Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 248: Faculty Reform

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The Sorting Hat went still again; the hall erupted in cheers, though for the first time in Harry's memory the Sorting Hat's song had been laced with complaints and rumors.

Everyone in the hall was exchanging views with their neighbors, and Harry clapped his hands like everyone else, knowing exactly what everyone was talking about. Anyone can hear that the lyrics of the Sorting Hat have become different from before.

The Sorting Hat is usually self-limiting, describing only the different qualities of the four houses and its own role in the classification. It has never previously advised schools prior to classification.

But it’s also true to think about it, a hat is such a job a year, and thinking of a song with a few hundred words is too boring and too simple for it.

Now Professor McGonagall is reading out the first-year list, which gradually reduces the number of people discussing quietly.

Nearly headless Nick made an obvious silencing motion, then sat stiffly until the whispering ceased entirely. As the last complaining student from the four tables stopped, Professor McGonagall looked down at the long piece of parchment and called out the first name.

"Abercroby, Euan."

It was a scary-looking boy whom Kronos had noticed earlier when he was patrolling the carriages. He stepped forward hesitantly and put the Sorting Hat on his head; Not over his shoulders.

The Sorting Hat considered for a few seconds, then the rift opened again and called: Gryffindor.

Harry clapped along with the rest of the old Gryffindors as the boy walked up to the Gryffindor table and sat down, the boy looking as if he wished there was a hole in the floor for him to slip into and never wanted to lift again. start.

Slowly, the long line of first-year freshmen decreased. Whenever a freshman was sorted into Slytherin, Chronos would applaud him vigorously, even if his palms were flushed.

At the same time, between the announcement of the name and the decision made by the Sorting Hat, Kronos could hear the loud stomach growling of a professor next to him.

In the end, "Zeller Rose" was sorted into Hufflepuff. Then when Professor Dumbledore stood up, Professor McGonagall put away the Sorting Hat and stool and took them away.

No matter how much the outside world has been in the dark about their headmaster recently, Dumbledore standing in front of everyone is still a kind of comfort to them to some extent.

Recalling the actions of Dumbledore and Voldemort during the holidays, Chronos felt that the return to Hogwarts he had long envisioned was full of unexpected and strange events, just like a familiar lyrics.

But at least for now, things are going as expected: their principal will not address all students before the new semester opening ceremony banquet, but he is about to be forced to leave.

"To our newcomers," said Dumbledore in a loud voice, his arms outstretched and a smile of delight on his face, "you are welcome. To our old ones— Welcome back! There was supposed to be a speech time, but now there is no more! Let's go!"

Look, judging from this pre-dinner speech, all the old Hogwarts students think this is a bad start. Of course, except for the students of Slytherin College, including Chronos, they more or less have some opinions on the only legendary wizard in the world.

As Dumbledore sat down gracefully and flung his long beard over his shoulders to keep it from falling onto his plate, the hall erupted in admiring laughter, and a loud cheer - now that the food had arrived up.

So the five tables were feasting on pies, assorted vegetables, bread, sauces and mugs of pumpkin juice. The familiar apple juice was still in Chronos' quilt.

Chronos was also hungry. It took eight hours to travel from King's Cross Station in London to Hogsmeade and Hogwarts platforms.

Even in the longest day of summer, by the time Chronos and the others arrived at Hogwarts, it was already dark.

Professor Snape, who was sitting next to Chronos, ate less than before, and Chronos only saw him move his knife and fork a few times from the corner of his eye. But Kronos didn't care too much about it, how can he live up to the delicious food in front of him!

When all the students had finished eating and the noise level in the hall started to rise again, Dumbledore rose from his chair again. The voice of discussion stopped immediately, and all the students turned to look at the principal.

Going to bed with a full meal is the eternal rule, and all the students are now feeling happy and drowsy. Their four-poster bed was waiting for him somewhere upstairs, it was very warm and soft...

"Okay, now that we've had a big feast again, I want everyone to pay attention, and we're now making a general announcement," said Dumbledore. "First-years must understand that the woods in the clearing are It's off-limits to students - and some older students should know that again." (Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchange a smirk.)

"Mr. Filch, the administrator, has asked me, and he has spoken to me for four hundred and sixty seconds, to remind you that no magic is allowed in the corridors between classrooms, among many other regulations, and all detailed lists are now available. Posted on Mr. Fitch's office door."

"There are two changes to our teachers this year. We are delighted to welcome back Professor Graplan, who will lead Magical Creatures, and I am delighted to introduce Ms Umbridge, who will lead our new Defense Against the Dark Arts class teacher."

Chronos saw Harry sitting at the head of the Gryffindor table open his mouth, but made no sound. It seemed he was really concerned about Hagrid's whereabouts.

There was a polite but utterly unenthusiastic cheer in the Great Hall, and Harry, Ron and Hermione exchanged a slightly unfriendly look at this moment, and they didn't hear Dumbledore say how long Professor Graplan would be teaching.

Dumbledore went on: "The House Quidditch heats will be held—"

He stopped and looked at Professor Umbridge suspiciously. The woman was not much taller standing than she was sitting, and at this moment no one knew why Dumbledore stopped.

But then Professor Umbridge cleared his throat and said, "Well, well," and it became clear that she had stood up to deliver a speech.

Dumbledore just glanced back, then sat down gracefully and looked at Professor Umbridge attentively, as if his greatest expectation was to listen to Professor Wu speak.

The other teachers couldn't hide their surprise. Professor Snape's brows were hidden by bangs, and Professor McGonagall's mouth was the thinnest Chronos had ever seen.

Never before had a new teacher interrupted Professor Dumbledore. Many of the students were giggling; this woman clearly had no idea what to do at Hogwarts.

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