“Okay, students, please look at me and Professor Snape. I will show you how a duel is conducted.”Lockhart was totally unaware of the heavy atmosphere around him and still maintained a perfect smile.

Snape strode onto the fighting stage, as if he couldn’t wait to teach Lockhart a lesson.

He had been enduring this peacock in heat for a long time!

Now he was very angry, and there was someone who could help him relieve his anger.

“First, the two of them bowed,” Lockhart and Snape bowed slightly to each other, then raised their wands and pointed them at each other.

“Then, start!”



The process was very short, and Lockhart successfully flew out of the fighting arena.

Like a leaping peacock

“Hahaha”The Slytherin students couldn’t help but laugh.

Neville and Seamus quickly ran over and helped Lockhart up.

There was a professor on the other side, and they couldn’t do without the professor, otherwise how could they fight this battle?

“Oh, thank you, Gryffindor gets 5 points.”Lockhart stood up with the help of Neville and Seamus, straightened his clothes, nodded to the two of them, and said with a smile

“Thank you, Professor Lockhart, you must have lost on purpose just now!” Seamus’ eyes turned and he said loudly

“”Aha, of course.” Lockhart gave him a look of praise and continued speaking.

“All right, students, Professor Snape just demonstrated a perfect Disarming Charm for everyone. Of course, I can easily block it, but in order to let you see the effect of the spell, I didn’t do it.”Snape sneered and threw the wand in his hand casually.

Lockhart hurriedly caught the wand in a panic, and then continued:”After I deliberately lost to Professor Snape, I believe I have given you a clear and clear demonstration. It’s time for you to go on stage. Who’s going first?” Lockhart completely ignored Snape’s ugly face and said to the students below.

He was not afraid of Snape at all. After all, he was also a professor, and Snape couldn’t deduct his points. What was there to be afraid of.

And he couldn’t act privately in school, so he was even less afraid of Snape’s dirty hands.

As long as he didn’t stay with Snape during the holidays.

Hearing Lockhart’s words, the students of the two colleges discussed in a low voice.

Ron looked at Harry with his arms around his chest and asked:”Harry, don’t you go up and try?”

Harry looked at him questioningly. Are you serious?

He didn’t say anything.

“Don’t bring Harry into this. If the people on the other side are going to force Harry to take action, then what’s the point of all our efforts?” Hermione said loudly, her expression serious, like a lioness ready to hunt. The surrounding discussions disappeared, and all the little lions focused their eyes on Hermione.

“Think about how hard you studied before. Now is the time to test our results. Now, according to the results of the last semester, except for Harry, everyone will go on stage one by one in the order from the front to the back. Everyone must challenge once. Harry’s goal is not the people on the opposite side!”Hermione was like Professor McGonagall at this time, arranging the challenge plan for everyone.

After listening to Hermione’s words, all the little lions looked at Harry.

Harry nodded and agreed to Hermione’s plan.

“Then, I’ll go first!”Hermione took a deep breath, took out her wand and walked onto the stage.

Seeing that Gryffindor had already come on stage, Slytherin no longer hesitated, and Malfoy walked up.

Malfoy looked arrogant, as if the opponent in front of him was not worth mentioning.

Even though the opponent’s grades last semester were second in the grade.

But in his eyes, the opponent was still a mudblood, and he was a noble pureblood.

“Both parties bowed.”Lockhart said.

Malfoy bowed reluctantly, as it was his etiquette as a nobleman.

“”Begin!” Lockhart announced loudly.


“”Armor protects!”

Malfoy was quite capable, as expected of being the fourth in the last semester. He had a good reaction speed. Facing Hermione’s attack, he immediately used a protective spell.

But Hermione’s attack did not stop.



“Flocks of birds.”

Hermione’s spells were very skillful, one after another, without any interruption.

Malfoy was attacked and retreated again and again, and it became more and more difficult to resist, let alone counterattack.

“”Tarantella.” Hermione cast another spell, and Malfoy’s wand was almost knocked away by the spell. At this time, the middle door opened and he was hit by the spell and started dancing samba…..

“”Expelliarmus!” Malfoy’s wand flew into Hermione’s hands.

She had won.

Lockhart also announced it this way.

Hermione threw Malfoy’s wand back, looked at Malfoy with contempt, then turned around and walked off the stage with a haughty look.

The little lions cheered enthusiastically to welcome their professor Hermione.

Malfoy on the stage looked ugly and walked off the stage with a dark face.

The little snakes of Slytherin also quieted down. Malfoy’s first defeat caused their morale to plummet.

Ron had already walked onto the stage with a strong momentum, looking like a lonely master.

This made Slytherin suddenly not know who should go up.

Snape couldn’t stand it anymore, and with a dark face, he grabbed someone at random and threw him onto the stage.

Ron won with great difficulty. Although he acted like a master, making the opponent timid at first, Ron’s wand was really not good, and many spells were not cast in time. , causing the opponent to attack many times.

In the end, the magic wand finally gave it a boost and petrified the opponent. After winning twice in a row, the little lions gained confidence. Their hard work was definitely not in vain.

The group of Slytherins on the opposite side were definitely not their opponents.

With this confidence, even Neville defeated the opponent once.

This made Neville look incredible when he got off the 2.8th table.

He looked at the Slytherin side, as if to say, why are you so weak?

This silent ridicule made the Slytherin students feel ashamed. Everyone knew what kind of person Neville was. Unexpectedly, even Neville defeated them now. Doesn’t that mean that Slytherin is far worse than Gryffindor.

The little snake who lost to Neville was too ashamed to see anyone at this time, and buried his head deeply in his arms.

In fact, the two were just chickens fighting each other. Neville chanted the spell a little faster, so he won.

“Very good, we only lost five games in the whole game.”Hermione was very satisfied with the result of the fight.

It was normal to lose a few games. Gryffindor played according to the ranking of grades. The later the students played, the worse their grades were. It was normal to lose to the students with higher grades.

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