After Christmas, Harry walked into the living room and found Ginny leaning against the fireplace alone. Her face was a little pale, her pupils were empty, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

“Ginny, are you feeling unwell? Harry walked over and asked with concern.

“”Huh?!” Ginny seemed to be startled by Harry’s voice. She leaned back and almost fell. Fortunately, Harry held her up.

“You don’t look right?” Harry frowned and took Ginny’s hand to feel it.

Her face was pale, her eyes were full of dark circles, her lips were bloodless, her body was cold, and she felt weak all over. Even if she had a cold and fever, it would be more than this.

She was fine yesterday, how come she became like this today?

It was as if a man had been drained of energy overnight.

When Ginny saw Harry holding her hand, a blush appeared on her face, but it made her look more sick.

“Heal!” Harry grabbed Ginny’s hand and a blue light appeared.

The blue light enveloped Ginny and quickly restored her vitality.

Ginny closed her eyes and murmured. She felt as if her whole body was soaked in warm spring water and her cold body became warm.

Harry let go of Ginny’s hand after seeing that her face had regained color and she looked full of energy.

It’s not a cold, it’s not a fever, it’s just a simple loss of vitality?

Harry frowned even deeper.

Healing can remove the effects of negative magical effects and restore vitality, but it can’t cure the disease.

The symptoms of illness will still be there, but Ginny looks like she’s completely healed now.

Proof that she was just losing vitality, which caused the previous symptoms.

But what could cause her to lose vitality?

Harry looked at Ginny deeply.

There’s a problem.

Ginny has a problem

“”Ginny, what happened to make you so weak?” Harry asked directly.

Harry’s question made Ginny’s face turn pale, just like the weak look just now.

At this time, Ron, Percy and the Weasley twins also came out of the room and saw Harry and Ginny together.

They wanted to say hello, but when they saw Ginny’s face was so bad, they immediately became anxious.

“Ginny, you look unwell, what’s wrong?” Percy asked

“I’m fine, I just didn’t sleep well and had a nightmare last night.” Ginny lowered her head, not daring to look at Harry.

“You looked pale, cold, and weak just now. This is not because you didn’t sleep well.” Harry frowned and said

“Ginny, if you feel unwell, you should go to the infirmary now.” George said nervously.

“I really didn’t sleep well, I just warmed myself up by the fire, and now I’m fine, you see.” Ginny said firmly.

She put her hand on George’s hand.

George felt it and found that it was indeed the normal temperature, and his face looked red, not as scary as Harry had just said.

“Well, Harry, you should understand. After all, this is the first time Ginny is not at home for Christmas. It is normal for her to miss her parents a little.”George said

“In that case, let’s go exercise.” Fred smiled and skipped the topic.

“Harry, Ginny will be fine. Ron also patted his chest and said

“Really?” Harry glanced at Ginny and nodded,”Okay, you guys take care of Ginny, the weather is a bit cold now.”

The Weasleys discussed going to play snowballs, while Harry went to find a professor for extra lessons.

Ginny said she wanted to go back to sleep and didn’t go. The Weasleys didn’t doubt it, and at noon, the Gryffindor common room was filled with the aroma of hot pot.

“hiss”Ron was breathing heavily, but he had already picked up a piece of mutton and put it into the cauldron.

“Ginny looks much better.”Harry ate a piece of butter and smiled gently at Ginny.

Ginny’s face was flushed, I don’t know if it was because she was shy or because of the hot pot.

“I probably didn’t sleep well last night, so I’m not in a good mood this morning. I just need to catch up on some sleep in the morning.” Bo Xi nodded and said

“Come play with me this afternoon, Ginny.” Fred said

“Good!” Ginny said with a smile

“I don’t want to be a snowman anymore.” Ron protested.

“Of course, you say so, George. George said to Fred

“It’s a must.” Fred smiled affirmatively.

“That’s good.” Ron nodded in satisfaction.

Harry looked at him sadly. With such an IQ, how could he be ranked third in the grade by the end of the semester?

It seems that Hermione should supervise him more.

When the Weasleys went outside to play snowballs again in the afternoon, the Weasley twins, together with Percy as logistics, kept rolling snowballs for Ginny, and the three of them threw snowballs at Ron crazily.

Ron was hit and fled in a panic, and finally accidentally fell in the snow.

“”Oh no!” Ron was shocked.

The Weasley twins cheered and ran over with Ginny and Percy.

While Ron was still asleep, they quickly made him into a snowman.

“Didn’t we agree not to make me into a snowman?” Ron shouted with a red face.

“”Eh? Fred, didn’t you say you didn’t want to make Ron into a snowman?” George said to Fred.

“No, I’m George.” Fred said with a smile

· 0Request flowers0 ·········

Ginny giggled.

The Christmas holidays passed quickly and students began to return.

Hogwarts began to be full of life again.

The fighting club that the students were most looking forward to was held as scheduled.

The four head of the house might be afraid that once the students came back, the S4 season would start again.

Perhaps considering that Lockhart’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class was useless, the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class after the students came back was used to hold the fighting club.

The four head of the house and Dumbledore were present to watch

Gryffindor vs. Slytherin.

They had to keep an eye on the two most violent colleges in the school.

After all, if there was another gang fight, Lockhart could only squat aside with his head in his hands.

The students kept discussing below, who would teach them to fight.

The four head of the house said something, but it was the one that people least expected.

0. 0

Lockhart didn’t have his perfect smile as usual, he kept yawning, looking like he hadn’t woken up yet.

But at this moment he forced himself to smile and walked onto the fighting stage.

He shouted,”Classmates, classmates! Before we start the fighting class, listen to me first, great!”

“Now, Headmaster Dumbledore and the four deans all agree with the fighting club I proposed. Practice is still very important. If you have read my novels, you will know how I deal with female ghosts and snow monsters….”

Lockhart was boasting about his own deeds. His originally listless look became more and more energetic as he spoke.

However, the students below looked at him expressionlessly. They already knew the true nature of this professor and were quite skeptical of his stories.

Now they just wanted to fight right away, a head-on confrontation.

The Gryffindor and Slytherin students below were looking at each other coldly, and the atmosphere was solemn. Lockhart was boasting on the stage, and the atmosphere was lively.

“”That’s enough, Lockhart, Professor, I think we can start now.” A sinister voice sounded.

This familiar voice made the Gryffindor students stiffen subconsciously.

“Uh, of course! Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape.”Lockhart was interrupted from boasting, but he didn’t feel embarrassed at all, instead he smiled widely,”He told me that he knows a lot about fighting, don’t worry, I absolutely guarantee that you will still have an intact Potions teacher.”

Snape looked at him coldly.

The Slytherin students glared at Lockhart.

The Gryffindor students looked at Lockhart like he was a fool.

This is not the way to boast.

It will kill people, Professor Lockhart! 9.

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