Hogwarts: From Inheriting The Ancestral Business To Becoming The Devil

Chapter 32 Women Will Only Affect The Quality Of My Brewed Potion

"Hey, Harry, what's the matter with you and Ron, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Harry, with two dark circles under his eyes, raised his head with a dull expression, it turned out to be Kahn, wait a minute, it's Kahn!

Dang even couldn't help complaining: "Banban is too noisy, and those nine mice fought until midnight yesterday, and fought again this morning. God knows why they are so energetic."

Everything is Kahn's fault. If it wasn't for Kahn, Ron wouldn't have raised so many rats. If he didn't raise so many rats, he wouldn't suffer from insomnia. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Kahn was the culprit.

"Isn't there a benefit to this?"

"Look, you guys have not been late since you got up today. You must know that today is Professor Snape's class."

For the sake of money, Ron also tried his best: "Yes, Scabbers and these mice are quite useful."

Ignoring Ron, Harry continued to stare at Kahn: "Then I really have to thank these mice!"

"Let's find George and Fred later, and see what they can do to block the noise of the mice!"

Kahn also felt that what he did was unkind, and he harmed a student in a dormitory for his own selfishness. Thinking about it, if Harry fell off the broom and died due to lack of sleep in the future, it would be a lot of fun.

And this Banban is too awesome!

I played until midnight yesterday afternoon, and came again early in the morning. It is indeed a mouse that has lived for decades, but it is a pity for the nine female mice who are probably less than one year old.

Glancing at Ron beside him, Harry sighed: "That's the only way."

In fact, he and his two roommates have already discussed and planned to find an opportunity to throw Ron's mouse away, but if there is a way to solve the rat's noise, it is not impossible.

Seeing Harry returning to normal: Kahn couldn't help reminding: "Potions class is about to start, if you don't want to be late, hurry up."

Just for a while, it also delayed a little time, if Snape's class is late, it's only five and ten minutes, and Harry may only be fifty minutes.

Hearing Kahn's words, Harry and Ron glanced at each other and turned on the running mode. Although they hadn't taken Snape's class yet, Snape's name was widely circulated in Gryffindor.

But Kahn still walked towards the Potions classroom unhurriedly. I just said don't delay any longer, walking normally is enough, is it necessary to run?

When I came to the Potions classroom, it was almost full, and I seemed to be the last little wizard to arrive. Professor Snape hadn't arrived yet, but all the little wizards were quite quiet, and there was no noise.

It seems that our Professor Snape is quite majestic!

Sitting down next to Daphne, the bell for class rang just right, I have to say that the timing was too good.

This is the present. In the previous life, if the class bell did not ring, it would be impossible to set foot on the way to the classroom.


There was a violent push on the door, and Professor Snape came from the door. Because he walked so fast, the black cloak behind him fluttered and made a "whoosh" sound. It's not too much to call him an old bat.

After Snape arrived, he started the roll call, his eyes were blank and indifferent the whole time, except for this brief pause when Harry Potter was said, the whole process was like a robot.

"You have come here to learn the exact science and exacting craft of potion-making."

"As there are no foolish wavings of wands here, many of you will not believe it is magic, and I don't expect you to really appreciate the beauty of that simmering cauldron with its white smoke and fragrance wafting from it, y'all You don't really understand the magical power of the liquid that flows into people's veins, which makes people's hearts sway and their minds blurred."

"I can teach you how to increase your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death, but there must be one thing, that is, you are not the kind of stupid fools I often encounter."

After hearing this, Kahn knew that Professor Snape was an old pervert, it wasn't potion, it was your wife!

There is a reason for Harry's mother to choose James. Kahn has already been able to make up the picture of the year. Think about it:

The young little Snape was brewing the potion, and the neglected little Lily found Snape and asked loudly, "Do you like me, or the potion?"

And little Snape put on a poker face: "Women only affect the quality of my potions!"

Little Lili was full of disappointment: "Then I go?"

It wasn't until Lily fell into James' arms that little Snape realized how the potion was comparable to a girl, so he begged hard but was kicked away by little Lily, and in the end, because of being rejected, little Snape felt embarrassed and yelled "Mudblood!", so far the two officially broke up.

Suddenly, I feel that this picture is quite good. Ome lost to the sky, this must have been an accident, and this accident may be that Snape changed his heart and fell in love with the potion midway.

"Potter, what will I get if I add daffodil root powder to a wormwood infusion?"

Snape has already started his journey of revenge. He couldn't beat your father back then, but now he can't abuse you?

"I don't know, sir!"

Harry was a little confused, he had never offended Professor Snape, why would he be targeted like this.

During the sorting ceremony, Harry could feel Professor Snape's full of malice.

And poor little Hermione nearly broke her raised little hand, Snape just didn't like her.

"Tsk, tsk—it seems that fame doesn't mean everything."

"Let's try again. Potter, if I asked you to find me a bezoar, where would you find it?"

"I don't know, sir."

"I suppose you haven't read a single book before term starts, have you, Potter?"

Hearing this, Harry wished he could punch Professor Snape in the face. He was the only professor who showed malice towards him since the beginning of school, and he wasn't so targeted. I didn't steal your wife!

"Potter, then tell me what's the difference between the boat-shaped aconitum and the chamaejasma aconitum?"

"I said I didn't know, sir!"

"Hermione knows the answer, why don't you ask her?"

Speaking of this, Harry was still a little impatient, the last time he was targeted like this was when he was facing Dudley.

In the end, because Harry contradicted Professor Snape, Gryffindor was deducted points, and all the little snakes were laughing, of course Kahn was no exception.

"Grindelwald, what do scarabs, ginger root add to armadillo bile?"

Now Kahn can't laugh anymore, my dad never cheated on you, we have no grievances, what are you doing against me, old bat?

"Intellect booster, professor!"

"What functions does the Motra rat have?

"The growths on the back can enhance the ability to resist curses after being pickled and eaten, and the mouse juice of the Motra rat has a healing effect."

Professor Snape's complexion improved a bit, as if meeting a little wizard who also appreciated and understood the charm of potions was something to be happy about.

But how did he know that Kahn just wanted to use potions to make money, and compared to cooking potions in a crucible, Kahn thought it would be more exciting to cook hot pot.

Professor Snape went on to ask, "Then what is the purpose of the gills?"

"It allows people to breathe underwater!"

Professor Snape nodded in satisfaction: "That's right, plus ten points for Slytherin."

But Snape was satisfied, Kahn was not happy!

Harry's question is just an easy copy of the first grade, and mine is a difficult copy of the fourth and fifth grades, Snape, you are so biased that you are so biased!

No, I have to go and get your black history today!

You are still a half-blood prince, and I am still a pure-blood emperor!

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