Hogwarts: From The Obscure To The Dark Lord

Chapter 180 We Are Going To Fly Into Space

"Harry, have you forgotten that we used to go to the trophy room, your father used to be a Chaser for Gryffindor Academy and won many honors for the Academy."

"You will definitely inherit your father's talent in flying."

Ron said reassuringly.

"Also, you don't have to pay attention to Malfoy, that guy is always bragging about how good his Quidditch is, but I bet he's just talking big.

Many first-year wizards are very interested in Quidditch, not to mention Slytherin's Dellaco Malfoy, even Gryffindor's Seamus Finnigan and even Ron, would brag about it in normal times.

However, they really cannot be blamed for this. There are too few sports in the wizarding world, and Quidditch is the biggest sport in the wizarding world, which is equivalent to football in the Muggle world.

At 3:30 p.m. on Thursday afternoon, the flying lesson officially started, and the Gryffindor students hurried down the steps to the field in front of the door.

The little wizards were both excited and a little nervous. This was their first flying lesson. They really wanted to fly in the sky on broomsticks, but they were afraid that they would be laughed at by others if they could not fly well.

Today's weather is very good, the sun hangs high in the sky, there is no cloud in the sky, and there is a breeze blowing from time to time, which makes people feel very comfortable.

The little wizards quickly walked down the sloping grassland to a flat lawn on the opposite side of the field. The grass waved slightly under their feet. Not far from the lawn was the Forbidden Forest, with tall trees swaying in the breeze.

The Slytherin students came faster than the Gryffindor students, because their common room was at the bottom of the Black Lake.

Twenty or so broomsticks have been neatly arranged on the ground, but these brooms are all old-fashioned brooms, not comparable to the latest Nimbus series.

The flying instructor was Mrs. Hooch, who had short gray hair and yellow eyes, like those of an eagle.

In addition to being a professor of flight lessons, Mrs. Hooch also serves as a referee for the Hogwarts Quidditch match. It is said that she was once a member of the Quidditch national team and came to Hogwarts after she retired.

"Hello everyone, I'm your flying professor, you can call me Mrs Hooch, today is your first flying lesson, and now everyone is standing next to a broomstick.

Mrs. Hooch was very resolute, and after a brief introduction of herself, the class began.

Toby and the others immediately started to act, and stood next to a pair of flying broomsticks. These flying broomsticks were old and broken, and some branches even poked out in disorder

In fact, Toby also bought the latest version of the broomstick, the Nimbus 2000, in Diagon Alley, but he didn't buy it for flying, but for research.

He wanted to analyze the internal structure of the broomstick, so as to create the flying sword he had always wanted. Flying on a broom would be so embarrassing, but flying with a sword would be handsome.

"Put your right hand over the handle of the broom and speak!"

Mrs. Hooch shouted from the front and demonstrated to the little wizards.

"stand up!"

All the little wizards shouted, but few of them succeeded the first time, not to mention Toby and Jamie, Harry and Della were also two of them.

As for the other young wizards, Hermione's broom just rolled on the ground, and Neville's didn't budge at all.

"Get up! Get up! Get up!..."

The little wizards who didn't succeed continued to try, Ron's broomstick was too fast, and a stick hit him directly on the forehead, making Harry and the others beside him laugh

"Don't laugh, Harry."

Ron was annoyed, but he managed to summon the broom.

After about five minutes, all the young wizards had successfully summoned their broomsticks, even Neville.

Ms. Hooch then showed them how to get on a broom without slipping off her head, and she walked around the line, correcting the way the little wizards held their brooms.

It's time, wait a minute when I whistle, you have to kick your legs off the ground, remember to push hard. "

Ms Hooch said.

"Hold the broom steady, go up a few feet, hover for a while, then lean forward slightly, drop straight back to the ground, and listen to my whistle—three—two—

However, before Mrs. Hooch blew the whistle, Neville kicked her legs hard and flew up, which made Neville, who was already very nervous, turn pale with fright.

"Oh, Merlin's beard!"

Mrs. Hooch slapped her forehead as she cried out.

"Come back, boy!"?

However, Neville's broom seemed to be disobedient, and Neville kept going up, ten feet, twenty feet...

"Oh, help! Help me!"

Neville was so frightened that he was about to cry, and kept shouting in the air.

Mrs. Hooch was also frightened for a moment, and she couldn't imagine if a little wizard had an accident during her flying lessons.

At this time, Toby rode on the broomstick, and the broom took him into the air, and flew towards Neville in mid-air.

"Oh! Mr. Regbo, don't be impulsive!"

Mrs. Hooch was almost terrified, why this year's young wizards are more courageous than the last.

"Quick imprisonment!"

Toby rode on a broomstick, took out his wand and cast a spell on Neville. In an instant, a rope shot out from his wand, trapping Neville and Fei Weisaofu under him.

Then, Toby tied the other end of the rope to his broomstick and fell towards the ground.

Finally, Toby successfully landed on the ground, and Neville and his broomstick were also brought down.

"Oh! Thank God! Thank Merlin!"

When Toby and the others fell to the ground, Mrs. Hooch rushed over immediately.

"." Children, are you all right?"?

"I'm fine, Mrs. Hooch, but Neville seems quite frightened, maybe you can take him to the school infirmary.

Toby said with a smile.

"Oh! That's really great, Mr. Regbo, you saved Mr. Longbottom. In recognition of your outstanding performance, I will give Gryffindor 20 points.

But this time, Mrs Hooch said, she was terrified.

"Mr. Longbottom, are you feeling unwell? Forget it. I'll take you to the school hospital for a checkup."

said Madam Hooch, and then looked at the other young wizards.

"I'll take this kid to the school hospital first, and none of you are allowed to move! Put the broomsticks back where they were, or you'll be kicked out of Hogwarts before you have time to say a word of Quidditch."

"Come on, boy."

Mrs. Hooch, after warning the little wizards, led Neville, who was teary-eyed, towards the castle.

However, if the little wizards are obedient and obedient, then there will be no brats.

After a while, Harry and (Zhao) Della got into an argument over a memory ball, and both got on broomsticks.

"Oh! Harry, you can't do this, Mrs. Hooch told us not to move, you will cause trouble for us all."

Hermione said aloud.

But Harry ignored her, and Hermione was so angry that she had to go to Toby, hoping that Toby would stop Harry's actions.

"Oh! God, what are you doing!"

Seeing Toby and Jamie's movements, Hermione exclaimed loudly, attracting the attention of other little wizards.

"Everyone, we are going to fly into space, and we have to say goodbye to everyone!"

Toby made a joke, kicked his feet, and the broomstick flew straight into the air.

"Goodbye, we are going to fly to space and travel the universe."

Jamie also greeted the little wizards, and followed Toby and flew into the air.

"You guys are coming back soon!"

Hermione was stunned and shouted into the air, but she could only watch Toby and Jamie's brooms fly higher and higher, as if they were really going to fly into space. .

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