
Bernard opened his mouth wide.

"Ah what? I can tell from what you heard that you haven't read any books like the Bible carefully."

Adam stretched out his finger and pointed at Bernard:

"Even if you haven't read these books, you should be able to read. Isn't it clearly written on the gate of hell just now?"

As he said, Adam counted on his fingers and listed:

"'Through me, enter the city of endless pain', 'Through me, enter the pit of eternal misery', 'Through me, enter the crowd of people who will never be redeemed', 'Anyone who enters this door will abandon all hope'. According to their doctrine, hell is a place of eternal suffering where you can only enter but not exit. Of course, I have to fulfill their faith."

"In that case, why do you still ask them to repent?"

"There is nothing else in hell except punishment. They have to stay in hell until the end of time, so of course they have to find something to do."

Adam spread his hands.

In addition, their repentance will also become one of the sources of energy for the "pure land" of hell.

"Ah...haha, they must be very touched."

Bernard wiped his sweat.

The communication in the main hall was not spread, but what happened in the Vatican was spread all over the world.

For a time, people from all walks of life were in an uproar, and I don't know how many people accused the Human Union-why only built hell? Why not build heaven?

In response, the Human Union responded that of course there is heaven, you can go to the Vatican to see~

A group of believers came to the Vatican happily, and soon, they were all swallowed by the gate of hell.

The Human Union expressed regret for this, it seems that they do not meet the standard of going to heaven.

In addition, the Human Union also attached a tip. This standard is based on Dante's "Comedy". Donations from various religions and sects for indulgences are not counted.

"Comedy" was prefixed with "sacred" by Boccaccio, the author of "The Decameron", in "The Biography of Dante". Since then, "Comedy" has been fixed as "Sacred Comedy"-that is, "Divine Comedy".

Seeing this tip, people who really have some understanding of religion or literature and are not just blind followers should know the meaning of the Human Union. If it is really considered from a religious perspective, the Human Union should not choose the poem "Divine Comedy" even if it takes "Original Way to Save the World" as an example.

Although "Divine Comedy" tells the story of Dante returning to the world after being lost and being taken by Virgil to visit the nine hells, seven levels of purgatory and nine heavens, it describes in detail what Dante saw and heard along the way, seemingly teaching people to believe in religion.

But in fact, "Divine Comedy" is covered with the cloak of religious settings, but it is about human nature and the society at that time, opposing ignorance and advocating rational knowledge. The words reveal the thoughts of later humanism, and Dante is therefore called "the last poet of the Middle Ages and the first poet of the new century."

So the meaning of the Human Union is very clear: don't blindly believe in religion, at least don't put religion above moral laws.

At the same time, Adam did not kill all of them. He did not say that if you believe in religion, you will go to hell. There is indeed no way to heaven above hell - purgatory for purifying the seven deadly sins, but heaven does exist.

If someone can really abide by the doctrine after believing in God and has not done anything that violates moral laws, Adam will send him to heaven.

Not to mention sending him to heaven, if Adam can meet God when he travels around the world in the future, he will come back and send this soul to God, so that the other party can go to the real heaven.

It's just a pity that such a person has not appeared yet.

This news was accidentally revealed by Adam to the staff of the Sky Garden, and naturally it reached the ears of many people who were interested. They naturally had countless MMPs to say about this.

If people can achieve this standard, how did the church make money before?

Because of this incident, some strange things happened, such as some religions suddenly lost a large number of believers...

After all, for most people, religion is just a casual belief, and making money is not bad, but why do you really let people go to hell?

For a while, the Flying Spaghetti God Cult may become the biggest winner.

"It's good, at least people know that everything they do, even religious beliefs, has to pay a corresponding price, so that cults can be curbed."

After Adam learned about it, he also checked it out. The situation in Touguo and Japan is particularly serious.

There are especially many cults in these two countries, and most cults always make up a lot of hell and divine punishment to deceive believers to pay money. After this news spread, the first to vote were those leaders.

MyselfWho can stand the fact that the fabricated things may come back to you at any time?

By the way, although Japanese netizens have been trying hard to merge their country into China, and even started the process, it still failed under China's insistence.

The reason is simple, it's too disgusting...

And this precedent really can't be set, otherwise, from Outer Mongolia to Southeast Asian countries, every government leader will sleep with one eye open, fearing that their country has been given to China by the people when they wake up.

Although China doesn't need to pay so much attention to international influence in the current situation, it can't ignore international influence at all, right?

"By the way, how is Japan now?"

Adam suddenly remembered something and looked at the secretaries beside him - Xiaoke and Sibi.

"Hmm, let me look..."

Sibby scratched his head and pulled out a document from the pile of documents in alphabetical order in front of him:

"Ah, I found it. The current situation in Japan... is not bad?"

Xiao Ke stretched his body, walked behind Sibi with a cat step, and couldn't help complaining:

"The United States questioned that it did not abide by the "Peace Constitution", the United Kingdom ordered it to destroy all kinds of monsters in the "One Hundred Demons Night Parade", China urged it to complete the revision of vague history as soon as possible, and Egypt... How can it be seen that it is good?"

Sibby spread his hands:

"For Adam, the current situation is obviously not bad~"

"Well, Sibi is right, everything is on the right track, not bad."

Adam stretched out his hand to scratch Sibi's chin, and Sibi immediately squinted and made a snoring sound.

After grinding his teeth, Xiao Ke glanced at the document:

"Eh? That's not right, Egypt... I remember that Egypt didn't seem to catch up at all, how come they still have something to do with it?"

The only person who has something to do with Egypt is Yug, who was sent by the Egyptian ship, but the problem is that even Yug didn't catch up with the hot food. When he arrived, he only saw Xiao Hei's screen completely cleared.

Yug was so angry that he went back and signed up for a tutoring class to learn geography, specializing in road recognition and direction identification.

I heard that he is now proficient in using various tools such as sundials, compasses, sextants, GPS navigation, etc. to assist in positioning and road recognition, but I don't know how effective they are.

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