On Halloween, the day that students were looking forward to, every student felt satisfied when they saw the hall decorated in a strange way.

Dumbledore said with a smile on his face,”I am very happy. This is unprecedented in Hogwarts. With everyone’s decoration, the hall is more beautiful than ever before. I think this tradition should be passed on.””

“Now, let’s celebrate together!” Dumbledore announced.

The whole hall fell into the carnival of the festival.

Ron felt a little sorry because Harry didn’t cook today.

“After all, today is not a holiday, and there is no time in the afternoon.”Harry gave an explanation.

In the evening, Harry did not plan to go to the Forbidden Forest today.

After all, today is a holiday. Just like Professor McGonagall told him, it is not bad to give himself some rest time. It is also a happy thing to have a good and complete sleep tonight.

Harry lay down on the bed beautifully, feeling very comfortable.

Nothing happened this year, and he felt that Dumbledore might still be of some use.

After all, one of the most powerful wizards is here, and safety is still somewhat guaranteed.

Maybe the Quirrell incident last semester was just an event with a very low probability.

And Quirrell is also under Dumbledore’s control. Except for him, other students have not suffered any harm!

And Quirrell is even a chess piece he uses to test himself.

Just when Harry was thinking about it, an owl flew to his bedside and dropped a letter.

It looked a little tired and seemed to have flown for a long time.

Harry sat up, touched its head, then got up and took out a piece of beef jerky from the drawer and threw it to him.

The owl ate it quickly.

“”Why did Grayl fly over here? Is there something wrong with my aunt?” Harry muttered as he opened the letter.

That’s right, this owl named Grayl was a new owl Harry bought and placed at his aunt’s house.

It was so that his aunt could contact him when there was something urgent.

After all, his aunt’s family didn’t have a way to contact Hogwarts like other pure-blood families.

If he didn’t buy an owl, he could only wait until he was on vacation to find Harry.

This was very inconvenient.

So Harry bought an owl specifically for him to contact.

Harry opened the envelope, but his face changed drastically.

There were only a few words written on the envelope – Harry, Dudley is in trouble, come back soon!!!

The handwriting was a little messy. Obviously, the person who wrote the letter was very excited and couldn’t even hold the pen steadily.

Harry threw the letter away and put on his clothes directly.

Ron looked at him a little dazedly. He was ready to go to bed.

But why did he suddenly put on clothes now?

Was he going to the Forbidden Forest again?

“Harry, are you going to the Forbidden Forest?” Ron asked curiously in a low voice.

“No, something happened to my family, I need to go find Professor McGonagall and go back.” Harry hurriedly put on his clothes, left the dormitory and said something.

“Something happened?” Ron didn’t react for a moment.

“Something happened!” Ron screamed, instantly waking up Seamus and Neville who had just fallen asleep next to him.

“What’s wrong, Ron?!” Seamus made a dissatisfied sound.

“Something happened at Harry’s house!” Ron shouted

“”What?” Seamus and Neville sat up instantly, no longer sleepy.

Harry hurried to Professor McGonagall’s office.

It was curfew time and there was no one in the corridor.

His footsteps echoed in the long and spacious corridor.

Soon they attracted others.

The first to appear was a cat.

It was Mrs. Norris.

Although she looked very thin, she was not as skinny as before.

She was a little fatter.

Mrs. Norris called to Harry gently a few times, as if she was acting coquettishly.

Harry glanced at it and said,”Norris, I don’t have time to play with you now.”

Mrs. Norris called to him a few times, but Harry didn’t know what it was saying.

He was not in the mood to care about these things now.

But Mrs. Norris appeared, and of course her owner, Filch, also appeared.

“”Let me see which little wizard dares to run around after curfew!” Filch’s fierce voice also sounded at the corner.

Harry frowned. He was in a hurry just now and didn’t bring the invisible cloak.

The two met at the corner.

“yes……Mr. Potter?” Filch’s face, which had originally shown an evil smile, froze, and he immediately put away his smile and showed a respectful look.

0 ·····Request flowers···· ·

“Mr. Filch, I’m sorry to break the rules, but actually, I have something very important to tell Professor McGonagall. Harry said to Filch.

“Of course, Mr. Potter obviously did not violate the rules on purpose. Go ahead and don’t delay your business.” Filch smiled gently and stepped aside.

“”Thank you.” Harry nodded to him and continued to run towards Professor McGonagall.

At this time, Mrs. Norris walked up to him with an elegant cat step and meowed at him.

“”Oh, I know my dear, Mr. Potter is certainly not a bad boy.” Filch said with a smile.

He seemed to understand Mrs. Norris’s meow.

“Well, let’s go and continue patrolling.”Filch touched its head.

………….. 0

Harry was walking on the road, and the scene just now made him feel deeply touched.

The master told him that being helpful will bring success!

It was because he invited Filch last Christmas, and when he made cat food for Salier, he asked him to bring some to Mrs. Norris.

Now Filch met him face to face, but he didn’t want to pursue it at all.

Sure enough, in college, there is not only learning, but also many things to learn.

For example, the ways of the world.

Thinking of this, Harry soon came to Professor McGonagall’s dormitory.

Knocked on the door.

Professor McGonagall, wearing cat-print pajamas, opened the door.

“Potter, I need an explanation!”Professor McGonagall saw Harry and said with a dark face.

She thought Harry was going to turn himself in to her again.

But the detention had already been closed, what else did she want her to do?

Although Gryffindor had a lot of points now, it couldn’t just do whatever it wanted.

“Professor, I just received a letter from my aunt. Something happened to my cousin and she needs me to go back!” Harry got straight to the point, his face a little anxious.

Dudley was in trouble, but his aunt sent him a letter instead of calling the police. This proves that what Dudley encountered is definitely not something the police can handle.

It should be a supernatural event.

A Muggle has no ability to resist when encountering a supernatural event, and it is very dangerous.

Harry was afraid that if he went back too late, Dudley would die.

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