, like an angry goose, she swung her hair and rushed into the girls' dormitory.

"Well, she's not very angry!" Ron complained.

"Okay, let's go back. Tomorrow morning, we have to attend Professor Snape's Potions class. I don't want to be stared at by him for two classes because I'm late!"

Robin said, walking towards the door of the boys' dormitory, Harry and Ron followed with heavy steps.

The next day, the auditorium on the first floor!

The three villains walked towards the long dining table while loudly boasting about last night's 'wonderful' plan.

"They are dead. I can even imagine the time when the poor guy rolled back into the garbage den and his mother was so angry that she chased him with a broken broom and beat him."

"Aha, Harry Potter, the famous wizard in the wizarding world, was expelled from Hogwarts for serious violations of school rules. I want my father to spend money to buy a front-page column in the Daily Prophet for half a month, so that the great Mr. Porter is more famous."

"Oh, by the way, there is that annoying guy. He is an orphan. I don't think any orphanage is willing to adopt a prickly head. He has nowhere to go. Maybe three months later, when I go home for Christmas, You’ll meet him when you’re handing out expired bread to the homeless!”

Malfoy finished his thoughts and smiled extraordinarily.

"Haha! After the bread dries, it is almost as hard as a stone. The annoying guy has become a homeless man. His stomach is not full, so he opens his mouth wide and bites the bread hard. Bang, the front teeth are broken, haha, the front teeth are broken!"

Goyle's idea was in line with Malfoy's wishes, and he laughed louder. Crabbe handed Goyle a hard candy, and then he also laughed.

Luo Bin, who has been walking silently behind the three of them: →_→, who is determined to die, you will know later!

Seeing a puddle of oil on the floor in front of the trio of villains, Robin's plan came to his mind. He jumped to Gower's side and deliberately sneered: "Ah ha, we haven't been expelled, idiot, you three." The plan is so low that only a fool can’t see it!”


Malfoy was so shocked that he couldn't speak. The next second, he plopped and was dragged to the ground by Crabbe. His little face and his high-end uniform that he had shown off no less than ten times were covered in orange-red oil stains. .

"Oh, my God! Malfoy, even if you are happy that I can stay, you won't kneel down and worship the Earth Goddess, right?" Robin said sarcastically.

"Shut up!"

Malfoy wanted to get up, but the floor was too slippery, and Crabbe grabbed his robe tightly. He was flopping in the water like a little chicken!

Hearing the mocking laughter of the people around him, he was so ashamed and angry that he wanted to stab Crabbe to death with his wand, then dig a crack in the ground and crawl in until everyone outside was dead, and then crawl out.

"Crabbe, it's all your fault, just wait!" Malfoy gritted his teeth.

"No, don't blame me, it was Gao Er, he was the one who dragged me down first!"

"Whoa, tooth, where are my teeth? Whoa!"

As soon as Gao Er opened his mouth, a pink hard candy the size of a broad bean passed through the wide gap between his teeth and fell to the floor. Gao Er looked at the hard candy stained with oil and cried even more miserably.

"No, here you go!"

Luo Bin raised his toes slightly and kicked his two front teeth to the fat man's mouth.

"Wu, teeth, my teeth, wu~"

"It's strange, I brought all the teeth back for you, and you're still crying?" Luo Bin frowned, pretending to be confused.

"You, you disobedient bad guys, get up, your legs are not broken, go see Pomfrey by yourself, don't bother me mopping the floor!" Filch would not sympathize with the unlucky trio, the mop was covered in bubbles He had to spray the cleaning fluid on the three people's faces.

When the three of them saw this, they stood up in a hurry. After glaring at Luo Bin for a few times, they left angrily.

Robin raised his eyebrows slightly to show that he was not afraid. As he walked around Filch, he heard Neville curse the daredevil in a low voice. He thought that this oil stain was the work of the Gryffindor Sword Master.

Before Robin could reach the dining table, Hermione came over angrily, "Robin, I saw everything. It was you who pushed Goyle, and you who caused him to break his teeth. You..."

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