Mag’s face was serious, his eyes were filled with solemnity.

“Are you sure, Potter?” Professor McGonagall stared into Harry’s eyes, trying to determine if he was lying.

“I’m sure.” Harry nodded.

“Why don’t you ask Dumbledore?” Professor McGonagall went into the inner room and put on a green wizard robe. When she came out, she said

“I believe you.” Harry said without hesitation.

Professor McGonagall smiled and called out,”Wayne.”

A house elf appeared in front of the two of them.

“Dear Vice Principal, oh, and Mr. Porter, how can Wayne help you?” Wayne bowed his head and said in a respectful tone..

“Use Apparate and take us to Hogsmeade!” Professor McGonagall held out her hand and motioned for Harry to hold her hand, while she put her other hand on Wayne’s body.

“Yes.”Wayne nodded, and saw that Harry had already grabbed Professor McGonagall’s hand.

He snapped his fingers, and with a”pop”, the three of them disappeared.

The next moment, the three of them appeared in Hogsmeade.

Compared to the quietness of Hogwarts, Hogsmeade was still brightly lit at this time, especially in several pubs, where there were obviously people drinking and chatting.

Harry’s face turned pale, but he didn’t kneel down and vomit.

Just like Professor Flitwick said, you’ll get used to it.

Professor McGonagall acted as if nothing had happened, and said to Wayne:”Go back and tell Albus, I’ll take Harry to his aunt’s house to take care of some things.”

“Yes.” Wayne lowered his head again and disappeared with a”pop”

“”Harry, are you okay?” Professor McGonagall asked concernedly when she saw Harry’s pale face.


Harry cast a spell on himself, which made his dizzy head recover.

“I’m fine, Professor.” Harry shook his head and said

“Well, let’s go.” Professor McGonagall grabbed Harry’s clothes and

‘With a”pop”, the two disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, Professor McGonagall and Harry appeared in front of his aunt’s house on Privet Drive. They changed their appearance twice in a row.

Harry couldn’t hold on this time. His legs went weak and he sat on the ground, retching.

Professor McGonagall patted his back for help.

“Professor, why don’t you let Wayne teleport us here directly?”Harry panted and asked Professor McGonagall in confusion.

“Wayne doesn’t know the way to your house, so he can’t get through. I have to ask him to send me to Hogsmeade first, and then I can use Apparition to bring you here.” Professor McGonagall explained the reason.

Harry took a few breaths and cast another healing spell on himself. His dizzy head recovered a lot.

Harry stood up and knocked on his aunt’s door.

Professor McGonagall stood behind him.

Soon, the door was opened.

It was his aunt, Petunia.

Her hair was messy, her face was full of panic, and her eyes were red, as if she had just cried.

Seeing her like this, Harry’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Dudley had……

“Aunt, my cousin is dead?” Harry said in disbelief.

“Harry? You are finally back, Dudley is not dead yet!”Penny was surprised when she saw Harry, and shook her head when she heard his words.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the person was not dead, it would be fine. With his healing, it would be difficult for him to die.

“This is Minerva McGonagall, my headmaster at school. I asked her to come and help me this time. Harry introduced McGonagall to his aunt.

“Hello. Aunt Petunia didn’t show any disgust at all. Instead, she looked happy.

It was as if Harry could bring back a dean, which made her very happy.

“”What happened to my cousin?” Harry asked as he walked in.

Petunia quickly followed him and said,”Dudley is possessed by evil spirits. He is in his room now and Vernon is taking care of him!”

“Possessed?” Harry and McGonagall’s faces changed slightly.

The three of them hurried into Dudley’s room.

At this time, Dudley’s hands and feet were tied with hemp ropes, but he continued to roar and struggle.

Vernon pressed his whole body on him to stop him from moving.

With Uncle Vernon’s suppression, although Dudley was crazy, he was still pressed to the bed and could not move.

“Harry? Harry, come and see Dudley!” Vernon also saw Harry come in, raised his head and said to Harry anxiously.

His face was full of fatigue and fear.

Harry nodded and walked to the bed. He saw that Dudley’s pupils were rolled up, and almost only the white of his eyes were exposed. His face was covered with thick black pipes. In the pipes, some mist could be seen surging. He kept roaring, saliva flowed from his mouth, and his face looked extremely ugly and hideous…….

This was the first time Harry encountered such a situation. He was not scared, after all, he had killed countless magical animals.

But he had no experience in how to deal with it.

However, he had an experienced vice-president behind him!

“Professor, what’s going on?” Harry looked at McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall also saw Dudley’s condition, frowned slightly and explained:”He was invaded by the resentment of the evil spirit, so he is now unconscious.”

“”Ghost?!” Harry thought to himself. There were many ghosts in Hogwarts, but they all kept their intelligence and never hurt ordinary people.

The better ghosts often showed the way to the young wizards. They were all kind ghosts.

The one Dudley met now was obviously not so friendly.

“So how should we save Dudley now?” Harry continued to ask

“Let’s disperse the resentment first.” Professor McGonagall took out her wand and whispered to Dudley,”Expecto Patronus!”

A thick white mist appeared in front of the wand, but McGonagall did not condense it into a solid entity. Instead, she let the white mist melt into Dudley’s body.

With the melting of the white mist, the black pipes on Dudley’s body quickly melted away.

Soon, Dudley’s face returned to its original state, and his body stopped struggling, sleeping quietly like usual.

Professor McGonagall retracted her wand, her face calm. As a wizard standing at the top of the pyramid, a mere resentful spirit, 3.9 is not worth mentioning

“Uncle, come down, my cousin is fine.” Harry patted Vernon’s shoulder and told him to get off Dudley, otherwise Dudley would be suffocated.

Vernon climbed up from Dudley with difficulty.

He and Petunia cried with joy when they saw Dudley’s recovery.

But at this moment, Harry keenly noticed that a fine black mist appeared on Dudley’s face again, slowly spreading.

“That’s normal.” Professor McGonagall said at this time. She obviously saw the situation on Dudley’s face.

“He was invaded so badly by the resentful spirits, it must be because he provoked the resentful spirits, so the resentful spirits had a connection with him, and the resentment would continue to invade his body, unless the resentful spirits were eliminated.”Professor McGonagall said

“Aunt, what did Dudley do before?” Harry asked Petunia after hearing this.

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