With the help of magic, obstacles such as trash cans, lamp posts, and mailboxes will jump out of the way when the Knight Bus passes by.

About twenty minutes later, the Knight Bus finally stopped in this alley.

The wide bus shrank to the size of a wooden box and parked in a narrow alley. Only in a world with magic can this be done.

Hagrid got off the bus tremblingly and retched while holding the wall at the corner of the alley.

Outside the alley was a commercial street with many signs.

However, they came too early, and the shops were not open. There were only pedestrians rushing on the road.

"It's so uncomfortable!" Hagrid's face was very bad, and he still walked tremblingly, "Vizet, please help me find a place called the Leaky Cauldron."

All kinds of shops can be seen on the commercial street, including fast food restaurants, clothing stores, jewelry stores, and cinemas, but there is no Leaky Cauldron that Hagrid mentioned.

Until Vizet passed by a bookstore, a sign appeared out of thin air.

The sign was very old, in sharp contrast to the bright signs around it.

This sign was full of traces of smoke and fire, and was painted with a pattern of a broken black crucible.

"Hagrid, is that it?" Vizet asked, pointing at the sign.

Hagrid retched and nodded, "Yes! You will never guess when this bar was built."

"When was it?" Vizet showed a strong curiosity about everything in the magical world.

"I remember it was in the early sixteenth century..." Hagrid frowned and thought, "Anyway, it was earlier than the time when the Statute of Secrecy was promulgated! Let's go in!"

The four-century establishment time did not bring much historical accumulation to the Leaky Cauldron, but it left enough stains on the walls and floors here.

Hagrid should be a frequent visitor here. When he entered the Leaky Cauldron, it immediately became noisy, and the guests waved and smiled at him.

Compared with the deserted commercial street in the morning, the dim Leaky Cauldron seemed particularly lively.

"Is it still the same as before?" A bald old man came to the bar, took out two beer glasses, and knocked them out with a pleasant sound.

Hagrid waved his hands repeatedly, "Tom, I can't do it today, I have something to do! Give me a motion sickness potion... Vizette, what do you want to eat?"

Vizette thought of Luna's family's financial situation and raised the snack in his hand, "No need, Luna gave me this!"

The bar suddenly became quiet, and the guests looked a little embarrassed, even a little wary.

Tom took a step back and asked cautiously, "Is he Vizette? The Silent One?"

"Blame me!" Hagrid understood what these guests were wary of, slapped his forehead hard, and burst into thunder, "He is a good boy! Why didn't you react like this just now?"

"Sorry..." Tom showed a trace of embarrassment, "Indeed, I overreacted."

"Okay, we should set off!" Hagrid threw down a silver coin and drank the motion sickness potion in one gulp.

He took Vizette through the bar and came to the small patio at the back.

It was much cleaner here than inside the Leaky Cauldron, with only a few weeds and a trash can.

"Wizzet, you have to remember this..." Hagrid held up the umbrella he carried with him, "Count three up from the trash can, and then count two sideways..."

The umbrella hit the wall tiles with a crisp sound, and the entire wall was shaking and reorganizing until a wide arch appeared.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley!"

The morning sun was very soft, shining on the signs of Diagon Alley and illuminating the names of various shops.

There were many wizards in Diagon Alley, and those shops displayed all kinds of novel items, giving Wizzet the illusion of attending a market in his previous life.

Hagrid pointed to a snow-white marble building and said, "This is Gringotts Bank, we have to take out your scholarship."

In the middle of a row of shops, there was a towering building, and the building was particularly conspicuous in its snow-white color.

Vizet looked at Gringotts and asked, "Hagrid, that guard... is a goblin?"

"Yes!" Hagrid nodded with a smile, "The currency made by goblins cannot be copied, so Gringotts is opened by them."

Gringotts' decoration is very impressive, with the two bronze doors on the outside open, and two silver doors shining inside.

When Vizet and his friends approached, the welcoming goblin immediately bowed and motioned them to continue walking in.

The silver door was engraved with a long string of words: Please enter, stranger, but you must be careful... thieves, you have been warned, be careful not to attract treasure, but bad retribution.

The words are all warning words, which reminds Vizet of the famous warning in his previous life - the warning of Tutankhamun's pyramid.

It is said that the first people who entered Tutankhamun's pyramid were killed by the curse contained in it.

Vizet was a little curious about the so-called "bad news". "Hagrid, if there are thieves who break in, how will the goblins deal with them?"

"There are too many ways!" Hagrid lowered his voice and took Vizet a few steps inside. "Except for Hogwarts, this is the safest place in the wizarding world!"

