Hogwarts: From Inheriting The Ancestral Business To Becoming The Devil

Chapter 42 Insufficient Magic Power Is Always A Problem

Kahn, who waved his wand again and used the blood-red blade to harvest the life of a werewolf, felt that something bad would happen if this continued!

The Crow Storm, the armor protection, and the maintenance of the Five Bones all consumed a lot of Kahn's mana. Even with the recovery of the Five Bones, it was still far from enough.

The ability of the sword of the cliff, the current self can't control it very well, it is absolutely unusable in this situation.

In this situation, Kahn planned to be ruthless, and an invisible wave of magic power spread around Kahn as the center, and the surrounding crows suddenly became restless as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

The next moment, the blood-red magic power burst out in the pitch black, and each crow was like a small bomb. In the dense roar, with Kahn as the center, within a radius of 50 meters, it was completely affected by the black-red magic power fluctuations. shrouded.

The earth was in a mess and smoky, and there were countless stumps and broken arms falling from the sky, and blood and internal organs were even scattered all over the place.

There are also a few more powerful werewolves, with obviously sunken chests and twisted shoulders, frozen in place. Obviously, even the werewolves who only know how to destroy according to animal nature are frightened by this scene.


There was a shrill howl, and the remaining werewolves, led by one of them, quickly retreated without looking back.

And Kahn can finally breathe a sigh of relief. This wave of mana consumption is a bit high. If it doesn't work, he can only use Fierce Fire, and he cannot control it due to insufficient mana.

"Malfoy, hurry up, the professors should be here soon."

Looking at the illuminated Hogwarts Castle not far away, it was obvious that the movement just now had alarmed the professors inside the castle.

Resisting the urge to vomit, Kahn pulled Malfoy and prepared to evacuate. Not only was the scene bloody, Kahn could bear it, but the pungent stench was really nauseating.


At this moment, Malfoy, who was being pulled by Kahn, looked at Kahn with more fear in his eyes. What are those magics that he had never even heard of before, let alone seeing them?

If you use it on yourself, you might not have a chance of survival at all!

Not long after Kahn left, a tall old man with a white beard and a nightcap appeared in a flash of fire.

It is true that Hogwarts prohibits apparation, but the ability of Phoenix Fox is not among them. More precisely, only human beings are prohibited.

Dumbledore fell into deep thought as he felt the fluctuations of magic power remaining around him, as well as the stumped limbs and arms on the ground.

What happened, he didn't know, the werewolf and the dark wizard had a conflict, and both ended up hurting?

He didn't think it was caused by the students.

"Albus, what the hell is going on here?"

A tabby cat came here nimbly, and gasped at this horrific scene. It had been many years since I had seen such a scene!

"I don't know, I just arrived!"

Dumbledore shook his head, he was still confused, logically speaking, werewolves would not approach Hogwarts castle easily.

And those dark wizards were even more afraid, just like Voldemort didn't dare to come to Hogwarts to make trouble in his heyday.

"Do you want to clean up the Forbidden Forest?"

Professor McGonagall suggested that they all knew that there were werewolves and dark wizards hiding in the Forbidden Forest, but they hadn't done anything to endanger Hogwarts students, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

Now that everyone has knocked down the gate of Hogwarts, it will be too late if they don't deal with it until something happens.

"I'll go to Hagrid first to find out."

Dumbledore was still a little unsure, it was an eventful time, and he didn't want to cause trouble, even if it was just some guys who could be dealt with easily.

Seeing Dumbledore disappear with a burst of flames, the tabby cat standing on the branch sighed, Dumbledore is sometimes so indecisive and always likes to think too much.

On the other side, Kahn, who brought Malfoy back to the dormitory, finally heaved a sigh of relief. It would be best not to be caught. At this stage, he is still developing obscenely. Being too profligate is not a good thing.

And Malfoy didn't seem to have recovered from the fright, his little face was a little pale, I have to say that Malfoy's courage to be a villain is really a bit unqualified!

"Malfoy, don't talk about what happened today."

"I know."

Malfoy nodded with a pale face, he knew the gap between himself and Kahn, even if there were ten, he would not be an opponent!

Obviously I have a noble blood, I shouldn't!

But looking at the two sb-like followers around him, Malfoy suddenly understood something, fooling around with this group of sbs every day, the only way to improve is to have a ghost.

"By the way, Malfoy, help me clean up these things and sort them out."

Kahn kept taking out bottles and jars from the dragon skin pocket. These were the potion ingredients in the Room of Requirement. If Kahn could handle it by himself, it would take quite a while.

And don't you happen to have three free laborers on your side now?

"Leave it to us, Goyle, Crabbe!"

Of course Malfoy wouldn't refuse such a trivial matter, but he didn't intend to do it himself.

These two younger brothers are a little stupid, but they should be fine when dealing with such a simple matter.

Kahn, who has ordered things out, doesn't care who handles them, as long as he sorts them out for me anyway.

Then he lay on the bed and began to rest, in order to recover his magic power as quickly as possible.

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