Hogwarts: From The Obscure To The Dark Lord

Chapter 102 Hagrid's Invitation

Sure enough, things did not go beyond Toby's expectations. In the auditorium during dinner, Professor McGonagall first severely criticized the prank students, and then set the rules

"From now on, in Hogwarts Castle, any student is prohibited from casting the fart or urine curse on other students. If there is a student who violates the law, he will be deducted from the house and placed in confinement."

Professor McGonagall had a straight face, and when he spoke, he gave Toby and Jamie a hard look. If it weren't for them, such a thing would never happen in the castle.

What a nuisance to her!

Both Toby and Jamie looked at Professor McGonagall with innocent eyes, they just taught two mischievous charms, how could they be blamed.

There is no right or wrong spell itself, but the wizard who uses the spell.

Dumbledore looked on with a smile on his face, feeling more at ease with Toby and Jamie in his heart.

For Dumbledore, he prefers those students who like pranks. He believes that students who like pranks are also very kind-hearted, such as James Potter when he was a student, and the Weasley twins now.

For those students who study hard and like to curry favor with professors, Dumbledore is a little wary in his heart, after all, there is the example of Voldemort first.

Voldemort was a good student when he was a student. Not only did he have excellent grades, but he was also very popular with the professors.

But it was such an excellent wizard who went the wrong way in the end and became the Dark Lord.

Many little wizards breathed a sigh of relief at Professor McGregor's words. After all, they didn't want to be attacked by other students while walking on the road, and make a fool of themselves in public.

But despite Professor McGonagall's rules, some daring students don't care about point deductions and detention.

For example, Fred and George, for them, deducting points and confinement is already commonplace, but no matter what kind of punishment, they can't stop their prank career

In fact, in each grade of Hogwarts, there are always a few mischievous students.

They like to play pranks, and they don't care about being deducted points by the professor or in confinement, but at the same time, they are also the most popular and have many friends.

In Hogwarts, many things are repeatedly prohibited, such as pranks.

One night passed, and some little wizards woke up from their sleep, only to find that their lower body and the bed were wet. Obviously, someone cast a urgency spell on them while they were asleep.

"Damn it, who did it? Who cast the Urgent Curse on me!"

In many bedrooms of the castle, there would be a few roars from time to time.

Then, those prank students will be deducted points and locked up by the deans of their respective colleges. Among the four colleges, Professor McGonagall is obviously the busiest "Gryffindor is also the one with the most points deducted.

Even so, these pranks have never stopped, even if the professors expressly stipulate, but the prankster is still pranking.

This makes the house elves in the castle very busy. They not only need to wash the students' clothes, but also wash the students' sheets and bedding.

The time came to Friday, Gryffindor's first grade only had two Potions classes this morning, which were taken consecutively, and there was no class in the afternoon.

The first-year freshmen have lived in Hogwarts Castle for four days, and they finally understand the complex environment in Hogwarts Castle, and there will be no such thing as getting lost again

In the auditorium in the morning, the little wizards were having breakfast, and sometimes the professors would join them.

"What classes do we have today?"?

While drinking the preserved egg porridge, Harry asked Ron beside him.

After eating oriental cuisine, they have fallen in love with those delicacies thoroughly. Now they eat oriental cuisine for every meal, and they don't even want to see western cuisine or eagle national cuisine.

"Let me think about it, there seem to be two Potions lessons this morning, back-to-back, with the Slytherin students."

Ron replied, just took a bun from the plate on the table.

"I heard from Fred and George that Snape is the head of Slytherin College, and he is particularly partial to students from his own house. Today we may see if this is really the case

Ron said while biting the steamed bun, a little lisp.

"Ron, you should call Snape Professor Snape, he's a professor, you can't just call him by his first name, it's impolite.

Hermione corrected that she was a little offended by what Ron had said.

"That's right, no matter what Professor Snape is, he is our professor and we shouldn't call him by his first name.

Toby agrees.

"Oh, well, well, Professor Snape."

Ron didn't care much about Hermione's words at first, but he still obeyed Toby's words very much.

"I wish Professor McGonagall would favor us too."

said Harry.

"Professor McGonagall is the most impartial professor at Hogwarts, she may be biased towards us Gryffindors in some small matters, but in some big matters, she will not favor anyone, such as homework.

Toby smiled and said, Professor McGonagall left them a lot of homework yesterday, it was a kind of torture for scumbags like Harry and Ron.

At this moment, many voices came from outside the auditorium.

The little wizards who were eating breakfast hurriedly protected the breakfast in front of them, otherwise they would be ruined and could not be eaten.

A hundred owls flew into the auditorium, flew around the dining table, looking for their owners, and threw letters or parcels at them.

All of a sudden, the owl's feathers flew all over the sky, and some owls even flew around and dropped shit, which disgusted the little wizards who were having breakfast.

Toby's owl is the most powerful and beautiful of all owls, flying in the owl group, just like their leader.

Toby named her "Snow White" because it was a female owl.

Bai Xue brought two copies of the Daily Prophet to Toby, and one of them was thrown to Jamie by Toby. Anyway, they were not short of money, and it was okay to order two copies of the Daily Prophet.

Harry's owl also flew here today. Like Snow White, it was also a snowy owl named Hedwig, but it was a male owl.

Hedwig put a note on Harry's dinner plate.

"Thank you, Hedwig."

Harry fed Hedwig a few nuts before opening the note.

"Who wrote it for you, Harry?"?

Toby asked, someone would write a note to Harry, I guess there would be no one else at Hogwarts except Hagrid.

"Oh, it was written by Hagrid. He wanted to know about my first week, so he invited me to visit him."

"By the way, you guys go with me too, I want to introduce you to Hagrid too."

Harry invited.

"Of course, it's a good proposal. Let's go to this afternoon. We happen to have no classes this afternoon. We can visit Hagrid."

Toby said, Hagrid is also a good old man in Hogwarts, and he is also very simple. As the guard of the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid also has many good things there.

You know, the Forbidden Forest is a huge treasure.

If it wasn't for Hagrid's disinterest in money, he would have become a rich man while guarding the Forbidden Forest.

"Then I'll reply to Hagrid now, and we'll visit him in the afternoon."

Harry picked up the quill from the table, wrote a reply on the back of the note, and let Hedwig fly away to deliver the letter to him.

"Toby, is there anything interesting on the Daily Prophet?"?

Seeing Toby watching the Daily Prophet, Harry asked curiously.

"It's nothing interesting, it's just a rehash of old tunes, you can see for yourself."

Toby shook his head and handed the Daily Prophet to Harry.

Other young wizards also received various things, such as Neville, who received a memory ball from his grandmother.

"Hey! Look, Neville has received a memory ball.

Dean Thomas said.

"I read in a book that when the smoke inside the memory ball turns red, it means you forgot something."

Hermione said, not forgetting to show her erudition.

"The only problem is, I can't remember what I forgot.

said Neville, who was not wearing his wizard robes, shrugged.

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