Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 89 Double Soul

Lying on Snake's body, a strange cold feeling quickly spread throughout Kronos' whole body. It made him feel a lot more comfortable. Snake flew up the water pipe. The cold air blew Kronos' hair. While he was still enjoying the fun of this flight, the journey was over.

The five of them landed on the wet floor of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, and just as Snake shrunk again and wrapped himself around Chronos' left arm, the sink that covered the pipes slipped and fell to the original place.

Myrtle stared at them wide-eyed.

"Are you still alive?" she said disappointedly.

Chronos was in no mood to talk to them.

"Where are we going now? Chronos," said Harry, wiping the specks of water off the lenses of his glasses.

"Of course, Hermione was sent to Madam Pomfrey first." Chronos glanced at Hermione in Harry's arms, she hadn't woken up until now.

"Ron, you go with me, and call Professor McGonagall and the others." Kronos continued, "As for Professor Lockhart?"

Chronos looked at Lockhart who was still lying there pretending to be dead, he had already recovered. When he heard Kronos see his name just now, Kronos saw his eyelids twitch unnaturally.

"Crack!" Chronos snapped his fingers, Lockhart's body went limp, and Chronos entered and exited the spell on him.

"Get up! Don't play dead!" Kronos touched Lockhart who was lying on the ground with his foot.

Lockhart sat up writhing like a worm, his eyes filled with tears and snot streaming to his mouth.

"Cronus—oh, Chronus," he said, "Duel Club that night—I...I wanted to tell you, but in front of so many classmates, I...I couldn't say it. I did it Yes, Chronos...but I...I was also forced! It was R...Riddle who did it better than me. You...you know, he's...so scary."

"Oh?" Kronos looked at him playfully, "But I heard from Riddle that you voluntarily donated your body. He said that you... are crazy jealous of me. You want to beat me."

A flash of panic flashed in Lockhart's eyes, "He...he lied! He lied to you, Lockhart. You...you know, he's always been good at demagoguery."

"Okay!" Kronos interrupted him impatiently.

"I wouldn't do anything to you either, but I don't want what happened tonight to turn into someone's little bragging story."

"No, no, I promise I won't." Lockhart nodded, tears streaming down his face.

But he saw Chronos' wand aimed at himself, "What are you doing?" He asked in horror.

"Don't be nervous, I just believe in myself more. Anyway, you often use this spell." Chronos' smile looked like a devil in Lockhart's eyes.

"Forget everything!" The wand was shining brightly, and Lockhart under the wand fainted heavily on the ground.

Chronos ignored him, but turned and walked out of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Walk quickly along the winding stairs to Dumbledore's office.

Still at the huge and ugly stone statue, "Iced lemon juice!" The stone statue didn't respond.

"Did the password change?" Kronos thought to himself.

"Are you looking for me? Chronos." Dumbledore's voice came from behind.

"Of course, Professor Dumbledore." Chronos shrugged.

"Come with me! The password is pumpkin pie!" Dumbledore said and the stone statue gave up the stairs behind it. Along the stairs, Chronos came to Dumbledore's office again.

"Sit wherever you want!" This time there was a small bench opposite Dumbledore's desk. .

Chronos also saw Fawkes by the table,

That phoenix. And Snake seemed to be aware of its existence, and it tightly strangled Chronos' arm.

"Would you like a licorice candy?" Dumbledore handed Chronos a dark, licorice-smelling thing.

Kronos shook his head quickly, he didn't like the smell of licorice very much.

"That's such a pity, few people can appreciate their delicacy." Dumbledore put the black thing into his mouth.

"So...you succeeded, Chronos." Dumbledore looked at the black diary in Chronos' right hand.

"You know everything? Professor Dumbledore." Chronos handed the diary to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore took the diary from Chronos's hand, his eyes shot down from his long hooked nose, gazing intently at the damp, charred pages.

"Remarkable," he said, defiantly. "Needless to say, he's probably the best student Hogwarts has ever seen." He turned his back on Chronos.

Of course Chronos knew who Dumbledore was talking about, but he didn't come here to hear Dumbledore brag about Voldemort.

"Of course I know, Professor Dumbledore Chronus," said Chronus, "but I have another question for you."

"What's the problem? Chronos.." Dumbledore turned around and put the diary on the table.

"Can two complete souls exist in a person's body at the same time?" Kronos asked, and here he was asking about complete souls, not one-seventh of Voldemort's soul fragments in Harry's body.

Kronos articulated this question that has been haunting his heart since the scene he saw in the Mirror of Erised last semester. Kronos suspected that the soul of the original host of his body had not disappeared, but had been hiding in a corner of his body.

There was no expression on Dumbledore's face, and Chronos could see no emotion in him. He had to recite the spell of Occlumency silently in his heart, and he has now practiced Occlumency to perfection. Not even Dumbledore's Legilimency. .

Dumbledore pondered for a while and said: "I don't know why you ask this question, Chronos, but I don't think there can be two complete souls in one person's body. No one can bear such an amazing spirit Force, at least... I've never seen it before.."

"Phew!" Kronos breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that Dumbledore might be right. Maybe the picture in his mind was just the memory of the original host? After all, the time travel really happened, and I lost my memory or something after time travel. Chronos thought it was still possible.

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