"If a thief touches the door, he will be sucked in and can't get out! As for the vaults hidden deep underground, the goblins have trained trolls and dragons to protect the safety of these vaults."

Vizet asked curiously: "Dragon? Are there dragons here too?"

"Of course! You can legally raise dragons here! Great!" Hagrid's eyes lit up, "I want to raise a dragon, too. Those little cuties are so charming..."

Hagrid has done in-depth research on dragons and can describe the characteristics of various species of dragons.

But it was hard for Vizette to imagine why those dangerous magical creatures that were at least five meters long could be called "cuties".

Hagrid talked freely along the way, showing his extreme enthusiasm for dragons.

They came to the deepest part of the hall, and Hagrid handed the application to the reception fairy, "We are here to receive the scholarship."

"Okay!" The reception fairy stretched out a finger, and a wisp of flame emerged from the sharp long nails, and the application was directly ignited.

After burning, the application did not leave any ash, only a beautiful cursive signature floating in the air.

"Please wait!" After confirming that everything was correct, the reception fairy jumped off the front desk and disappeared into the shadows.

Vizet asked, "Hagrid, if I have Muggle currency, can I exchange it for wizard currency?"

"Of course!" Hagrid continued to fumble in his pockets, "Underage wizards can only exchange 50 Galleons a year, and adult wizards can exchange 100 Galleons a year."

"Why is there a limit?"

"Because Muggle currency is too easy to obtain, their banks are not safe at all. So there must be a limit to avoid affecting the wizarding world."

"Finally found it! These are good things!" Hagrid suddenly laughed and stretched his hand in front of Vizet.

In Hagrid's hand, there were more than a dozen eggs the size of handballs, and the surface of the eggs was covered with orange-red patterns.

Vizet looked at the eggs in front of him and felt familiar, "Could these be... Runespoor eggs?"

Chapter 9 A huge sum of money from the sky

"You know a lot! There are not many young wizards who recognize this now!" Hagrid's eyes lit up.

"It's the Runespoor eggs! Do you remember what happened last time? That little cutie was a lady, so she was so big."

"Professor McGonagall told me that these are all compensations for you. Anyway, it's just to let you not worry, no one will attack you again."

Hagrid continued to talk.

Among the known magical animals, only the Runespoor lays eggs in its mouth.

In addition to the special way of laying eggs, the Runespoor eggs also have special effects. Using them as raw materials to make potions can make the person who takes them think quickly.

Wizards also long for potions that can make them smarter, so Runespoors are hunted in large numbers.

Just when the Runespoor was on the verge of extinction, wizards finally woke up and established a protected area in Burkina Faso, its country of origin, to allow this species to reproduce.

Despite this, the trade of Runespoor eggs continues, but it is generally only traded on the black market.

However, Vizette also had an impression of the snake. It was obviously a very old snake, so why did it become a "cute lady" in Hagrid's mouth?

"Very good quality, very fresh! According to the current market, I can sell these twenty eggs for three hundred Galleons."

In the slightly dim corner of the pharmacy, the potion master put away the magnifying glass and lowered his voice to make an offer.

"Three hundred Galleons?" Vizet was a little surprised. The value of this egg was really high.

He walked around Diagon Alley and bought a lot of things. He had a basic understanding of the prices of wizards.

If converted into the currency of the previous life, the value of three hundred Galleons would be at least tens of thousands of yuan.

As long as he calculated carefully, this money would be enough for him to leave the welfare home and live alone for a year.

"Don't think it's too little." The potion master must have conducted many similar transactions, and habitually explained, "We need to spend a lot of time to clean these things."

At this moment, Hagrid came to Vizet with a crucible, "We have Mr. Scamander's certification signature, this is not black goods!"

"Hagrid?" The potion master obviously also knew the gamekeeper, "Can you show me the certification signature?"

"Of course no problem." Hagrid put down the crucible and took out an envelope.

"Lumospheric flash!" The potion master did not light the envelope, but lit the tip of the wand to check it.

After confirming that everything was correct, he handed over a cloth bag with exquisite embroidery, "No problem! Here are 500 Galleons. Who of you will keep the money?"

"Don't worry." Hagrid shook his head, "Help us prepare the potion materials needed by the freshmen, and the money will be deducted from it."

"Freshmen?" The potion master was stunned for a moment, and curiously moved the lit wand towards Vizet, "Are you Vizet? The Obscure?"

"It's me." Vizet found that the potion master's face turned pale, almost the same color as the light at the tip of the wand.


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