Today, he and Luna's family have achieved true mutual acceptance.


Late at night, the fireplace in the Hogwarts Headmaster's Office crackled, the burning flames turned emerald green, and McGonagall walked out of it.

Dumbledore put down the documents in his hand, stood up and asked, "Minerva, you came back so late? What happened?"

"There was indeed some trouble." Mag adjusted his glasses, "When I went to deliver the admission notice, I encountered a rune snake."

Dumbledore frowned, "Runeesk? Is there anything wrong with Wizette?"

"He's fine!" McGonagall nodded, "I've asked Kingsley to help with the investigation, and I believe there will be results soon."

"The rune snake was very old. When I brought it to Kingsley, it had no vital signs. The status of a person who can feed a rune snake is not simple."

"I estimate that the person who released the Rune Snake probably hoped that through this attack, Mogu Ran would go berserk and attract more criticism."

"As expected!" Dumbledore sighed, "But I think Wizette should have some unexpected performances, right?"

"Yes, Wizette is a gifted child!" Mag revealed a smile. "Not only was he not attacked by the rune snake, he also protected Luna Lovegood."

"Luna Lovegood? Things seem to be more twists and turns than I imagined!" Dumbledore walked to a cabinet and took out an ancient stone basin.

There are countless mysterious inscriptions engraved on the mouth of the stone basin, and it is filled with silvery substances. These substances are like smoke and illusion, giving it a dazzling and confusing feeling.

"Pensieve?" Mag pulled out the wand, put the tip of the wand against his temple, and pulled out a shimmering silver thread.

The thread fell into the pensieve and melted. Dumbledore leaned down and buried his face deep in the basin.

Dumbledore put the pensieve back and sat on the chair with his fingers crossed, his expression a bit emotional.

"Wandless casting... No! It's more ancient. It was a method of casting that wizards only used before wands were common. It's really brilliant!"

Professor McGonagall nodded in agreement, "I felt a very pure protective obsession in that shield magic! Is he self-taught like this?"

"Perhaps the guidance of others is also important." Dumbledore smiled, "Connelly managed to find the wizard family that is most suitable for Weizet."

Professor McGonagall's tone was slightly helpless, "If you just cultivate your imagination, The Quibbler can indeed be effective."

"Yes!" Dumbledore's smile gradually became apparent, "Minerva, which house do you think Vizette will be assigned to?"

Chapter 7 Hagrid and the Knight Bus

"Gryffindor!" McGonagall said without hesitation, "I see extraordinary courage in him. As the headmaster of Gryffindor, I naturally hope that he can enter Gryffindor."

"I think so too." Dumbledore nodded, and the two Gryffindors reached a consensus at this moment.

"But..." He changed the topic, "Maybe he is also suitable for Ravenclaw. The calmness he showed when encountering the rune snake is in line with Ravenclaw's requirements."

"Yes!" Mag nodded subconsciously, "I think it won't be an easy thing for the Sorting Hat to sort Vizette."

"Embarrassed!" Dumbledore stroked his beard with great interest, "I remember when the Sorting Hat was sorting you into a house, he hesitated for a long time between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw."

"School will start in less than two months!" McGonagall's tone was filled with anticipation, "I remember Harry Potter... will also enroll this year, right?"

"Not even close." Dumbledore picked up the document again, "Harry's birthday is at the end of July. I will arrange for someone to deliver a letter to him then."

"Time flies so fast!" McGonagall exclaimed, "As for the professor of Defense Against Dark Arts, have you found a suitable candidate?"

"This is not an easy task!" Dumbledore sighed. "Fortunately... Quirinas sent me a job transfer application."

"Application for job transfer?" McGonagall adjusted her glasses, "He used to teach Muggle Studies, and he will be transferred to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts... Will it be too much pressure for him?"

"Since he is willing to try, he should be given this opportunity." Dumbledore picked up the quill and annotated the document. "I will interview him in two days."


After Weizet and Luna's family accepted each other, he learned that the family's financial situation was worse than imagined.

Xenophilius relied on the sales performance of "The Quibbler" and could only make ends meet with Luna.

The arrival of Vizet made Xenophilius's financial situation even worse.

Xenophilius rummaged through the box and found only some change, which was all Silver Sickle and Copper Nut.

Fortunately, Hogwarts has a bursary that allows Wizette to receive thirty gold galleons to purchase school supplies.

Gold Galleons, Silver Sickles and Copper Nuts are wizard currencies. If you want to buy various magic props in the wizarding world, you must use them.

In the early morning, when the sun was just rising slightly, Weizet had finished washing and came to the first floor to wait quietly.

A commercial street that belongs exclusively to wizards is exciting no matter how you think about it.

