"Mr. Reed..."

The staff member who had just been transferred to the new position pushed open the door of the office, thinking that there would be an elite who was seriously processing various documents inside, but the result was...

Looking at the scene in front of him that looked like a zoo cub care room, the staff member who was determined to uphold human rights and justice was speechless.

"Huh? What's wrong? Talk about things."

Without hearing the follow-up, Adam's attention shifted away from the little guy in his hand and looked up at the person who came.

"Uh, this is the report sent from the interrogation room."

The staff member barely pieced together his broken three views, maintained his professionalism, and handed over the documents in his hand.

Why is it necessary to give such a formal document when the interrogation room is obviously on the same land as Adam's office? On the one hand, it is convenient for filing, and on the other hand, it is also to appear more professional.

Adam held a Teng snake cub in his hand, and he couldn't move it, so he directly used a silent and wandless flying spell to take the document over.

Although the Teng Snake looks a bit like a bird snake, it actually just looks like one. It does not have the bright appearance of a bird snake, nor does it have the ability to change size according to the environment. Instead, it has black and red scales and wings and the ability to swallow and spit fire. At the same time, the Teng Snake can create hallucinogenic clouds when its wings flap.

Because it is still young, this Teng Snake cub cannot control its abilities well, and most of the other magical animal cubs in the room are the same, so Adam has to watch and take care of it himself.

This is also Adam's last batch of orders from the Spirit Beast Gate. Basically, it takes a very long time to breed the next generation of magical animals, so they have just arrived.

Using magic to fix the document in the air in front of him, Adam scanned the key points at a glance and couldn't help but sneered.

Has it started?

"Return to the interrogation room, kill."

While speaking, the life and death of more than one person was determined, and Adam returned the document to the staff.


The staff nodded. He didn't peek at the contents of the document, so he didn't know what decision Adam had made. He just took Adam's reply to the interrogation room.

When the people in the interrogation room heard the reply he brought back, they couldn't help but be stunned, and then asked uncertainly:

"Did Mr. Reed really say that?"

"Among all the things I handled this morning, there was only this one thing involving Mr. Reed. Could I remember it wrong?"

The staff glared at him. This was simply questioning his work ability!

"No, that's not what I meant..."

The people in the interrogation room waved their hands quickly, and after organizing their words, they finally continued to ask:

"Did Mr. Reed say why?"

"Why? No!"


It shouldn't be.

The person in the interrogation room looked at his colleague and saw the same confusion in each other's eyes. Then he continued to ask:

"Did Mr. Reed show any expression when he responded? Any expression or gesture is fine."

"Expression or gesture..."

The staff member recalled it, and then did not answer truthfully at the first time, but looked at the two people with some suspicion:

"Why are you asking this?"

"Because this treatment... does not conform to the normal rules and procedures."

The man spread his hands, his face full of helplessness:

"If we don't know the specific situation, how dare we kill people casually?"


The staff member frowned and said:

"Mr. Reed was taking care of magical animals at the time, and there was no other expression... except that he seemed to laugh?"


The two people in the interrogation room fell silent again. What does this mean?

"Don't think too much. Mr. Reed graduated from Hufflepuff College of Hogwarts. I heard that most wizards there like magical animals very much. His smile at that time may have nothing to do with your report."

The staff shrugged his shoulders. Although it didn't seem to be exactly the same as he imagined, he still respected Mr. Reed:

"If you want to know the specific situation, why don't you ask Mr. Reed directly?"


This is a really good question. Why don't they ask it themselves?

The two people in the interrogation room looked at each other helplessly, and their minds flashed with various psychological profiles and ability guesses about Adam that they had seen before. One of the key points marked in red was Legilimency!

As the Human Union slowly got on the right track, Adam's uniqueness was increasingly noticed by various forces.

You must know that the Human Union did not hold meetings every three or five days. It's okay to say that they were just ordinary members and were not qualified to participate. The representatives of the permanent directors didn't get any news.

If EgyptIt's fine that there's no news from the UK, but they watch the Chinese news broadcast every day, and they haven't seen anything about the Human Union meeting.

But even in this situation, the Human Union is still making decisions continuously, and the speed of handling various emergencies is so fast that it doesn't seem like a giant organization that includes all the magic ministries in the world.

It's like... there is a person who can make decisions without regard to all members, even the permanent directors, and all those who could have interfered have kept silent about it.

Unlike wizards, Muggles sometimes have a wider mind when analyzing problems, and sometimes they are particularly logical. Putting aside the impossible, the remaining one, no matter how outrageous, is the truth.

So who is this person?

The strangeness that was once subconsciously ignored by people on the invitation letter has finally been remembered again.

Adam, whose name was singled out and listed alongside the three permanent directors, was originally thought to be the chief of the Human Union, but it turned out that the first chief of the Human Union was Cologne, and the other party has indeed been active in the front line of handling disputes between countries.

So what is the position of Adam, who is so special and took the lead in speaking at the first meeting of the Human Union, in the Human Union?

After realizing this, all parties naturally studied Adam carefully, including his past and his origin.

You don’t know if you don’t study it, but you will be shocked when you study it...

After digging deep into Adam’s past, I don’t know how many people couldn’t help but gasp.

A person who looks nothing special, nothing outstanding, and seems to be just a good cook, has inexplicably become one of the most successful businessmen in the British wizarding world and one of the pinnacles of power?

Adam’s path to becoming a capital tycoon in the open now seems to be fine, but this itself is already a big problem.

He is not a lucky person who stepped on a vent and soared to the sky directly, but he stepped up step by step in the chaos of Voldemort’s resurrection. But every step he took was on the right path, which makes it difficult to simply use the word lucky to summarize his success.

Especially in the context of Adam’s uniqueness today, Adam’s past history of making a fortune seems to have other hidden stories.

To be honest, if we put aside the emotional factors and analyze Adam's past objectively, it doesn't seem like he caught the wave of the times and moved step by step towards success...

It's more like he let the wave of the times come to his feet, become his ladder, and help him to success!

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