Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 30 Forbidden Forest

Chronos said goodbye to Malfoy in the common room at eleven o'clock that night. Malfoy has been clamoring for Professor Snape to cancel Chronos' confinement punishment.

"Thank you so much!" Kronos thanked Malfoy once in his heart.

Kronos walked out of the common room, and a gust of cold wind blew by, and Kronos couldn't help tugging the robe on his body. Although it was spring now, the Slytherin common room was damp and damp.

Chronos went downstairs to the foyer, where Harry and Filch were already waiting.

"Follow me," said Filch, leading the way with a lamp in his hand. All the way, he was talking about the way he punished the students. Hearing that Harry and the others were taken aback for a while.

They could not pass through the pitch-black field, and the moon above their heads was very bright. From time to time, clouds floated over to cover the moon, making them plunge into darkness.

There was a light not far away, it was Hagrid's cabin. Then they heard a cry in the distance.

"Is that you, Filch? Come on, we're leaving."

Kronos heard the three of Harry next to him exhale heavily. It's just that the ease didn't last long, and Filch said, "You probably thought you'd have a good time with that idiot? Think again, kid—you're going to the Forbidden Forest! If you If I can come out safe and sound, even if I guessed wrong."

As soon as Filch finished speaking, Ron screamed from the side. Scared Chronos, he turned his head and gave Ron a blank stare. But it was too dark for him to see clearly.

"Okay, Filch. Your mission is over, now leave them to me." Hagrid came striding towards them out of the darkness, Fang following. Hagrid carried his huge crossbow and his fully loaded quiver slung over his shoulder.

"I'll come tomorrow morning... to collect their corpses." After leaving these words, Filch walked towards the castle with the lights on.

"Are we really going into the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid?" Harry looked at Hagrid.

Chronos heard fear in his trembling voice.

"Well... yes. Unless you don't want to stay in Hogwarts anymore." Hagrid ruthlessly crushed the little hope in their hearts.

Seeing this scene, Chronos couldn't help sighing in his heart: "Harry, Harry! All of this was designed by Dumbledore, otherwise even if the student made a big mistake, he couldn't use the Forbidden Forest as a punishment." what!"

"Okay, Harry. If you did something wrong, you must pay the price." Hagrid comforted Harry from the side. On the contrary, Kronos seemed a little impatient. We must know that the Forbidden Forest is so big, and we don't know if we can find the Forbidden Stone in one night.

"Okay, come with me!" Hagrid led them to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, held up the lamp high, and pointed to a narrow path that gradually disappeared into the depths of the black forest. They looked into the Forbidden Forest, a breeze blowing through their hair.

"Look over there." Following Hagrid's finger, Chronos saw a pool of shining things on the ground.

"Is this the blood of a unicorn?" Kronos once again became very interested in the magical species of this world, but it was a pity that his contract card could not be used.

"Okay, we're splitting up now, as long as you're with me and Fang. The animals in the Forbidden Forest won't hurt you," said Hagrid. "Stay on the path, Harry and Hermione with me, Ron and Co..."


"Oh, yes! Ron and Chronos and Fang together."

"I don't want it, I want Hagrid with you." Ron was the first to stand up against this team.

"Oh, well then!" Hagrid looked at Harry and then at Hermione, it was obvious that he could not be separated from Harry. Hermione obviously knew about this too,

She glanced at Ron and came to Chronos' side.

"Okay! Green sparks if anyone finds a unicorn. Red sparks if you're in trouble. Well, be careful, everyone. Let's go!"

It was dark and silent in the Forbidden Forest. They walked for a while and came to a fork in the road. Chronos and Hermione led Fang to the left, while Harry, Ron and Hagrid walked to the right.

They walked in silence, their eyes fixed on the ground. Now and then a ray of moonlight fell from among the branches above, illuminating a silver-blue stain of blood on the fallen leaves.

Hermione walked quickly, she was obviously still angry about what happened just now.

"Actually, you can't blame Ron. Although Gryffindor is known for his courage, he is only eleven years old. Oh, no. He is already twelve years old."

Hermione didn't speak, but kicked a stone away from her feet to answer Chronos' words.

Chronos shrugged, and they walked past a thick stump. Chronos could hear the gurgling of water, and there was evidently a stream somewhere nearby. On the winding path, there are still spots of unicorn blood.

Kronos looked around and found that there were lush trees and some plants he didn't know. This is obviously not the place for the Tabernacle Stone.

"It seems that we still need to search in the depths of the Forbidden Forest!" Kronos looked inside through the moonlight. It was pitch black ahead, and the trees inside were so overgrown that the moonlight couldn't penetrate it.

They continued to walk through the dense, dark jungle. Chronos was always looking around, looking for what he wanted.

Kronos walked for nearly half an hour, getting deeper and deeper into the Forbidden Forest, the trees became more and more dense, and the path was almost impassable. Chronos always felt that something was wrong, he seemed to have forgotten something. When he watched the blood on the ground getting thicker and thicker, he knew that the tree was spattered with blood.

Kronos nodded his head, and he quickly caught up with Hermione in front. If he wanted to go forward and take her out of here, as expected, he might meet Voldemort in front of him.

"Damn! Idiot." Kronos scolded himself in his heart, he was too excited tonight.

Finally he saw Hermione under an old tree, and he was just about to tell Hermione to leave here.

"Whoosh!" A dazzling green spark shot out from Hermione's wand, and huge green firework bloomed in the sky.

But Kronos has no leisure to appreciate it. He had already seen a hooded figure walking quickly towards Hermione.

Kronos wanted to walk away like Fang. Yes, the dog broke free from Kronos's hand and ran away by itself as soon as the situation was wrong.

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