Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 88 Green Gem

"Cronus, this is?" Harry looked at Chronos beside him.

"Hmm!" Chronos nodded and said, "This should be another diary, but it's just the diary of Salazar Slytherin himself."

Kronos took off the diary and pinned it to his waist. Harry glanced at Chronos' waist. Kronos pretended not to see it.

Why should I give it to you? This is what Kronos really thinks in his heart. But Harry just glanced at it and didn't say much, and didn't intend to grab it.

The two turned their attention to the rectangular sarcophagus under the diary.

"Could it be the body of Salazar Slytherin inside?" Harry expressed his conjecture.

"Pfft!" Chronos was amused by Harry, not to mention that Salazar Slytherin left Hogwarts before he died. Even if he was sneaking back, how could such a small sarcophagus hold the next person?

"Well, stop guessing! It's up to you, Harry," said Chronos.

Harry rolled his eyes, he was used to being Kronos' tool man.

"Open!" came a hissing sound from Harry's mouth.

A burst of dust suddenly floated up on the sarcophagus, and a thin crack was exposed in the sarcophagus where the bee used to be.

"Parseltongue is easy to use!" Kronos glanced at Harry and thought.

"Push together! Harry," Chronos said.

Chronos and Harry put their hands on both sides of the sarcophagus at the same time, although the sarcophagus lid was not heavy. But Chronos and Harry were only children not yet thirteen, and would be thirteen after Christmas.

After a lot of effort, the sarcophagus finally fell to the ground. The bang sounded another burst of dust. Chronos and Harry poked their heads in together, and this time Chronos felt that he had found a treasure.

Inside the sarcophagus is what looks like a scepter, with a hexagonal gemstone emitting green light at the top of the scepter. The gem was about the size of a quail egg, and it was inlaid on the top of the scepter, emitting an emerald green light.

Kronos is still like himself in the previous life, as long as he glows in the dark, he thinks it is a treasure! Don't remember anything about the neon lights in the Muggle world.

Kronos reached out and grabbed the scepter in the sarcophagus and took it out. Harry rolled his eyes at him angrily, "It's dangerous if you say it, and you need to check it in advance? Why do you just grab it when you see something good?"

Harry complained about Chronos in his heart, but Chronos had already started to look at the scepter carefully. The handle of the staff is made of wood, and the head of the staff has a lot of gold and silver decorations, and the hexagonal gem is inlaid in the middle of the gold. Kronos stared at the gem, he felt as if he had seen him somewhere. But can't remember exactly where.

Chronos couldn't help but want to touch the gem with his hands, and he did.

The moment his fingers touched the gemstone, a pile of memory fragments instantly appeared in Kronos' mind. His head hurt instantly, and Kronos covered his head in pain. The scepter fell aside. This frightened Harry on the side, he hurried forward to check Chronos' situation, and at the same time he was glad that he didn't touch the scepter in his heart.

Now in Kronos's mind, that image first emerged. Little Chronos is holding a white-bearded wizard with his left hand and a beautiful woman who looks very similar to her with his right hand. But this time there are more pictures, little Kronos is no longer happy, and the originally happy and warm tree house in his sight is gradually moving away from him.

"I was taken away? I was taken away by...someone!" Kronos covered his head, the scene just now flashed by, but Kronos felt it. My childhood self was taken away by others.

"Catch what? Chronos. No one caught you!" Harry said hastily.

When he saw the brilliance in Kronos' eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nothing!" Kronos shook his head, and he looked at the scepter that fell aside. Kronos got up and walked towards it.

"Chronus..." Harry tried to stop him, but Chronus had already picked up the scepter.

Chronos picked up the scepter, and snapped off the gem set on it.

"Let's go, Harry." Kronos turned and walked downstairs after finishing speaking. Harry hurried to follow.

Down below, they saw Ron holding Hermione. At this moment, he was anxiously looking for their figures.

"Where have you been? Harry, Chronos." Ron said anxiously, "Do you know that I was dying of panic, I thought I was going to die here with Hermione."

"Sorry, Ron, we..." Harry said sheepishly.

"What is this?" Ron saw the scepter in Kronos' hand. and a diary pinned to his waist.

"Nothing? I'll give it to you if you want it." Kronos threw the scepter to him.

"Really? Chronos." Ron looked at the large gold carving on the scepter, which must be worth a lot of money!

"Isn't your wand broken? If you send this piece of wood to Ollivander, he will definitely be willing to make you a wand for free." Kronos could clearly feel the piece of wood when he held it just now. The rod is very friendly to its own magic. But Ron was obviously wrong. Chronos gave Ron the piece of wood of the scepter itself because he thought it was valuable. But Ron thought that Chronos gave it to him because he thought the gold engraving on the scepter was valuable.

However, Chronos felt indifferent. He picked up the diary on his waist and looked through it. "Copy it in pairs!" Kronos magically made a copy of the useful things inside and handed it to Harry. He felt that Harry should need these things.

"Okay, it's time for us to go!" Kronos said after dealing with all this.

"Then... what about him?" Ron looked at Gilderoy Lockhart who was still petrified.

"Ron, if I remember correctly. You are best at the Levitation Charm!" Chronos said, "Use Lockhart's wand, and use the Levitation Charm to lead him away."

In the end Harry hugged Hermione, and Ron carried Lockhart towards the exit with his wand. Chronus followed behind them, and Chronos glanced back at the tall Slytherin statue one last time.

"Have you ever wondered how we can get up there?" Ron bent down and looked up through the long, dark water pipe.

Harry shook his head, and together they looked at Chronos behind him.

"Oh! All right!" Chronos said.

When Snake's huge body appeared in front of Ron.

"Oh my God!" he said in surprise.

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