Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 87 The Chamber of Secrets

"Cronus!" Harry leaned out of the pipe.

Kronos frowned, didn't he tell Harry not to come out until he heard his voice? It seems that Harry also had his own wishes during the six extraordinary six years at Hogwarts.

"It's okay, Harry!" Kronos' tone was not very good.

Harry got out of the pipe, and he patted Ron beside him.

"Did you make it, Chronos," Harry asked.

Kronos didn't reply, just nodded slightly.

"Where's the basilisk? Did you destroy its body?" Ron's fear dissipated a lot, and he was now looking around for the basilisk's body.

"No! Here it is." Kronos stretched out his left hand.

Harry and Ron looked over, and they saw a dark circle around Kronos' left hand when he got closer. Only then did they see clearly the dense scales on the black thing.

"Huh~" Ron yelled in disgust, he felt goosebumps on his skin just now.

"You tamed it? Did you? Chronos," Harry asked.

"That's right!" Kronos said. In fact, the contract card given to him by the system is still very powerful. If the relationship between him and Toothless Boy is a partnership formed by summoning a magic circle, it is equal. The basilisk that was forcibly signed by the contract card is a master-servant relationship, which is a superior-subordinate relationship.

Toothless can perform the tasks assigned to it by Chronos according to his mood, but the Basilisk must unconditionally execute Chronos' orders. This is why Chronos only let Toothless Boy deliver the message as an owl, because the species of Night Fury is so smart. I am afraid that I will run away first if I encounter danger.

"Snake!" Kronos called softly, yes he even gave the basilisk a name. The basilisk surrounding Kronos' left hand seemed to wake up. He climbed onto Kronos' left hand and spat out the message.

Harry saw that the basilisk coiled around Chronos's left hand had a pinch of scarlet crest on top of it, like a rooster's.

When the basilisk signed a contract with Chronos, Chronos found himself connected with Snake. He brought up Voldemort's diary and motioned for Snake to give him a mouthful.

"Hiss!" Snake let out a hoarse voice. Hearing Ron shrinking his neck back, he probably never wanted to hear the cry of a snake again in his life.

But Harry understood it. It said that there was a very terrible black magic in this diary, which was so terrible that it couldn't help but feel frightened.

Kronos naturally understood what the basilisk meant, but he wouldn't just give up. When he gave Snake a death order, Snake twisted his body reluctantly. Climbing to the side of the diary, he took a big bite.

With a terrible, long-lasting scream that pierced the eardrums, a stream of ink spurted out from the diary, and lay down on the ground along Kronos' hands. Because Lockhart was bound by "all petrification", his face turned from red to blue, and then from green to confess, his eyelids fluttered, and his mouth twitched. Then…

All three of Chronos saw a puff of black air wafting from the back of Lockhart's head, and then dissipated.

"Is he getting better...?" Ron asked.

"Maybe!" Chronos didn't know, who knew if he had changed back to the annoying Lockhart before?

"Where's Hermione?" Kronos seemed to remember that there seemed to be fewer of them.

"Oh, I left her in the pipe." Ron exclaimed, holding his head, and then immediately ran back to the tunnel that was hidden just now.

And Kronos walked around the huge statue of Slytherin. If he remembered correctly, the last news about Salazar Slytherin was the Chamber of Secrets that he stayed in Hogwarts. Although he eventually left Hogwarts,

But where he went no one knows. So Kronos wanted to find out if there were any treasures here, with the mood of being lucky.

I saw Chronos poke Slytherin's big toe with his wand for a while, and go around and poke Slytherin's heel for a while.

Harry was confused by this strange behavior. "What are you doing? Chronos." He couldn't help asking.

"Harry!" Kronos glanced at Harry Potter behind him. Then Kronos' eyes lit up. He pulled Harry towards him and said, "Quick, Harry! Speak Parseltongue to this one."

Seeing Chronos pointing excitedly at the heel of the Slytherin statue, Harry felt a little bewildered. But he still said to Slytherin's huge heel according to Chronos' request: "Open!"

"Boom!" After Harry finished speaking, a loud voice rang out. The otherwise solid sculpture literally opened up a gap, just enough for a person to walk through.

"Really?" Kronos gave Harry a different look. The word "killing and seizing treasure" suddenly appeared in his mind, and Kronos laughed all of a sudden. I feel that I must have read too many tomb robbery novels in my previous life.

"I'll lead the way," Chronos said, "Luminescence." After saying that, Chronos burrowed in with his wand in hand. Harry followed closely behind him.

Inside is a spiral staircase, like the ones in the Hogwarts corridors. Chronos climbed up the stairs for an unknown amount of time. But Kronos felt sure that he should climb to Kronos' belly. After climbing for about ten minutes, a door appeared in front of them. Chronos looked back at Harry, who was standing behind Chronos watching him.

The iron on the wooden door was still in good condition, and Kronos pushed the door open with little effort. Behind the door is a circular space, in the center there is a long rectangular coffin made of stone, on which is a book with a thick parchment cover.

"What is this?" Harry reached out to open the book.

"Don't move!" Kronos stopped him in time, "Have you forgotten what happened to Lockhart?" Kronos said shaking the black diary in his left hand.

Hearing this, Harry shyly retracted his outstretched right hand.

Kronos asked Snake just now, and it said that he didn't know this place either. It was just born here hundreds of years ago, and usually goes out to hunt through these Hogwarts sewers. Obviously, this secret room is older than its age.

Chronos stretched out his wand, under the action of the wand. The cover of the book was opened by Chronos, and Harry and Chronos looked over. It was covered with densely packed small characters.

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