Luna has also gotten up, holding a goblin sculpture in her hand, which is a piggy bank she made.

"Take this with you! I know you may not have enough money... to buy the items on the list."

Vizet looked at Luna's silver eyes and was a little absent-minded for a moment.

After all, having experienced the separation of life and death from her mother, Luna is undoubtedly a precocious child, at least more precocious than the Luna that Xenophilius imagined.

"I applied for a scholarship and will go to Diagon Alley to get the money today." Vizet shook his head gently, "I heard that Diagon Alley is very interesting. What gift do you want?"

"I don't need anything." Luna smiled at Vizet and shook her head gently.

Dong Dong Dong!

A series of thunderous knocks on the door rang out, breaking the tranquility of the early morning.

Outside the door stood a giant more than three meters tall, wearing a fur coat with several pockets sewn on it.

The giant's beard and hair were very lush, and his black, shiny eyes were like black beetles.

"You are Vizet, right?" The giant's beard moved, and his voice was full of kindness.

"I am Hagrid, the gamekeeper of Hogwarts. I will take you to Diagon Alley today... I think the letter should have written it."

Vizet nodded, "Hello, Mr. Hagrid, I didn't expect you to come so early."

"Mr. Hagrid!" Luna rubbed her eyes and appeared beside Vizet, "Come in!"

This is the magical world. As Hagrid approached the door frame, the door frame, which was only two meters high, suddenly widened and lengthened, and the size was just enough to accommodate Hagrid's body.

"Would you like some biscuits?" Luna brought a box of snacks very familiarly, "I'll go wake Dad up..."

"No! No!" Hagrid waved his hands repeatedly, and a gust of wind almost blew Luna down, "I'm here to take Mr. Vizet to Diagon Alley."

"As a first-year student, there are a lot of things to buy! We have to hurry... Is there a Floo network here?"

"No." Luna shook her head gently, "Dad said that he doesn't need it normally, so he didn't ask the Ministry of Magic to set up a Floo network."

The fundamental reason, however, is that the price of setting up a Floo network is not cheap, and Xenophilius can't afford that money.

"That's no way!" Hagrid shook his head, "Fortunately I came early, and I had time to find another way to go to Diagon Alley."

"Then take the biscuits." Luna stuffed the snacks into Vizet's arms, "You haven't had breakfast yet."

Taking the biscuits, Hagrid led Vizet all the way forward and came to a dirt path.

Seeing Hagrid holding an umbrella and raising his arm high, Vizet asked tentatively: "Are we...waiting for the bus?"

"Right! That's why I don't eat cookies, and you shouldn't..."

Before Hagrid finished speaking, a three-story purple bus suddenly appeared, and the body of the bus trembled and stopped in front of the two.

The conductor was a young man wearing a bright purple uniform, and his pair of protruding ears were particularly eye-catching.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, I am your conductor Stan Shunpike...As long as you hold out your wand and get on the bus, we can take you wherever you want to go."

Although the conductor was very young, he put on a look of despair, as if he had no thoughts about the future, and his opening remarks were also very good to read.

Like the door frame of Luna's house, the narrow door suddenly widened, enough for Hagrid to walk into the car smoothly.

Vizet seemed to have entered an old and dim dormitory, with no seats or small windows, only six copper beds, and the lighting was all dependent on small candles on both sides.

Stan Shunpike asked weakly, "Where are you going?"

"Diagon Alley, London." Hagrid found a bed and sat down. The bed immediately groaned and seemed to collapse at any time.

"Thirty-four silver Sickles, if you want to give two gold galleons, that's fine." Stan Shunpike finally showed some spirit when he stretched out his hand.

The conversion of wizard currency is more complicated. One galleon is equal to seventeen silver Sickles, or four hundred and ninety-three copper knuts.

As a ticket seller, Stan Shunpike did the conversion immediately.

Hagrid reached into one of the smock pockets, took out two gold coins from it, and stuffed them into Stan Shunpike's arms.

Vizet sat on the bed opposite Hagrid, "I'll give you the fare when we get to Diagon Alley."

Hagrid covered his mouth, his voice sounded unusually dull, "Remember to hold on to the railing, this bus will be bumpy. If you have anything to say, get off the bus, it's about to start..."

Before he finished speaking, the Knight Bus had already started and rushed out like an arrow from a string.

Vizet quickly grabbed the railing to avoid being carried away by the huge inertia.

Hagrid retched and his bright eyes were closed, as if he was carsick.

Vizet's reaction was much better. He looked at the windshield at the front of the carriage with full curiosity.

Chapter 8 Welcome to Diagon Alley!

The scenery outside the windshield passed by quickly, constantly switching between fields, rivers, ponds, villages and other places.

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