Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 41 Night Fury

Looking at the magic circle he had just drawn, Kronos faced another difficulty. Although it is a second-level magic circle, I don't know what monsters it can summon from Chronos. What if a bone dragon comes out?

Kronos had no choice but to cast a "Muggle Repelling Curse!" on the room, a spell he only knew as a barely protective measure, and he had learned it in the Hogwarts library.

Looking at the magic circle emitting lavender light, Kronos couldn't help it.

"Contractus est!" Kronos uttered the spell, and the parchment emitted a purple-black light. The shape of the magic circle gradually became larger, and black mist continued to overflow from the magic circle.

The first thing that appeared in the black mist was a pair of eyes with yellow light. Seeing these eyes, Kronos really felt like he had unleashed some kind of demon.

Then the black mist gradually dissipated, but Kronos still didn't see clearly what he summoned. There is no other reason, the owner of the pair of yellow eyes is also extremely dark.

Kronos boldly stepped forward to check what he had summoned. It looked like a black ball, but it was discovered that it was covered with tiny scales when it got close to Kronos.

"Is this some kind of reptile?" Kronos guessed in his heart.

Black Ball saw Chronos approaching. There was a "whoop whoop" sound.

"What? You said you were hungry." Kronos found that he could understand what it was saying.

Kronos handed it the steak that the hotel staff had just delivered.

After it stretched out its nose and smelled it, it finally stretched out its body and began to eat.

Chronos finally saw the species he had summoned. The body is the size of a cat, the wings are like a bat, and the most important thing is that he has a pair of ears like Erha!

"This... isn't this Night Fury?" Kronos looked at it in disbelief, he never thought that he summoned a dragon. Still the smartest dragon.

"Huh, huh." After eating the steak, Ye Fu looked at Kronos and made a whirring sound again, which sounded like a cat meowing.

"It actually told me that it wasn't full?" Kronos thought it was incredible, that was his Chinese food plus dinner!

No way, Kronos contacted the hotel staff and asked them to send "a few catties" of steak. The way the hotel staff looked at Kronos when they came up made him shudder.

The little guy jumped up impatiently when he saw the food, don't look at its small mouth. But one bite is a steak, Kronos stared straight at it.

When he was full, the little guy flapped his wings and landed on Kronos' shoulder, rubbing his head against Kronos' cheek. I don't know if it was bought by a meal, or because of the magic circle. The little guy is especially haunting Chronos.

"How did you get here?" Kronos touched Night Fiend's head.

"Hoo, hoo."

"You mean the place where you lived was originally dark, but suddenly a spot of light appeared. So you flew in."

"Hoo, hoo!" The little guy nodded anthropomorphically.

"Then do you have a name?"

"Huh~?" The little guy turned his head to look at Kronos, his two big bright yellow eyes blinked, obviously he didn't know what the name meant.

"Is that so...then I'll call you from now on... How about Toothless?" Kronos also liked Toothless in "How to Train Your Dragon" in his previous life. Giving it this name is considered to have fulfilled my wish.

"Huh, huh, huh!" Toothless boy seemed to understand, and flapped his wings happily.

Only then did Chronos discover that Toothless Boy has as many as three pairs of wings. This allows them to fly longer, while also being faster and more agile.

As the rarest and most intelligent dragon species, Night Fury is known for its black appearance, sharp light green eyes, slightly smaller body size, steady chest and stubby neck.

With the greatest wingspan ratio of any dragon, they can fly higher, longer and faster than any other dragon; while their incredible weight-to-strength ratio gives them the ability to take off vertically.

Although Toothless was only the size of an owl now, Kronos felt as if there was a stone hanging from his shoulder.

"Okay, Toothless Boy. It's getting late, you can find a place to rest!" Kronos patted Toothless Boy's head.

Toothless has the characteristics of all biological cubs, that is, it is full of experience, as if it has inexhaustible energy. Kronos played with it for a long time, and it was not until the middle of the night that Kronos couldn't stand it anymore and issued an ultimatum. Although Toothless is naughty, he obeys Chronos' orders very much. Kronos frowned, and it was honest. The big bright yellow eyes flickered, extremely wronged.


Early in the morning, Chronos was woken up by officials from the Ministry of Magic.

"Mr. Slughorn, it's time we set off," said the Ministry of Magic official outside the door.

"I see." Kronos replied listlessly.

Toothless was lying beside Chronos' bed, and Chronos patted it on the head. It wiped its head like a cat, and then buried it a little deeper.

"Don't sleep at night, wake up in the morning." Kronos shook his head, so he had no choice but to hug Toothless Boy.

"Mr. Slughorn, if I'm not mistaken, this is a dragon, right?" The official of the Ministry of Magic rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"You read that right, it is indeed a dragon." Kronos yawned, they got up too early.

"However, the Ministry of Magic prohibits raising dragons without a license. It's illegal for you to do this." The official of the Ministry of Magic kindly reminded Chronos.

Kronos waved his hand and said: "You also said it just now. It is not illegal to raise a dragon, but it is illegal to raise a dragon without a license. Let's go! Isn't Cornelius Fudge still waiting for us?"

The official of the Ministry of Magic looked at Chronos, wanting to say something but didn't open his mouth.

"Bang!" A green fire in a fireplace in the Ministry of Magic lit up and then went out quickly. Chronos got out of it.

Fudge was already waiting, and today he was wearing a decent dark wizard robe. When he saw Chronos coming out, he stepped forward to shake hands with Chronos.

When he saw Toothless in Kronos' arms, his hand just stopped in mid-air. "Cronos, this is you."

"Well, I'm sorry. Mr. Minister, as you can see. I'm holding a dragon, so I can't shake hands with you." Kronos was a little out of breath when speaking, Toothless is too heavy.

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