The library of Hogwarts has the largest and most complete collection of magic books in Great Britain, from ordinary learning materials to esoteric black magic, it can be said to have everything!

But these were all in the past, as far as Kahn knew about Voldemort, Dumbledore put those advanced books on black magic into separate storage.

It is basically impossible to find magic books such as cutting-edge black magic decryption in it now.

But the purpose of Kahn's trip was not those black magic books. He didn't fully understand the ones in his home, and it was impossible to read those black magic books in broad daylight.

I just want to find a book that can exercise and improve my magic power, like meditation. This should not belong to the category of black magic!

And I don't know if the study pressure at Hogwarts is too low, there are not many little wizards in the library, anyway, there are not many people every time Kahn comes.

If the enthusiasm used in Quidditch can be used in learning, then the overall level of Hogwarts students can at least be raised to a higher level.

Compared with Kahn's previous life, studying at Hogwarts is really easy.

"Son, are you looking for some books?"

As the administrator of the library, Mrs. Pince came over from the side and asked softly.

Mrs. Pince still has a little impression of this little wizard who often comes to the library. Such a studious wizard is rare these days.

"Yes, ma'am, I want to look for books about magic."

There are so many books in Hogwarts that Kahn has no clue at all now, and he was looking for books about magic in the library of Hogwarts before.

As for magic power, Kahn really doesn’t pay much attention to it, because wizards’ magic power will continue to grow as they grow older. From the age of eleven to twenty, this period is the period of rapid growth of magic power. So in terms of magic, Kahn will be able to keep up sooner or later.

But now, magic power has become another shortcoming that cannot be ignored. If the last time he faced a wizard who had not turned into a wolf instead of a werewolf, he might have overturned.

"follow me!"

Mrs. Pince led Kahn to a bookshelf and handed Kahn a copy of "The Essence and Insights of Magic Power".

After getting the books, Kahn thanked him and went to the rest area of ​​the library, found a corner where no one was there, and started flipping through the books in his hand.

But flipping through, Kahn found that there is no solution to the lack of magic power here, but only some knowledge of magic power, and it is extremely long-winded, with a lot of nonsense.

The most important thing is that this thing was taught at home when I first learned magic, and it was a simplified version.

"Kahn, did you come so early today?"

As soon as Hermione entered the library, she spotted Kahn in the corner and walked over quickly, with an uncontrollable joy on her face.

"Well, I want to look for books about magic."

It was not surprising that the library met Hermione, the two often came to the Hogwarts library together, and Hermione was one of the very few studious students in Hogwarts.

"Books on magic? Kahn, are you in any trouble?"

"It just feels that the magic power is not enough."

Kahn didn't hide that Hermione had been in the library longer than he had, and might have found books on the subject.

"According to the situation in the Charms class, Kahn, you have more magic power than me!"

Hermione didn't quite understand that although young wizards at this stage don't have a lot of magic power, the magic they use is magic that consumes very little mana. I haven't heard of a situation where there is not enough magic power.

"But it's still not enough!"

"By the way, Hermione, have you found any books on magic cultivation in the library?"

"There are no books on this subject, at least I haven't seen it."

Hermione rolled her eyes, probably because she read too many novels!

"That's it!"

Kahn was still a little disappointed.

"But I once saw a book about magic power, I don't know if it's useful to you."

Hermione seemed to think of something suddenly. It was an ancient book that she had read, and it was in a mess. There were many things she didn't understand, let alone understand.

But where did the term magic power be mentioned.

"Take me to see!"

Kahn immediately became interested, no matter whether he looked at it or not, there was nothing wrong with it.

Led by Hermione, I came to a bookshelf that was dedicated to storing ancient books. There were some histories about wizards and some interesting anecdotes from ancient times. Kahn also came to see it, but after flipping through two books, there was no Interested.

"This is it."

Hermione pulled out an ancient book made of sheepskin, the cover was so worn that the title of the book was really hard to read.

But since it was recommended by Hermione, Kahn still took it to the rest area, ready to study it.

As a result, three hours have passed, and Kahn found that this book is really difficult to understand, because he has not finished reading this book until now, and there are still many places that he did not understand.

This is a book about the use of ancient runes. It mainly talks about ?, that is, Odel, the ancient rune that represents wealth. It roughly means: Odel represents the wealth brought by the land itself because it is actually the land itself. Inherited from generation to generation, it is also indicative of inherited qualities or characteristics, factors that are passed from one generation to another. Thus, in a deep sense, it represents an accumulation or long-term growth.

There are indeed a lot of descriptions about magic power in it, but with my level 9 ancient rune talent, I still haven't figured out what it is, and the second half still has knowledge about alchemy.

Obviously, this ancient book will not be able to be thoroughly understood in a short while, and none of these runes is simple.

"Mrs. Pince, may I borrow this book for research?"

It's already lunch time, but Kahn doesn't want to let go of this ancient book, the only idea is to take it to the dormitory to study it.

However, some precious books cannot be borrowed, especially these ancient books, because these are all orphans.

"Yes, but I hope you can keep it well, remember that your time is only one week."

After Mrs. Pince checked it, she found that she didn't have much impression of this ancient book, and it wasn't considered a particularly precious category. Most people would definitely not borrow it out, but Mrs. Pince was more tolerant of these students who liked books. .

Of course, the premise is not to touch those books in the restricted area.

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