Harry was stunned. Ron spat out the drink in his mouth. Ginny had not yet touched the elective course. She looked at Harry and Ron in confusion.

“”Is there any problem with choosing all the courses?” Ginny asked curiously.

Ron wiped his mouth, looked at Hermione like she was a madman and said,”There are a total of 13 courses in Hogwarts, including 7 compulsory courses and 5 elective courses.

Among them, the compulsory courses are Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, and Astronomy.

The elective courses include Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy.

Hermione chose all the elective courses, which is equivalent to doubling the number of courses!

“Are you planning to skip meals and sleep to study so many courses?”

Ginny’s eyes widened, looking at the top student in front of her in disbelief.

Although she knew that she had good grades, there was no need for her to work so hard.”One nine, one nine, zero, zero”!

Harry said puzzledly:”The key is that you have selected all the courses, but you don’t have enough time for the classes. Some courses overlap. What will you do? There is no point in doing this.”

“I have a way!” Hermione raised her head and said, with a little pride in her tone.

Harry glanced at her and thought it might have something to do with her staying alone in Professor McGonagall’s office at the end of last semester.

She didn’t say anything, and Harry didn’t ask.

“I want to buy a pet. You guys buy other things first and then meet at the ice cream shop in front.”Hermione glanced at the pet street and said

“Oh, what about buying an owl?”Ron became interested. To be honest, he also wanted to change his pet. Scabbers was too old and had lost its hair recently.

“I’ll pick some first.” Hermione shook her head. She hadn’t decided what to buy yet.

“”Okay, you buy the pet first, I’ll go buy clothes, and then we’ll go buy books.” Harry waved his hand and said.

Hermione walked over and said something to Molly, then she took Mrs. Granger away.

There were four people left. Ron had so many of his brother’s old clothes, so he didn’t need to buy any. Ginny had clothes one size larger than what Harry gave her last year, which just fit her this year, and were a little bigger, just right, so she didn’t need to buy any either. So Molly decided to take Ron and Ginny to buy books first.

Harry nodded and separated from them, going to Madam Malkin’s shop alone. What

Harry cared about most was the snake scale inner armor he had ordered.

He didn’t know if the one made by Madam Malkin could meet his requirements.

His requirements were not high.

Comfortable and beautiful, not affecting movement, and strong defense.

For an old tailor who has been in business for decades, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

Harry found Madam Malkin and asked about the inner armor. Sure enough, Madam Malkin didn’t disappoint him.

The snake scales, which were originally pitch black and green, turned silver at this time. Harry lifted them and it seemed to have become a lot lighter.

“After selecting your materials, I added mithril, refined gold and deep-sea coral, and used the goblin’s furnace to refine the snake scales and the materials. This not only removed the impurities in the snake scales, but also improved his defense.”Madam Malkin gently touched the inner armor, as if she was touching her own child.

“Your materials just happen to contain the heart of a tree man. This inner armor can not only resist water, but also automatically repair itself. It is a rare magical item.”Madam Malkin said with a proud tone.

“Thank you, madam. How much more will it cost?”Harry couldn’t help but smile when he heard what Madam Malkin said. He was very satisfied with this inner armor. Madam Malkin was indeed an old tailor who had been in business for decades. Her craftsmanship was really amazing.

Not only was she proficient in tailoring skills, but she also seemed to be very good at alchemy. It was impossible to fuse so many super-powerful magical materials without alchemy.

The decades-old brand was indeed reliable.

“Well, give me another 500 gold galleons. It’s a bit expensive to borrow the furnace from those goblins. They are such greedy guys! Madam Malkin seemed to have suffered a loss from the goblins, and her tone was a little angry.

“No problem.”Harry nodded and counted out five hundred gold Galleons from the bag for her.

Then he put on the inner armor, which was very light, equivalent to wearing a thick cotton coat. Harry tried to move his body, and it did not affect his movements at all. It was perfect.

Harry ordered two robes in a larger size. After Madam Malkin helped him measure the size, the clothes were quickly made.

Harry stuffed the things into the bag, thanked Madam Malkin again, and left the store.

Harry came to the pet street, wanting to see what pet Hermione chose, and happened to see Hermione and Mrs. Granger coming out. In Hermione’s arms, there was a creature with a pool of ginger liquid.

As soon as Harry approached, the pool of liquid quickly jumped out of Hermione’s arms, half squatted on the ground, and pricked up its ears towards him, its fur all over its body, its teeth bared, and a snake-like roar came out of its mouth.

Harry squinted at it………

“No, Crookshanks, this is my friend, you can’t do this!” Hermione squatted down, held its head and said………

Hearing Hermione’s words, Crookshanks relaxed a little, but still looked at Harry warily. He could feel that the man in front of him was very dangerous.

Hermione couldn’t do anything about it, so she could only look up at Harry and quickly explain:”It was very well behaved just now, and it didn’t make any sound when I held it.”

Harry also came over and squatted, a yellow light flashed in his eyes, and then he reached out and grabbed its waist, then took it into his arms, turned its body over and checked it:”It doesn’t matter, I’m not very popular with magical animals.”

To be precise, no magical animal likes to kill their people.

Crookshanks was placed on Harry’s lap, with his cat ears turned up, and his eyes were still confused. Why didn’t he avoid the claws of this human?

“Hey, your cat has Kneazle bloodline? How much did you buy it for?” Harry grabbed Crookshanks’ tail and shook it twice, his tone a little surprised.

“It’s very cheap, just the price of an ordinary cat.” Hermione said subconsciously, and then asked in a puzzled tone:”What is a Kneazle?””

“Ha, you got a bargain. I guess the shop owner didn’t check it carefully before selling it.”Harry pinched Crookshanks’s pads and squeezed out the claws to have a look. They were very sharp. This cat was very healthy, not a sick cat.

Crookshanks finally reacted.

It was toyed by this horrible and damn human.

Crookshanks’ pupils 2.0 stood up. Cats will never be slaves!

2.0 It hissed from its mouth and sat up with its upper body. It wanted to claw at this human who looked down on it and let him see how powerful it was.

But as soon as it jumped up, Harry pushed it and made it turn 180 degrees and climb on Harry’s legs.

Crookshanks wanted to struggle madly, but Harry put one hand gently and tenderly on its spine and stroked it.

“”Don’t move, I don’t like disobedient animals.” Harry said softly.

But Crookshanks felt deeply uneasy. His body was extremely stiff and he dared not move.

His nose moved and he smelled a lot of magical animals from Harry’s bag.

Medusa, tree man, hellhound, manticore, and a very dangerous snake that frightened him to the extreme.

His body softened and let Harry do whatever he wanted.

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