What needs to be completed in this potion class is the potion for treating scabies. Of course, this kind of basic potion can't trouble Kahn. When I was in my hometown in Austria, I learned a few potions from Saxon, although I didn't go deep into it like a curse. learning, but it's still level 1 anyway, isn't it?

In groups of two, follow the steps on the blackboard. Although it is a little different from the steps at home, there is generally no problem.

Even Kahn can teach Daphne a little bit, which is really too conspicuous compared to other wizards who are a little busy.

And Professor Snape was dragging his black cloak, walking around in the classroom, he had to be responsible for the little wizards here, after all brewing potions was quite dangerous in the hands of some little wizards.

Unfortunately, wherever Professor Snape went, there was chaos, even among the Slytherin students.

It's really Professor Snape's reputation, coupled with the low air pressure he carries, coupled with scolding all the way, the little wizards everywhere he goes are not nervous. In this kind of sophisticated potion composition, even a little problem It will make a pot of potion directly scrapped.

Fortunately, these medicinal materials are paid by Hogwarts, otherwise the average little wizard really can't afford it.

Walking around, Snape's face darkened: "I thought you weren't all mediocre at first, there would always be one or two passable guys, but I didn't expect all of you to be fools."

After a short pause, he spoke again: "You guys can be said to be the worst class I have ever led."

Hearing this, Kahn almost had a problem holding Daphne's hand stirring the cauldron. Is this sentence engraved in the bones of every teacher?

Fortunately, I persisted in the end without any problems, and this has reached the final critical moment.

Let go of Daphne's little hand, and about ten seconds later, Kahn reminded Daphne who was a little dazed: "Daphne, add four horned slugs now."

This girl is good everywhere, but sometimes she is a little dull.

"Okay, now remove from the flame, add two porcupine quills, and stir clockwise five times."

Under Kahn's step-by-step reminders, although Daphne was a bit dazed, she did a good job.

A puff of pink smoke rose from the cauldron, and the potion changed from cloudy gray to blue, and Kahn knew it was a success.

After watching a series of changes, Daphne was a little excited: "Kahn, is this a success?"

"It should be successful, you smell it!"

Hearing this, Daphne approached the steaming cauldron with her delicate nose, and sniffed vigorously.

But the next moment, Daphne's complexion changed immediately, a bit like blue?

Daphne was in a trance, and murmured: "Kahn, we failed, this is the smell of rotten eggs."

"No, we made it, the scabies potion smells like rotten eggs."

Kahn didn't cheat little Lolita's self-consciousness at all. Of course, I smelled the potion I boiled. I, Kahn, also smelled it before!

But Daphne looked at Kahn with tears in her eyes, with an incredible expression on her face.

Professor Snape, who was watching the audience, also noticed the change here, strode up, looked at the potion that was still bubbling with blue bubbles, bent down and sniffed it with his hooked nose.

That's right, this is the smell, the charming smell of rotten eggs.

Professor Snape raised his head and said with satisfaction: "Twenty points for Slytherin!"

Although it is just a simple potion, it can be brewed successfully at one time. This talent is still very good. Looking at other young wizards, they are already preparing the second potion, or even the third potion potion. This is the gap.

It's a pity that Professor Snape was too happy too early, the teaching accident still happened, accompanied by a thick green fog, a scream and a muffled groan sounded at the same time.

One is Neville, the Hogwarts swordsman, and the other is dear Professor Snape.

Because Neville knocked over the crucible that had been burnt out of shape, he was soaked through by the failed potion. The hot potion and the itching caused by the boil made Neville howl in pain.

As for our Professor Snape, it was a disaster for no reason. Because there was only one aisle away, it was a pity that the overturned potion was splashed on the calf, and the sudden pain made Professor Snape almost break the defense.

"Idiot, I suppose you put the porcupine quills in the cauldron without taking it off the fire, didn't you?"

And Neville was sobbing, unable to speak at all.

Well, facing this mallet, Professor Snape had nowhere to vent his anger, so he had no choice but to send it to Madam Pomfrey.

And he himself still stayed in class, as if he was not him at all after being scalded just now.

It's just that the face of Professor Snape who came to the podium was even uglier. It's not that teaching accidents never happened, but this was the first time it happened to him. This time, he really lost all face.

The oppressive atmosphere lasted until the end of get out of class time. A group of young wizards were trembling until the bell rang for the end of get out of class. Of course, Kahn was also preparing to leave. Hogwarts has no habit of procrastinating, and it is normal to leave after class.

"Grindelwald, you stay."

Kahn frowned upon hearing this, what does Professor Snape mean?

Want me to stay and clean up?

Daphne beside her, and Hermione, Harry and others not far away all showed sympathetic looks, obviously being left alone by Snape must not be a good thing.

"Professor Snape, what's the matter?"

Snape still had a straight face: "If you have time, you can come to me every Monday night."

When he met a student who was a bit talented in potions, he also wanted to cultivate them after adding Dumbledore's words. After all, what kind of bad guy could there be if he liked potions?

Didn't he go the wrong way back then, and now he's become Dumbledore's pony, a cunning double-faced agent.

It's this kid who doesn't look like he came to school, similar to James back then, flirting with that girl Greengrass during class time, and flirting with a little witch of Gryffindor, this is not good, it has to be changed!

And from the current point of view, compared to the dark wizard or something, Kahn is more like a sea king

"Good professor, I'll be there on time."

It's really a surprise, Snape gave me a break, is this really Snape?

"I have to prepare for the next class, so hurry up and get out!"

"Okay, Professor!"

Kahn left happily, and Snape, who didn't know, was old and arrogant.

But it was really unexpected to be able to learn from Snape!

Potions are different from magic spells. Talent is important, but the talent of potions mainly focuses on reform and innovation. It does not require casting spells. There are precise steps, step by step, and no mistakes in the middle. Ordinary potions There will be no big problem.

Just like Hermione blew Harry's potion to pieces before, and later caught up easily with an old textbook from Snape.

And Snape didn't roll up his wizard robes until Kahn left and began to treat the wound. Don't look at him in class, but only he knows how uncomfortable it is. Fortunately, he is a master of potions, and it is not easy to treat it what is the problem.

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