Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 247 The Sorting Hat's New Song

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Chronos and the others joined the rush of people hurrying up the stone steps into the castle.

The hall torchlight flickers at the entrance; footsteps echo in the hall as students cross the marked stone floor to the second door on the right, which leads to the main hall and commencement ceremony.

In the main hall four long tables were shining under the starless black ceiling, just like the night sky they saw through the high windows.

Candles floated in the air along the long table, illuminating the dotted silver ghosts wandering in the hall. The students talked excitedly, exchanged news about the summer vacation, greeted friends from other colleges loudly, and commented One after another new hairstyles and new styles of robes.

Again, Chronos noticed people putting their heads together and whispering as Harry passed by; he gritted his teeth and tried to act as if he neither noticed nor cared.

The weird girl Luna said goodbye to them at the long table in Ravenclaw. When they arrived at the Gryffindor table, Ginny was cheered by her fourth year classmates and took her to sit among them.

Together Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville found a seat in the middle of the table next to Headless Nick. Headless Nick is the ghost of Gryffindor, along with Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown, the latter two ghosts greet Harry with a cheerful, beyond-friend enthusiasm, which makes Harry quite sure that they just Stop talking about yourself.

After being cheered by the Slytherin students, Chronos took his seat above him leisurely. He had been sitting on the left hand side of Professor Snape, and on the other side of Professor Snape was the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Kronos had come in as a prefect later than some of the professors, but there were still a few vacant seats on the staff table besides Dumbledore.

"Who's that?" Hermione yelled and pointed to the middle of the teaching bench, where a person suddenly sat there without Chronos noticing.

Everyone looked at Hermione's hand. The first thing they saw was Dumbledore, sitting in the high-backed golden chair in the middle of the long table, wearing a purple robe with silver stars and a matching hat.

Dumbledore turned his head to a woman sitting beside him, who was talking into his ear. Although Kronos had already had a few facial expressions, this time he couldn't help but want to complain about her.

Chronos thinks she looks like someone's innocent aunt: she's squatting in a chair, with short, curly, mouse-like chestnut hair topped with a creepy pink Alice bow to match She wears a pink cardigan over her robe.

Then she turned her face slightly and sucked the goblet in front of her. The students in the audience were all shocked by her appearance, a pale, frog-like face, with a pair of protruding, sagging eyes .

There was a lot of discussion in the auditorium, and the students were all discussing what this pink toad that suddenly appeared with a proud face was doing.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Graplan came in from the side door of the auditorium, and she took the last seat among the faculty and staff to fill the remaining vacant seats.

That meant that the first years had crossed the lake and reached the castle, and the idea was reinforced when, a few seconds later, the door at the entrance to the hall opened.

A long line of first-year freshmen came in. They all looked nervous, led by Professor McGonagall (the vice-principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the head of Gryffindor House, and the teacher of Transfiguration).

This job has always been assigned by the deans of the four colleges in rotation every year. Seeing Professor McGonagall holding the sorting hat again, Kronos felt that he was about to graduate from Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall is holding a stool in his other hand, and on top of the stool is the old sorting hat,

The hat is heavily patched and has a wide slit near the broken brim.

The hum in the hall faded away. The first-year students stood in a row at the long table facing the rest of the students. Professor McGonagall carefully placed the stool in front of them, and then stood behind.

The teachers and students of the whole school waited with bated breath. Then the slit at the edge of the hat opened like a mouth, and the Sorting Hat sang:

old when i was new

hogwarts just opened

founder of the noble school

Although never separated:

come together for a common goal

they have exactly the same ideals

That's creating the best wizarding school in the world

and based on what they have learned

Come Together to Build and Teach

The four friends decided

I thought I would be separated

Where can I find such a friend?

Slytherin or Gryffindor?

unless it's twins

Like Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw?

So why is it so wrong?

Why do friends fail?

Why am I able to speak here?

The whole sorry, sad story

"We only teach those whose ancestry is the purest," said Slytherin.

Ravenclaw said: "We teach only those who are wisest."

Gryffindor said: "We only teach the bravest."

Hufflepuff said, "I teach everyone, and I treat everyone equally."

When first made public, these differences caused skirmishes

Every creator has a building

recruit someone they are happy with

Say for example

Slytherin only records purebloods

Be as cunning as he is

those with the brightest minds

Give it all to Ravenclaw

most daring

Definitely go to Gryffindor

Excellent house Hufflepuff, the rest of the houses must

Do your best to teach students

this is academy and founders

Keep the friendship strong and true

Hogwarts is so harmonious

happy years

They quarreled violently

mercilessly tell each other

College elephant pillar divided into four

once supported the school

Now go our separate ways

Seeing the school dying

What is the duel for?

conflict between friends

Finally on the third day

slytherin left

Although fighting is gone

leave us with big problems

without the fourth ancestor

how does this house fit

They once figured out

So the sorting hat is here

you all know the total score

I put you into college

because it's my job

but this year i go away

lean over and listen to my song

Although I am blamed by you

i still worry about this song

Although I have to complete the task

write new songs every year

I still don't know how

maybe end up scared

Oh. Know the dangers read signature

History's warnings lie ahead

Hogwarts is in crisis

sworn enemy from outside

we must be united

oh, otherwise the interior will collapse

I must tell you, I must warn you...  

Now let's start sorting!


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