Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 42 The Daily Prophet

"But, Mr. Slughorn. You know, wizards buy 1709..."

"A bill that prohibits raising dragons has been officially passed?" Chronos interrupted Fudge. "Don't get excited, Mr. Minister. I'm doing this purely for academic research. The magic circle I just made allows wizards to sign contracts with magical animals. Just like me."

Chronos lied, he couldn't tell them that Toothless was summoned from another world.

Fudge pursed his lips, and said impatiently: "Okay! Mr. Slughorn, you go and prepare with me first! But, dragons can't be with you. I will find someone in the Department of Control and Management of Mythical Species." The people who work take care of it."

"Thank you, Mr. Minister." Chronos shrugged.

There are a lot of people in the main hall, some of them have cameras from the last century, and some are holding notebooks ready to record news. Most of them already know something inside.

Chronos came out from behind, with Fudge. As soon as they came out, the reporters quickly pressed the camera. Kronos couldn't open his eyes under the blinding flash, and then looked at Fudge next to him. He was smiling slightly, and seemed to enjoy the scene very much.

Fudge stood on the podium, and Chronos stood to his left.

"Ahem..." Fudge cleared his throat, and Chronos yawned. He was ready for a tirade from Fudge.


Fudge did not disappoint him, except that he talked about Chronos and his magic circle at the beginning. The rest is all about promoting your own political views. Kronos yawned as he listened.

Chronos went to the Department of Mysterious Animal Control and Management to find Toothless, who was lying comfortably on the ground. After seeing Kronos coming, he made a "whoosh" sound.

I heard the Ministry of Magic staff on the side say: "The little guy was very irritable when he woke up, but after they fed a few catties of beef, the little guy just lay down on the ground lazily."

"This is really a mother who has milk!" Kronos smiled, and then raised his arm. Toothless boy flew onto Kronos' shoulder with two "wheeze, wheeze".

Chronos walked fast along the way, without paying any attention to the eyes of the wizards around him. He was just too sleepy.

Now he just wants to go back to the hotel to sleep, but the reality is always so unsatisfactory.

Two figures blocked Kronos, a man and a woman. The man he knew was Barnabas Guffey, the editor of the Daily Prophet, whom Horace had met when he took him to the party.

And the woman on the side, even if Kronos didn't know him, he probably guessed it from her appearance. Her hair was done delicately. stiff. The weird big curly hair looks particularly awkward when paired with her big chin face. She wore a pair of bejeweled glasses, clutched an alligator bag in her fat fingers, and had two-inch nails that were painted red. The most important thing is that she still has a green shorthand quill on her body.

If it wasn't Rita Skeeter, who else could it be?

"Hi, Mr. Slughorn. Do you remember me? In the castle, Professor Horace introduced me to you." Guffy held out his right hand.

"Of course, I remember you, Mr. Guffy." Kronos also stretched out his right hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Slughorn," said Guffey. "This is the gold medal writer of our Daily Prophet. We would like to conduct a separate interview with you. Can you?"

Kronos glanced back and forth between the two, of course he knew their purpose. But it is undeniable that the influence of the Daily Prophet in the wizarding world is relatively large.

"Of course, Mr. Guffy." Chronos nodded.

"That's great,

Mr Slughorn. plz follow me. "As he spoke, Gu Fei led the way ahead.

They took Chronos to their hotel above the Ministry of Magic. It happens to be the same hotel as Kronos, which really saves a lot of work.

Chronos sat on the sofa, and Guffy poured him a cup of coffee.

"Can we start now? Mr. Slughorn." Rita Skeeter couldn't wait any longer, her eyes were fixed on Chronos. This is Chronos's first exclusive interview, she seems to see a steady stream of Galleons entering her pocket.

"Of course." Kronos nodded.

"Okay. Mr. Slughorn. First question: We understand that you are an orphan who was adopted at the age of seven by your godfather, Horace Slughorn. In this capacity you Being assigned to Slytherin House, will you be bullied by the students on weekdays?"

"Of course not." Kronos refused decisively, "On the contrary, I lived well in Hogwarts just because I was Slytherin. Slytherin is the most united house. "

"At least they are very united in terms of being consistent with the outside world." Kronos added in his heart.

Rita Skeeter was a little disappointed. The image she had created for Chronos as a rising genius after a tragic end disappeared. But twisting the truth has always been her forte.

"Okay. Second question, Mr. Slughorn." Rita Skeeter glanced at the quill that was writing rapidly beside her. "For what purpose or reason did you create the magic circle?"

Kronos also wanted to take a look at the notes he had quickly recorded with the quill, but he didn't see it. Then he rolled his eyes.

"You know, there are always a few geniuses in this world. I am one of them." Kronos said casually, anyway, he knew that the other party would not report truthfully.

Rita Skeeter gave a dry laugh: "Last question. Mr. Slughorn. There are many wizards who compare you with the Mysterious Man because you are so similar. Same identity, same age, same ...and the same talent. What do you think about that?"

Chronos smiled slightly: "I am me, and Voldemort is Voldemort. We have nothing to do with each other."

When Kronos called that person's name, the air in the room visibly froze. Rita and Gu Fei looked at him in surprise.

"As for what?" Kronos didn't understand their fear of Voldemort, so he had no choice but to hug Toothless. He went back to his room alone.

"Finally I can sleep peacefully back to my cage." Kronos threw himself on the bed.

"Boom, boom, boom." Before Kronos could slip off his slippers, there was another knock on his door.

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