Hogwarts: From The Obscure To The Dark Lord

Chapter 103 Snape's Difficulty

"Oh! Neville, you forgot to wear your wizard robes!"

Hermione held her forehead, seeming to be helpless at Neville's poor memory.

"Oh my God, I forgot to wear my wizard robes!"

Neville suddenly lowered his head, seeing that he was indeed not wearing a wizard robe, and stood up.

"Is it too late for me to go back and wear it now?"?

Neville had a bitter face. If he didn't wear a wizard robe, he would definitely be scolded by the professor in class later.

"Forget it, let me help you."

Toby shook his head, Neville's poor memory was due to the fact that his grandmother used the Amnestic Charm on him when he was a child, in order to make him forget those painful things.

Frequent use of the amnesia spell will have side effects, such as poor memory and inability to remember things.

"Neville's wizard robes are coming!"

Toby raised his wand and cast a coming spell.

In an instant, a wizard's robe flew out of the bedroom in Gryffindor Tower, flew into the Great Hall, and landed on the dining table in front of Neville.

"Oh, it's my wizard robe!"

"Thank you, Toby."

Neville took the wizard robe and thanked Toby repeatedly with surprises.

"Toby, your magic is really powerful. If we forget something in the future, you will help us, right?"

Dean Thomas asked.

"If you really forgot it, not on purpose, I will help you get it, but if you did it on purpose, I won't help you."

"You don't want to rely on me. I'm not your servant. If you want me to help you get things later, I will charge you a silver Sickle."

Toby said that if no restrictions are set, there will be a lot of trouble coming to the door, and he knows how difficult it is for bear children.

Those little wizards immediately extinguished their thoughts. Although there is not much money in a silver box, they don't have much pocket money.

"Hey! Look at this—"

Harry picked up the Daily Prophet, seemingly gloating.

The Gringotts vault was stolen, and the vaults of several pure-blood families were robbed, including the Malfoy family.

"This news is not new for a long time. In the last month of the Daily Prophet, the headlines on the front page were all about Gringotts.

"The pure-blood families who were robbed have already lodged a protest with the Ministry of Magic and Gringotts, demanding that the Ministry of Magic and Gringotts compensate them for their losses...

"But both the Ministry of Magic and Gringotts are trying to shirk, and neither party wants to bear such a big loss."

Toby said.

With Cornelius Fudge's stinginess, he would only ask for money from those pure-blood families, and it was completely impossible for the Ministry of Magic to compensate the pure-blood families for their losses.

As for Gringotts, with the goblin's greed, it is even more impossible to compensate, and even because several goblins died, they wanted the Ministry of Magic to give them compensation.

The reason the goblins are looking for is that Gringotts was robbed because of the negligence of the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic needs to be responsible for the dead goblins at Gringotts and compensate Gringotts for the loss

In the magic world of Eagle Country, no matter what happens, the Ministry of Magic will always be responsible.

The Ministry of Magic has long been used to it, and the way it uses it is to procrastinate, to procrastinate an unsolvable matter forever.

The few pure-blood families who were robbed, except the Lesterledge family, are all putting pressure on the Ministry of Magic, demanding that the Ministry of Magic arrest the dark wizard who robbed Gringotts as soon as possible and compensate them for their losses.

As for the Lesterledge family, all family members were imprisoned in Azkaban, and no one would ask their opinions.

Except after sending a Ministry of Magic staff to inform them, it doesn't matter.

In fact, if it weren't for the collective pressure from those pure-blood families, the Ministry of Magic would have confiscated the treasury of the Lestledge family.

However, the Ministry of Magic did not know that Bellatrix Lestledge, who was imprisoned in Azkaban, went insane when she learned that the family treasury had been robbed.

However, who would care about a criminal who was sentenced to life imprisonment, probably thought that Bellatrix's madness had flared up again, and anyway, many people knew that Bellatrix was always insane.

Facing the pressure from the pure-blood family, the Ministry of Magic also seemed helpless. It wasn't that they didn't want to arrest the dark wizard, but they couldn't find any trace of the dark wizard at all. What should they do?

During this month, the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, was on the verge of getting angry. On the one hand, he had to deal with the reconstruction of Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley, and on the other hand, he had to deal with the pressure from the Malfoy family.

Fudge was so forced that he couldn't even sleep well, especially Lucius Malfoy, who would go to the Ministry of Magic to report almost every day, to have a good chat with him, the Minister, and to apply some pressure and threats by the way.

The tough career as Minister of Magic made Fudge want to resign, but he couldn't bear the power in his hand, so he could only grit his teeth and stand up.

At around 8:30 in the morning, the first-year wizards of Gryffindor and Slytherin left the great hall and went to the basement of the castle. The Potions class is located in an underground classroom

In fact, the original classroom of Potions was not in the basement. Since Professor Snape became the professor of Potions, he moved the classroom of Potions to the dark basement.

"The environment here is horrible."

After entering the Potions classroom, Harry couldn't help shivering, and whispered to Toby and Ron beside him.

The classroom of the Potions class was colder than the main building of the castle. There were many glass jars along the wall, soaking all kinds of animal specimens, and even some disgusting looking things.

The little wizards came to the Potions classroom for the first time, looking at the environment in the classroom, they all trembled a little. Of course, the little wizards in Slytherin were much better, after all, Professor Snape was their dean.

Toby and the others found vacant seats in the classroom and sat down, waiting for Professor Snape to arrive.

As soon as nine o'clock arrived, the door of the Potions classroom was slammed open, which even startled some young wizards.

Professor Snape walked in like a giant bat in his baggy wizard robes and his greasy hair.

No wonder so many young wizards of Gryffindor compared Professor Snape to a big greasy bat.

"." No wonder Harry's mother chose James Potter, Snape was so unkempt. "

Toby said in his heart.

In fact, Professor Snape was quite handsome when he was young, at least similar to Harry's father James Potter, but Snape was really too unkempt, so he was naturally more likely to be liked by girls than the clean-dressed James.

Generally speaking, no girl would like a sloppy boy.

Professor Snape stood behind the podium, and glanced coldly at the young wizards in the class.

"It seems that Snape's Occlumency should have been practiced to the point of perfection, no wonder he can become a double agent." (Zhao Hao) Jamie commented in his heart.

One must know that both Dumbledore and Voldemort are masters of Legilimency, and being able to handle them with ease in front of the two of them without revealing any flaws makes Professor Snape so powerful.

"Now roll call."

Professor Snape held the parchment, and his voice was equally cold, without any emotion.

When the names of other little wizards were called, Professor Snape didn't show anything, until he stopped when Harry's name was called.

"Oh, yes, Harry Potter, this is our newcomer - well known.

Snape's voice wasn't loud, but it seemed to be mocking, which made Harry feel uncomfortable.

On the other side, Dellaco Malfoy and his two henchmen, Crabbe and Goyle, covered their mouths with their hands and sneered, not knowing what was so funny.

"Harry, you have to be careful, Professor Snape is going to start making things difficult for you."

Toby whispered, Harry was the child of the person Snape hated the most and the person he loved the most. .

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