Hogwarts: From The Obscure To The Dark Lord

Chapter 170 Flying Lesson On Thursday

"We read books in the library all the time.

Hermione said proudly.

"Oh, my God, no way, you've been reading in the library and you haven't even come to dinner!"

Ron and Harry exclaimed, they couldn't imagine it, if they were allowed to read books in the library for a day, no, half a day, they would definitely not be able to bear it.

Hermione snorted coldly, very proud, and looked down at Harry and Ron with a look of ignorance.

"I really can't understand, what's so good about books?"?

Ron whispered to Harry on the side, he hated Hermione's condescending attitude, so he just read some more books, what's the big deal.

"If I had to read a book for a day, I would definitely not be able to bear it.

Harry shook his head, but he still admired Hermione.


Toby summons the house-elf.

"Temo is at your service, dear little master."

In an instant, Teemo the house-elf appeared in the Gryffindor common room, and in Hogwarts Castle, the house-elf was the only creature capable of Apparating.

"Get us some refreshments, we haven't had dinner yet."

Toby ordered.

"Okay, little master, Timo is always ready."

Teemo disappeared in an instant, and reappeared soon after. This time, he held a large plate in his hand, and the plate was covered with a cover.

"Dear little master, please use it slowly."

After putting the plate on the table, Teemo took off the cover on the plate, bowed to Toby again, and disappeared again.

"Oh! What are these? I've never seen one."

Both Harry and Ron were attracted, and saw many exquisite and delicious snacks on the plate, but they had never seen the style of these snacks.

"This is an oriental dim sum, which is a little different from ours."

Toby said that these desserts should be very common in the East, such as mung bean cake, sweet-scented osmanthus cake, mille-feuille, etc., but they are indeed very rare in Eagle Country.

"Hermione, aren't you hungry, let's eat together, and Harry, Ron, if you want to try it, you can, but don't eat too much at night, it will cause indigestion."

Toby greeted.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were used to it, and Toby often asked the house elves to cook all kinds of delicacies, which were not only new to them, but also very delicious.


Harry and Ron thanked each other and started to eat a piece of pastry. Although they had already had dinner, they felt hungry again after seeing so many delicious pastries.

"Thank you, Toby."

Hermione wasn't polite either, she was indeed hungry.

After a while, the smell of pastries spread throughout the Gryffindor lounge, and some greedy little wizards couldn't help but came over.

In the end, all the pastries were shared by everyone. Fortunately, Timo made enough, otherwise there would not be enough to eat.

"Oh, these pastries are so delicious, where did you get them?"?

"Did you buy it, where did you buy it, I want to buy something to eat too.

"What kind of cakes are these? How come I've never seen them before?"

After the little wizards ate the oriental cakes, they were still unsatisfied, and began to chatter with Toby and the others.

"I asked the house elves from Hogwarts to make it for me. If you still want to eat it, you can apply to the school.

Toby said.

"Oh, Toby, why would a house-elf at Hogwarts make you a pastry?"

A little wizard asked.

"Because that house-elf belongs to my family. This time I came to Hogwarts to study, and the house-elf also followed me and took care of me."

Toby replied.

The little wizards instantly showed envy. Little wizards from Muggle families or mixed-race families naturally have no house elves in their families.

House-elfs are only found in some ancient pure-blood families, and even ordinary pure-blood families cannot have a house-elf.

Just like the Weasley family, they are also a pure-blood family, but they don't have a house elf, but maybe it's because of being too poor. Although house elves don't need wages, they still need to eat and drink.

"There are a lot of house elves in the Hogwarts kitchen, and the food we usually eat is made by house elves for us."

"But those pastries just now can only be made by my house elves. If you still want to eat them, you can apply to the school, and my house elves will teach other house elves how to make these pastries."

"In this way, you will be able to taste it often in the future."

Toby said that he didn't want Teemo to make cakes for all the little wizards, that way Teemo would be exhausted.

After what Toby said, the little wizards began to get together to discuss how to apply to the school. Those pastries were so delicious, "They don't want to be able to taste them in the future.

On Saturdays and weekends, during the day, Toby and Jamie basically stayed in the library, and at night, they still practiced magic in the Response Room.

It is worth mentioning that Hermione is really high-spirited, probably in order not to lose to the two "geniuses" Toby and Jamie, or to keep up with the progress of Toby and Jamie, she is also working hard reading and studying.

During the day, I basically follow Toby in and out.

Time flies, and the second week of school begins.

After a week, the freshmen are basically familiar with life in Hogwarts.

Generally speaking, Hogwarts courses are very easy. Of course, for first-year students, for fifth-year or seventh-year students, the courses are still very heavy.

After all, the fifth grade and the seventh grade, they all have a very important exam this year.

Toby and Jamie joined Transfiguration Club for the first time on Tuesday night.

Professor McGonagall introduced them to the senior students. Those senior students have also heard of Toby and Jamie's names, and they are quite curious about them.

Toby and Jamie performed a superb transfiguration in front of those senior students, which not only won the praise of Professor McGonagall, but also made those senior students put away their contempt.

Therefore, no matter where you are, you need your own strength to win the respect of others.

It was the first time to participate in the Transfiguration Club. Toby and Jamie717 did not make any speeches, but listened carefully to the discussions between Professor McGonagall and those senior students, and occasionally spoke a few words.

Magic has never been successful behind closed doors.

On Wednesday afternoon, Toby and Jamie participated in the Charms Club organized by Professor Flitwick. They still did not rush to express themselves, but listened carefully to the discussion between Professor Flitwick and the senior students.

Toby and Jamie may be strong in actual combat, but they are still weak in the basics of spells, which is why they want to join the spell club.

No matter what it is, the foundation is always the most important. The foundation is like the foundation of a tall building. If the foundation is not solid, even a tall building will collapse.

On Wednesday night, a notice was posted in the common room of Gryffindor that the flying lessons that the first-year little wizards were looking forward to would finally start tomorrow, Thursday.

The only regret for the young wizards of Gryffindor is that their flying lessons are taken with the students of Slytherin.

"It's really unlucky, why do we have to take the flying lessons with Slytherin, it's my first time riding a broomstick, I will definitely make a fool of myself in front of Malfoy."

Harry sighed, ever since Toby took him to fly once, he liked the feeling of flying, and was always looking forward to taking flying lessons.

However, Gryffindor's flying lessons are taken with Slytherin. It would be great if he took it with La Wen Keluo or Hufflepuff.

"Oh, Harry, I don't think you need to worry too much, your flying will be very good, and you will inherit your father's talent."

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