"Whoosh!" A red firework shot out from Kronos' wand and hit the hooded figure.

"Run! Idiot." Kronos pulled Hermione over, and Hermione was already stunned by what she saw. She was the first to discover the unicorn, and she happily took out her wand to inform everyone, but was frightened by the sudden change.

Kronos dragged Hermione and ran wildly, he was in a panic. "Just kidding, that's Voldemort. Even a weak Voldemort can't be dealt with by a student who hasn't graduated from the first year."

Kronos runs fast, and the potential of human beings in dangerous situations is infinite. The surrounding trees quickly flashed past Kronos' eyes.

After running for an unknown amount of time, Kronos stopped behind a big rock. He opened his mouth wide, breathing in the air greedily.

After calming down a bit, Chronos looked around, he was running around completely just now. He didn't know where he was now, but fortunately Voldemort didn't catch up.

Chronos looked at Hermione, who was also sitting slumped aside, and exploded: "You know, Miss Granger. If it weren't for me, you would already be lying there with that unicorn by now. I ask you to do it." Take a good look at your surroundings before you do anything, okay? Don’t you think your brain is only learning? If Gryffindor calls this fearless courage, then I really feel sad for Gryffindor .Your courage has no meaning other than pointless death."

Chronos said he was tired. The surroundings fell silent, only the sound of Hermione's sobbing remained. Kronos didn't intend to comfort her at all, but felt that her tears were very annoying.

"Luminescence." The moonlight could no longer seep in, and Kronos had to borrow some light from his wand. He began to look at everything around him, and they came to a completely strange place. The dense foliage perfectly covered the sky, and also dispelled Kronos' idea of ​​using the North Star to identify his position.

Kronos looked down at his feet, hoping to find his own footprints and return the same way.

"This is?" Kronos was attracted by a white stone under his feet. He touched it with his hands, and found that the texture was hard and pure white, somewhat similar to marble, but cleaner than marble, without magazines.

"It can't be wrong. This should be the magic stone that Professor Snape mentioned." Kronos looked at his feet, and there were all such stones. He immediately lowered his head and picked it up. When he came out, he brought a stretchable bag with no trace.

The next scene was very strange, Chronos had a great time picking up stones. Hermione looked at her strangely.

"Here!" Hermione handed Chronos a stone she found.

Chronos took the stone and put it in the bag. Without speaking, he turned his head and continued to start the mining industry.

Chronos realized that the boulder he was leaning on just now was also the fast-forbidden magic stone, but this fast was too big. Chronos didn't know any offensive spells yet, so he reluctantly gave up on the boulder.

"Srustling" a sound of swaying leaves interrupted the movement of Kronos' hands. He extinguished the Luminescent Charm, and pointed his wand at the place where the sound had just been made. Hermione also took out her wand and stood beside Chronos.

The Forbidden Forest is full of dangers, and Kronos doesn't know that Voldemort is chasing him. Or other creatures in the Forbidden Forest. Whichever it was, Chronos couldn't run. He looked at the demon card in the system, and he could only do that if he had to. Compared with losing life, losing some life points is nothing.

"Thank goodness you're all well." The voice from the woods made Kronos drop his wand.

"It's Hagrid!" said Hermione happily.

after a while,

Hagrid came out of the woods on his heavy boots. On the left and right were Harry and Ron, with Fang still in his hand. Seeing Yaya, Kronos' eyelids twitched unconsciously.

"It's great that you're all right." Hagrid came over and patted Chronos. "After we saw the green fireworks you sent, we rushed over there immediately. But except for the dead unicorns Nothing left."

"Hermione, are you okay?" Ron seemed very concerned about Hermione.

Hermione gave him a blank stare, but ignored him.

"Then how did you find this place?" Kronos asked back.

"It's footprints. Hagrid and I found your footprints. We followed them all the way." Harry explained.

"It's also fortunate that you didn't go any further. You're going a little further. That's the depths of the Forbidden Forest." Hagrid smiled. Kronos saw his beard tremble?

"Did you see the unicorn killer?" Hagrid finally got down to business.

"I saw it, but it was too dark. I didn't see it clearly. I guess it might be a vampire or something!" Kronos lied.

"Vampires? Why are they killing unicorns?" Ron obviously didn't believe Chronos' words.

"Who knows? Maybe the human blood sucks too much, and it's not necessarily a change. You know, they are all dark creatures. Who knows what they think."

"Okay, okay. It's time for us to go, little ones. Your confinement is over this time, we should hurry out and it will be light soon." Hagrid interrupted their argument.

In fact Hagrid was right when they were almost out of the Forbidden Forest. The sun has emerged from the horizon.

Filch was standing in front of Hagrid's cabin waiting to see them come out intact. Filch's ugly face suddenly became even uglier.

The handover went smoothly, and Filch walked ahead without saying a word. Hermione and Chronos followed, followed by Ron and Harry.

"Fortunately, it didn't come in vain this time." Kronos patted his backpack with satisfaction, which was full of forbidden magic stones. At the same time looking at Hermione next to him and Harry and Ron behind him. Chronos came to a conclusion: "In the future, unless it is absolutely necessary, he will never hang out with Harry again. Unless he wants to see if his life is hard enough."

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